Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I was surprised how many posts there were. Pretty impressive.


Dread pirate roberts same can be said about the relentless vitriol spewing from the piranah like mouths of the less than 10 or so poisonous sea snakes swimming about in treacherous equestrian sea.

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Iā€™ve started acting as general contractor for a little construction job, so I have essentially no time to mess around here. Honestly friends, if you stop responding to CH, HH, and not-Seeker, you will totally shut them down.
They need your responses for oxygen. We know who is right and who is wrong. Let them blather into the netherworld. Nothing said on this thread has any bearing any more on anyoneā€™s future. There is evidence aplenty.


I do not claim to be morally superior morgieness. Or superior in any way. I dont even know you. Im just a mother tyring to show my daughter how i can try to resolve issues peacefully and with as much kindness as i can muster. Thats all i really am. And ever will be.

Wow why do u hate us so muchā€¦do you even know us? Are you trying to get business for your barn like some barn owners here? Are you looking to get free training from olympic level trainers that may support mb that you cant afford otherwise? Are u looking for students? Are u looking for attention because you are sick or bored? Are you looking to feel better about yourself because you feel small or unloved. Are u unhappy with your body type? Were you hurt by lauren and are seeking revenge? These seem to be some of the reasons people harrass our family these days. This is not a noble or effective pursuit. It may not accomplish the goals you seek eitherā€¦ something to consider.

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Oh i am very energetic indeed. Im off t a day at summer camp with fun food and entertainment.

This is as much kindness as you can muster?

That explains a few things. :thinking:


It is called the ā€œname the behaviorā€ mhm

If your posts here are you showing your daughter how to solve a problem, it is very clear where your daughter learned her current behavior. Thank you for clearing that up for us.


I did not know that mensa [sic] had beauty queens! I was invited to join MENSA, but already being a member of Densa, I declined.


Sigh, she didnā€™t come up with the children issue until she was asked. Doubt she gave a ratā€™s @$$ about the children.


Yeah, he was so volatile, she decided to train with him in FL in 2018, followed him to NJ in summer 2018, went back to FL with him for winter 2019, and then followed him again to NJ in summer 2019. If he was so volatile, why did she decide to light a match to him?

No one here is glad that she ā€œalmost died.ā€ No one here is glad that she got shot. But perhaps if she hadnā€™t engaged in a lifelong pattern of bad behavior and psychological torment of others, her life would have never been in danger. Perhaps if she had not elected to drive a ā€œvolatileā€ man out of his own house, plant illegal recording devices all over his property, record his private conversations, harass and bully him via social media and make veiled threats toward him and his girlfriend, lie, lie, lie about him, file a frivolous report with the Fire Marshall about a suspected faulty dryer she was too lazy or stupid to unplug, report him to the Building Inspector for various things that her ā€œboyfriendā€ was supposed to be mitigating, report him to Safe Sport with a veiled insinuation that children might be at risk there, sneak around the property at night in a ninja outfit, REFUSE TO LEAVE when it became apparent things were going to h*** in a handbasket, TRY TO LEARN WHERE HIS GIRLFRIENDā€™S CHILDREN WERE, etc., etc., etc. - her life would have never been in danger.

Do you think your daughter has learned anything from this? Do you think the next time she gets into a situation where things arenā€™t going the way she thinks they should go, instead of backing away and de-escalating the situation, she will instead decide to become ā€œMiss Badassā€ and try to destroy the business, the career, the reputation, the personal relationships, the emotional stability of the person she has decided she doesnā€™t like?

Most of us out here know the answer to that - which is why we continue to discuss her, because the more people that know about her and how she operates, the better they can take whatever steps they need to take to be safe from her.

It is pathetic that you as her parent excuse her for ā€œstupid things she may have said online or in private texts to her dad that she admitted were inappropriate.ā€ Especially since she would have never admitted they were inappropriate if she hadnā€™t had to testify in a court of law about them.

So while we have sympathy for your daughter because she ā€œalmost died,ā€ we are very mindful that she brought her woes upon herself by terrorizing others. And that her pattern of behavior indicates she wonā€™t stop.


When did you stop beating your husband?


She logs in as one personality, but the other personality takes over to do the posting.


Great insight - thanks!

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Yes, it becomes increasingly clear where la la learned her interpersonal skills.


:laughing: :grin: :rofl:

Nope, definitely not ashamed. Just donā€™t want them in the crossfire of the lunacy that is the sh!tshow that is your extended family.


It is a way to ā€˜distanceā€™ herself from what she is saying or doing. Referring to yourself in the third person is making yourself an object or person acted upon rather than someone who takes responsibility for their words and deeds.

Now, if someone is recounting a traumatic event they may slip into it as ameans of distancing themselves in order to study what happened leading up to it, whilst and the aftermath.

Then there is this:

habitual illeism ā€” the barely pronounceable word that describes the act of using the third person when talking about oneself ā€” tends to signal to the rest of us one of a number of personality quirks in the speaker, none of them good: A stunted intellect (ā€œSloth loves Chunkā€); the presence of psychotic personality disorders (ā€œSmeagol hates nasty Hobbitsesā€); rampant egoism (ā€œDoctor Doom shall be master of Earth!ā€)

ETA: the paragraph above about illeisim applies to ADULTS. Illeism is a normal part of child development but normally extinguishes by 10 years of age.


Yes, I have arbitrarily decided to harass the KK family because I am unhappy about my body type.


For anyone who hasnā€™t seen it, this is from the gofundme link:

Updates (6)

Todayby Lara Osborne, Organizer

As I am sure many of you have guessed the hearing that was scheduled for today has been postponed since Michael was just moved Friday and has not been evaluated yet. I will continue to post updates as I can. Thank you again for your continued support!