Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I remember this wierd diatribe, came at the same time there were some stories of her trainer showing up at a show with her horses and she never made an appearance, her complaining that her trainer was signing her up for shows she never agreed to, no one every told her she was supposed to be there that day kind of thing.

People looking up her record, come to find out she had a zillion scratches, and hadn’t met qualifications for her bronze, with two of her scores happening under the same judge or something, and she just argued and argued and came up with a story that she was TOLD she had her bronze (above) and that people were just mean to say she didn’t and LOOK UP HER SCORE people! really bizzarre. I don’t believe that all three trainers told her she had her bronze, nor did they tell her to skip her bronze. She’s just a liar.


I may be missing something but she “basically begged to show”, “they all complained I’d ‘wasted enough time and money’”

Doesn’t exactly square with:


I’ve mostly been trying to ignore the YouTube posts. But has anyone figured out why she seems to be referring to herself in the third person?


I honestly think she forgets who she’s logged in as.




That’s been a point that I’ve tried to make a few times. Seeker1 is literally no better than a single poster on this thread. You can’t condemn others for posting, “harassing” and/or saying things that you deem to be not nice all while doing the same yourself. It’s very hypocritical and makes your words mean nothing.

The fact that LK was shot does not absolve her of any wrong doings past or present. I’m not doubting that getting shot is frightening and no walk in the park to recover from, but she seems to be doing quite well. However, this is not something to cling to. It’s not “Oh I know she did xyz and it was terrible, but she was shot!” Yes, no one should’ve been shot at all. I agree with that, but it’s not something you use to escape any consequences of your actions past or present.

The reading comprehension or lacktherof still astounds me too…or maybe the twisting. Someone could literally say, “Have a nice day!” To these people and they would say “oh you assume I’d have a bad day then! Or that I’m having a bad day, or that I need to have a nice day! Is that a threat?!” :roll_eyes: What a sad existence and outlook.

Some people will never take responsibility for their actions or anything they’ve contributed to. They’ll pull the victim card all day long and deflect. When they’re so far down this rabbit hole, it’s best to just not waste your energy on them. They don’t live in reality, they don’t want to, they never will. Playing the victim has been/is far too rewarding for them.

People can hide behind the “Good Christian” and “prayers” thing. Y’know the need to “advertise” your praying is just…weird. No, “praying” for people doesn’t make you look good or win you any points. That’s your personal relationship with God, not something that you advertise to make yourself feel better or “look good” I’m far from being the Catholic I once was (btdt, got the t-shirt, left) but this stuff still annoys me. It says a lot about someone.

You also cannot be mad (well you can, if you enjoy waisting time and energy) at people saying things that are true or saying unflattering things about you/your family when it’s things that they’ve actually done. Sorry it makes you look ugly, but it was self inflicted. Ya could confess your sins, repent, and change your path…but that’d be way too difficult and not any fun, would it?

Sorry, I’m rambling :rofl:


Lot’s of things don’t square.


Very true.

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Also, another post about the murder plot and consequences….in case we weren’t clear about that…


I have to say…looking back through the testimony…it is very interesting to see what she is testifying to and when she is shaking her head and touching her face….even on the direct questioning….


She isn’t doing to make herself look good, well, she is in some ways, but shes pulling the Christian card to do a passive agressive shaming. She is attempting to use her idea of Christianity to make another person feel bad, oh, I’ll pray for you to see the light! Its actually gaslighting, using the phrases to insinuate the person has something to feel bad about, that they actually might be “sinning” and just can’t tell because they are too ignorant, and she can see it. She’s a real piece of self rightous work. She’s a shamer and a blamer. Doesn’t take responsibility for herself.


So, still going through behavior (slowly) and for me the biggest contrast in behavior stars around 36 minutes on the direct.

The prosecution asked about MB’s personality. LK says yes and while she is saying this she touching her mouth and grabbing at her chin. Based on the psychoanalysis video on the Depp thread this indicates the probability of a lie and the mouth touch an indication of holding what you really want to say back. LK continues with that MB was hilarious, and charming and nice and while she is saying this she is closing her eyes and shaking her head no. And then she says there were days MB would just be angry, at which point she slows down and really emphasizes and enunciates. The psychoanalysis video says that people who are abused/bullied are recounting what is done to them usually they hurry up and mumble through the unpleasant experience like they don’t want to relive it.

But even more interesting is the nonverbal gestures after the next question on what MB’s sense of humor was like. LK first said he’d tell funny jokes but couldn’t think of an example while she was touching her mouth and grabbing at her chin. Then she said that sometimes the jokes would be offensive but he’d think they were funny, but when you look at her face she’s very animated and looks like she’s half smiling and laughing like she is recalling some funny joke.


I agree 100% with this, especially the part I’ve bolded.


Also just straight out skeevy junkie vibes. I did watch a bit of the behavior analyst guy on Amber Heard. Though Amber doesn’t scream active junkie to me like Lauren Kanarek on the witness stand.

The behaviour analyst guy on lying makes me want to analyze what I’m seeing when someone comes across to me as a junkie. I think there is a big overlap with lying because junkies lie all the time, their whole life is a lie. Quite apart from when they can’t remember or are actively lying for a reason. But there is an added level of junkie twitch that I saw right away with Lauren. I would back off and walk away if she tried to make small talk in Walmart, say.


Well that was fun! Thanks for the entertainment everybody!

Seekers been especially hilarious so thank you for that!


No one thought to exercise due diligence before throwing down thousands of dollars per month. Wow. I spent more type researching for a new washing machine than either Lauren or Jonathan did for a trainer. Didn’t she figure it out in 2018? But chose to return and she CHOSE to harass the man to being temporarily insane.

You knew she was volatile, had a history of substance abuse, Rob did too or was still using - did you warn MB? At least his temperament was “common knowledge”. Was hers? Didn’t you feel you had a duty & obligation to warn others to minimize the damage she could inflict on others? After all, actions are supposed to have consequences. Including hers.


You know who has actually said things along those lines?
SW from DHub. Surprised LK doesn’t sue her and her minion, NP.




In much of Ontario, demographically that is, we have mandatory mediation for all civil cases. To your point though, as a mediator my first thought was that I wouldn’t want to be mediating this!


Sanctimommy had a busy night.