Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

And the same propensity I have to scroll by without reading the posts…yes, for months now. I assumed most of us had come to the same conclusion. :wink:


I thought you flounced out!


I’m still waiting on seeing a SINCERE example of kind and friendly. Nasty, gossipy accusations and insinuations that come immediately after “kind and friendly” comments nullify the supposedly kind words and ruin the credibility of the person using them.

I feel like I’m at a tennis match, and my head can’t go back and forth quickly enough to keep up with the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde aspects of this conversation.


So, the Amber Heard psychoanalysis mentioned gestures. One that the mentioned was Amber Heard shaking her head “no” it was called an incongruent gesture. They say it’s ok to gesture no when making a negative statement or as one single gesture of disbelief though.

When LK testifies to the size of Rosie being 25-28 lbs and short, she is shaking her head “no”. Also, the picture on the screen during this shows Rosie sitting, with her head level with the base of the table. So, sitting, she is roughly the same size as the leg of a dining table.

She makes the same movement as she says the pipe burst and stops when saying the house was unlivable. When asked about the condition of the house she first starts to reach her hand to her mouth, that ‘mouth block thing’, and an eye close and then asked him to repeat the question. There is also what looks to be like a cluster of deception with some of the same elements mentioned in the Heard psychoanalysis video when she talks about how MB talked her into coming to NJ where she touches her face, had several lengthy eye closes and a “no” gesture there as well. It’s really the first time we see this much nonverbal behavior from LK during the testimony so far.

In contrast when she says thing like they were living in the upstairs apartment, and MHG was Mb’s girlfriend and several other things she’s nodding her head yes and she gestures a lot less as well and when she does gesture it’s in accordance to what is being said.


I saw a dog being walked two days ago that looked almost IDENTICAL to the pictures of Rosie. Same height, same breedX look (GSD/Doberman), same supposed weight look. I would guesstimate, maybe, 40-45 lbs. Certainly tall enough to bite someone in “sensitive” areas.

I would have stopped and asked the owner what kind of cross her dog was, but I was traveling the opposite direction and there were cars behind me.


This. There is literally nothing stupider than thinking that if there were admissible recordings that said what LK&Co. claim they said, that any minimally conscious, let alone competent, prosecutor would say, nah, I’m good with my complete lack of forensics and two drug addicted liars, I don’t need those recordings, thanks!!

Anyone who thinks that shows such a profound lack of understanding about building a case (as well as a profound lack of basic intelligence) that it’s hard to even know where to start to address it.


What?! Another dishonest CH answer that leaves out important information while pretending to be truthful and helpful? Say it ain’t so!!! :scream: :rofl:


@Seeker1. 1 Timothy 3:5

An overseer must manage his own household well and keep his children under control, with complete dignity. For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for the church of God?


A family that preys together… :scream:


Has your friendship and love managed to make your daughter into a person who is not a drug addict and does not think it is OK to “finish the bastard” and plot ruin the life of people she does not like?

Maybe you should bring that lack of a paycheck up at the next meeting of the imaginary employees of COTH.

This made me giggle.
I can so imagine the conversation when they got home from their walk:
Honey, you are not going to believe this, some person driving by when I was walking Fido stopped to ask me what breed Fido is and how much Fido weighs and then they went into some story about a crazy lady and a horse trainer and a dog being described as a doxie but it couldn’t be one and it looks just like Fido and…
(Or I suppose you could have just said 'your dog is so cute, what breed is it, but what fun would that be in my imagination?)

Edit to add: Darn, it was a quiet night for Seeker. That is the shortest morning quote list.


Someone asked for an example of a lie told about LK on the forum. Here is one example of a lie told many times.

‘LK called CPS to falsely accuse MB of child sex abuse.’

What I learned from the trial is that, instead,
‘LK called SS, (according to LK) in order to report bullying of LK by MB’
‘SS called CPS to investigate MHG for child neglect”

The first statement is just not true. It was repeated many, many times.

You now say the thing about sexual abuse by MB “was said in error”. Well, yeah.

