Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

The K klans accuracy certainly has room for improvement


Posts were removed so that alters the post count on thread display. If you click in on the time the post was made in the upper corner it’ll give you the true post number, full time stamp, and a link. So, convenient for CH to try to hide it by making it difficult to find when a link is easily provided by the site.


Thank you. I was so confused. The thread post count is only at 8846 on my computer
 I could not figure out how I lost 70 posts.


Yes, but the truth speaks loud enough on its own. Just let it.


No Ekkey
 I am not referring to anyone specific. If you are engaging in naughty behavior either just to be mean or out of ignorance
 you probably have been corrected in a civil and gentle manner. Or you already know what you have done. If you think you have done something wrong
 find it and apologize. I find that works best. I have already said that my purpose here is to correct some of your erroneous assumptions and to call out the nasty and downright sadistic behavior of some. Please let me know if I have offended any of you. It is not my intention.

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Wow. Ok. It seems if you’re trying to prove a point, you’d make it easy, rather than expecting someone else to go look up the point you’re trying to make (which I’m not going to do.)


Some of us can not do that (clicking the time stamp in the upper right corner). There was a whole thread on this topic in the technical help section eons ago.
It is one of those features that almost never works for me
So frustrating.


I have found that on my iPad, I have to have the time below the scroll bar in order for it to work.

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Sorry, I don’t see the posts CH and and seeker1 claim exist?? Anyone have an actual post number? Screenshot?



Posted by me an hour and 15 minutes ago in response to McGurk.

It said it was post #8916, but the post numbers seem to be screwy.

And Seeker1 is now editing their less than stellar comments as I was going back to quote the things I found offensive


Sdel, Romans 1:18

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I’m mildly offended right now by you purposely mistyping my user name, which I would say is exactly your intention
 Additionally, I haven’t had someone accuse me of being “naughty” since I found out Santa was a myth and there really isn’t a “Naughty or Nice” list.

I guess, if you can’t give any specific examples, I’m going to assume you have none.


Lots of people know the Bible, few know the word of God or feel his hand.


I clicked on the upper corner and reported the post number.

It was a response to McGurk. Find it yourself.

I’ll make you a deal ekat, next time I see you do something I find offensive, I will let you know so we are on the same page. I am going to assume if you were doing something wrong it was inadvertent.

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Romans 1:18

Well, that’s enough for me today.


The link


Nah, I’ll pass. And I’ll assume since you’re not willing to screenshot and repost, that it doesn’t make the point you want it to.