Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Mod1 did some of that.

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beat, kicked, and proded itā€¦

Your daughter does not have a track record for making wise decisions, does she.
Plus she lies a lot.
How can you tell if she lies or tells the truth?


/flings boa over the shoulder and stomps outā€¦

damn, I missed it.


The huge problems were RG and LK who would not leave and were tormenting the hell out of everyone at the farm, especially Michael. I saw the offers from people on facebook offering her places and rides for her horses. SHE said no, did not ask for more information on the possible location. Just no thanks. Didnā€™t bother to even go check them out, even though her manservant could have taken her there any time since they had the watchdog guarding their apartment. And surely you could have opened the doors to the family home for her and RG so they would have been safe and still close by, or maybe not. Feeling guilty Mommy for not taking in your daughter?


well, she got a second chance to do it nowā€¦

Oh, wait
Daughter was left to reouperate in a hotel?


Actually, if you say nothing, Iā€™d wager these threads would quitet waaaay down.


well CH and HH are keeping things lively.
But Mom of DeNile is a rare treat.





I considered attempting to diagram it, but it would probaly come out looking like blackberry brambles.


Invasive Himalayan blackberries, the kudzu of the PNW.


Again, Iā€™m way behind but seriously?

I canā€™t even say ā€œnice tryā€ bc itā€™s such a ridiculous statement.

Oh, Is this the mirror weā€™re all supposed to see?

Honey, you need to take that mirror and go have a hard look. All yourself why are you doing this. Really, be honest with yourself.


never mind, question answered.



I would like to respond to CHā€™s example of the terrible lies out forth by the Illegal Mob. CH said someone lied by accusing LK of calling CPS. And she correctly pointed out that SS had called CPS. But the SS call was due to a false report of child neglect filed by LK.

LK got that whole ball rolling. And donā€™t come back and tell me if was because MB filed on LK. Alleging child abuse in any form where none exists is beyond evil.

And yes, sexual abuse was said in error, and corrected. Nonetheless, this lovely person filed a false report of child abuse. It gets no lower.


Another look back to YD history. The gray is my quote, but the leap to MB not being interviewed was quite a leap to make from my comment. And again, the magic 8 ballā€¦


Another interesting magic 8 ball speculationā€¦.someone else on the farm may have called CPS? What did LK say about JH and the searches on her phone?


Thanks to the many posters who wished me luck on my knee surgery. Finally home - and had lots of emails and SM business and hundreds of posts here to catch up on. Lots of ice and meds on board!

Seeker, some of us were - you got insulting anyway. #shrug

You seem to have a rather skewed idea of the importance of this forum.
As SM forums go - this is rather tame. Even compared to some of the YouTube threads. Plus there are True Crime forums that are much larger than this one who have been having a good time with this case.

As SM forums go, this one is rather small. It is also in the back room of a website for an equestrian magazine - not exactly a vast network forum - and not large as many other sports forums are - or even 1/10 as busy.

So rushing in here to scold and chastise in an attempt to change how people see LK at this point is not very effective.

As myself and others said repeatedly to Lauren before she was banned, you are not helping yourself with these postsā€¦ and just adding to the SM evidence for the civil case. You have also said many things that were said at he trial and recorded on video for posterity were wrong or never happened. It was not TV but actual court documentation. Maybe a review of some testimony would help youā€¦

I thought my meds were taking me into a time warp hereā€¦ long posts about flagging this and that and the tsk-tsking style made me think YD was back and in her glory! :smile:

That is not a pattern or style that any of us need to be falling intoā€¦ as Sdel is capably demonstrating!

It is hard to type with one hand and hold the icebag in place with the other while in this chairā€¦ so I will go back to lurkingā€¦



@smoofox, I am impressed you typed all that with one hand. Great job.

Healing knee Jingles!


Hope you heal quickly. Iā€™ve been having knee problems due to arthritis and it just impacts every aspect of your life. Take care of yourself. I shall send good thoughts your way.



Wishing you a speedy recovery!!