You are now asserting she effectively reported MHG for neglect by what she said in her call to SS.

Do you have a basis for claiming that based on knowledge of what she said in her call to SS? No? You’re just assuming?

if, in her call to SS to she described the level of tension and animosity, it seems plausible that SS would have referred to CPS when it learned of children being present. It’s also conceivable that she threw in a complaint about MHG.

But I don’t know what was said, and unless you have a transcript, you have no basis for stating as fact that she deliberately used, or attempted to use, SS to accuse MHG of neglect.

The one thing we do know is that she did not, as so often posted here, ‘call CPS to falsely accuse MB of child sex abuse’.

It was a lie. You still can’t admit it.

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it has been hashed over.
The quickest way to get the ball rolling was to whisper ‘minors, neglect. guns’ to SS.
CPS rolled up at the door.
And of course this is not to say Daddio did not pick up the phone, called the mayor and so forth…


I never said that she called CPS and accused Michael of child sexual abuse, so there is nothing for me to admit. I already said it had been said in error and corrected.

If you watch the testimony of Vanessa Medrano-Cortez, the representative from CPS, she testified that a referral came from SS. A referral for child neglect which requires a 24 hour response. Seems that is pretty specific : child neglect. And I connect the dots, one of your favorite phrases, to absolutely think that the report came from LK as she admitted calling SS.

You are just assuming she didn’t say anything, but I think you are wrong. CPS doesn’t show up on a whim. And child neglect is NOT child endangerment. LK posted how awful the living conditions were for the children and said she had pictures of cat poop overflowing on the bed. I think those dots lead directly to LK. And I think it was purposeful and malignant.

You have no more knowledge that she didn’t do this as you haven’t a transcript either. I have more evidence given that LK posted on SM about the kids.


Did it ever occur to any one that “let RC do it” was regarding the question who should go show the housing inspector around?


I thought of that and other non drama options.


“Said in error and corrected”:

It was said hundreds of times over two years, and it was “said in error” because numerous posters (not necessarily you) stated it as fact without knowing it as a fact. It was not true. Those who stated it apparently, as it turns out, did not have a factual basis for it.

You are absolutely correct that, not having read the transcript, I don’t know for a fact that she didn’t say something MHGs care of the children.

If, now that it is obvious from court testimony that the oft repeated claim that ‘LK called CPS to falsely report MB for sexual abuse of the children’ is not true, you said “It’s still possible that in her conversation with SS, LK threw in a complaint about MHG” that would be a valid statement. I made that statement myself! It is still a very different statement from the original untruth.

I think that some posters, although not all, have gotten Seeker’s point that when a group of posters, or even one poster, throws out an untrue statement smearing them, the simple fact that the statement is untrue does not enable the target to effectively defend themself.

Re bolded: That’s an untrue statement about the post of mine you’re responding to. I specifically said I did not know exactly what was said, and that the possibilities included 1) nothing said about MHG and just a description of the general hostile environments or 2) that she said something specifically about MHG.

You keep saying this but have never offered any proof of “hundreds of times”. I think there is another claim you have made about something else being said “hundreds of times” as well - forgive me if I do not remember what that is at the moment… the side-effects of some meds have affected my mental accuity.

Ergo, “hundreds of times” can perhaps be translated as “every so often” or “occasionally” or “sometimes”…

You only started posting on the COTH forum in November '21 - and yet while lurking were keeping a tally of how many times something was or was not said in specific threads on specific topics over 2 years? That is some impressive dedication!

:trophy: :1st_place_medal:


I know I’m new here, and I certainly wasn’t around back in Sept 2019. But I remembered reading LaLa posting something about MB just not knowing better because he doesn’t have kids. So I went searching for that. Obviously there have been delete-a-thons in the intervening time. And my ability to search this forum is not the greatest.

Also, LaLa admittedly lies on social media. But when people are wondering what LK may or may not have said to SS, perhaps they ought to review her own words.


Good point. Do we know for a fact if that bit of conversation occurred after the BI had arrived?

