Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

You are splitting hairs and trying to create unnecessary drama.

LK stated in a SM post that MB called CPS on himself to conclude his murder plot.

Yea, right. So LK’s version of the story is not reliable.

LK called SS, CPS was dispatched. CPS sure doesn’t show up for no reason, as someone else said. The children were brought into the picture. It is much more logical to connect CPS to SS than not.

You can reject my hypothesis but honestly, you have no facts harboring your opinion.


It was made perfectly clear in the trial that LK called SS and whatever she said triggered the CPS visit. The communication about the children is confidential and its quite likely LK does not really remember what she actually said. We do know she put crap like this and wierd stuff about litter boxes on SM. Perhaps the civil suit will allow the calls to SS to be subpoenaed.

In any case the sequence of events testified at the trial make it clear that LK filed false claims about children with SS. These could have been hints or they could have been brazen out and out fabrications. She may say different things on SM from what she said to SS.

Because LK admits to lying constantly on SM, theres no point going down the rabbit hole of analyzing them too closely. At times on SM she denied calling SS as well.

Because LK’s communication with SS and the communication between SS and CPS are currently confidential we do not know what LK said to SS, or what SS found credible enough to communicate to CPS. Until those documents can be subpoenaed we will never know.

BTW the children had left the property before CPS arrived. Possibly before LK made her communication with SS. Was that timeline ever clarified? LK must have made SS think the children were still on the farm. In other words, a pure mischief call.


I agree completely. Her story changes with the wind. My point in posting that was just that if someone repeats or refers to words she herself posted, back before she testified about how she lies on SM, does that make them liars as well? She posted it. People have oft repeated it. But now those people are liars, it appears.


And let’s not forget there is a whole lot more. Has anyone forgotten about the claim LK made that he got a 19 year old pregnant and forced an abortion? And that FB comment to RC about the missing gun and endangering 12 year olds.

This one by IM, who CH wants to go on about is such an insider, made a post that tickled my spidey senses a while back…

The use of age-specific examples are pretty interesting. MHG’s kid was 12, so it makes me wonder if 3 allegations had been made about two kids and a 21 year old working student.


I would call it malicious, personally.


I don’t disagree it’s malicious.

I was thinking mischief as an actual legal category. The word is on my mind from following the bail hearings for the trucker convoy covidiots who camped in Ottawa for a month. At first they were giggling about being charged with mischief, but it turns out that’s a serious criminal charge that takes in a lot from blocking access to businesses to fake 911 calls. With potential jail terms.


I had no idea. Well, I guess we’ll see how that plays out for them. Jail seems appropriate.


I don’t think LK will be arrested for crinimal mischief because of calling SS but I do think it falls into that category of act. Things are named differently in different jurisdictions, of course. I myself was surprised how wide reaching and potentially severe the definition of “mischief” turned out to be in the Canadian criminal code. Obviously most minor cases like a kid doing graffiti have minor repercussions.


Oh no nighty are making me cry now… boo hoo.

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Not a normal response. Seeker help.


I think that seems obvious to most rational people that it was sending Ruth on an errand like that or to retrieve something or to deliver a message. Turning that phrase into a murder plot is a leap the size of the Grand Canyon.


Maybe someone has discovered the Fountain of Youth?


Lol. Allllllllllll the way back to 14yo? Lol. That’s a good fountain!!


Likely to drop off the eviction letter from their lawyer, when she was bitten by the “watchdog”.


there is a similar post in the ‘undermine safe sport’ thread about her basically getting a new idea from SS because She Herself is not important enough to warrant an investigation for her petty beefs. But throw in a minor and the ball starts rolling.


lol, yeah, fountain…

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So funny how some of think that just because you say it…it is true

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@Seeker1, Kirby (I had all sorts of cutesy insulting plays on “Kirby” ready to use but decided I didn’t want to play junevile, elementary school games today) please try hard to focus on the irony I’m going to point out - you and your gang can’t tolerate Mary Haskins Gray and blame her for everything wrong since the beginning of time apparently. Regardless whether MHG is one of the most vile creatures on earth, she has presented herself publicly as professional, competent, honest, ethical and, since she hasn’t spent the past 2 1/2 years bashing others and lying on social media, has volumes of support…all because of how she has conducted herself the past 3 years.

Your daughter, on the other hand, has sealed the negative impressions of herself all by herself with her nasty, lie filled, attack posts. Even if her past was blemish free and she didn’t have a history of horrible behavior, had she shut up and concentrated on her riding goals and healing she would likely have a more favorable public impression of the poor victim. Add on your rambling attacks as well as the posts by @Inigo-montoya (regardless who they claim to be or not be) there is little that can be done to repair the damage you three have caused to your reputations.

The recent suggestions of a USEF investigation should be very troubling to your family, yet you double down on the online provocations. I, and others, simply can’t comprehend your motives! Perhaps you all are showing the only behavior you know and what has worked for you in the past - threaten, trash, deny, and ridicule. That bully behavior will not work on a national stage, which this now holds, and I think you know it.

Please, for your own mental health and to salvage any shred of dignity left for your family, stop posting and discourage Lauren from posting. It is truly making matters worse for you all.

Oh, and you all lost the criminal trial for a whole host of reasons, many of which you actually had no control over. I predict an even bigger shellacking in the civil trials.

By the way, do you have a clue what an Eggbutt is?


An interesting contrast between your posts and hers, isn’t it?



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