Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

So many ‘tells’ in one single post by Seeker1 this morning.


Absolutely, an actual practicing Christian would just pray for someone and not announce it.


Plus, it seems to me that so much time spent here telling us she will pray for us, not to mention juvenile name calling and baiting other posters, leaves little time for all that praying. :thinking: :roll_eyes: :rofl:


Direct quote from .

"More serious issues…central to most personality disorder problems, is arrested emotional development, which is triggered by parental neglect and/or abuse in infancy and childhood (birth-18 years old)."


In this case I am guessing it is a case of mistaken identity - of the device/log-in name.
or a hijack from somebody else, not an internal diatribe publicized.


@ekat, thank you for keeping us all informed.


I heard from an old acquaintance last night who wanted to share they had knowledge that the SS case LK had against MH and others at HH had been dismissed in 2020. They also went on to say the Kanareks have been told to not contact or post anything about MH or her children based on a no contact order MH herself has standing through her attorney. Oh, MH also has a 2020 live SS case pending against LK. Apparently all parties involved received legal notice of the 2020 dismissal as well as the no contact instructions regarding the live SS case. I need to go back and see how frequently posters identifying themselves as Kanareks have mentioned MH or her children.


That would certainly explain why some posters here who are “unaffiliated” with the k klan keep trying to trash MHG since the family has been advised not to. The strange obsession with MHG makes it pretty obvious.


No personal jurisdiction.

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@Seeker1, let me explain this in a very clear and concise way that you can understand.

I have never once, nope not even once, said one thing about your daughter that was a lie.

But, your daughter has repeatedly threatened me, as well as threatened what she perceived my income to be. I am not the only one she threatened.

I know exactly what your issue is. You and your daughter went to court expecting guilty verdicts, on what you thought was a slam dunk criminal case. Just like Lauren did with Michael Barisone, you overplayed your hand.

The truth came out in court about your daughter and your family.

MICHAEL BARISONE WAS FOUND NOT GUILTY, by a 12 member jury of his peers.

Now, you will argue it was “not guilty by reason of insanity”. Please note the words “NOT GUILTY” at the beginning of that phrase.

Not guilty is not guilty.

Now we get to the real crux of the issue for you and your family. Not only was Michael found not guilty, but all your dirty laundry was hung on the line for the entire world to see!

All of Lauren’s threats. “FINISH THE BASTARD.”

Lauren’s drug addiction.

The fact Lauren lives with an actively using addict.

The fact that she drove a man to insanity just for sport, or just because she decided that she should be the center of his universe.

Shall I go on about what else was exposed? Shall we discuss her income?

Never, ever tell anyone what they have the right to post here.

Never, ever think anyone is going to give you their name.

Never, ever think people will stop talking about this.

Never, ever think many of us, particularly me, will bow to your threats, no matter how veiled.

If you are truly concerned, you would not be on here trying to make things better for Lauren. You’d be cleaning up your own yard.

If you think your dirty laundry is on display now, just wait until the civil trial. Many of us cannot wait to see what comes out there!

You see @Seeker1, actions have consequences.

Many of us told Lauren that here.

Many even told her it was not a good idea to post here about the case.

But, she knows all about the law and has blue chip, top five global law firms on speed dial.

Just so you understand I will repeat it again in bold- ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!

My bet is your daughter has never faced a consequence for her actions in her life.


@cutter99, you are amazing! That is a wonderful post!


I have one friend who is a devout Christian who sometimes says “I will pray for you”. As an agnostic or atheist, it makes me a tiny bit uncomfortable. In her case, though, I’m convinced that it is her deeply personal way of saying, “I really hope you get through this. You are in my thoughts.” I also have numerous friends who I have never heard say “I will pray for you.”

She knows I’m not religious, but interpret her saying “I will pray for you” as her sincere expression of support and concern.


I am not in the least bit surprised. I’m glad MH has protections and I hope ANY VIOLATION that occurs is immediately brought to attention with the right people.


Quoting so I can cheer this TWICE


I guess this is why Seeker keeps coming on to “distract” us all as soon as we mention an investigation into LK by USEF or SS. It calls up a lot of questions about the denials of “connectedness” of the posters putting forth the lines of argument about the 750 page packet and MHG’s regrets and IM’s credibility….especially considering IM’s assertions that SS had assured LK was monitoring the threads and maybe she shouldn’t post. Seems the constant refrains of releasing the audios are a threat to get MHG to back down.


If true, yay.

The concerned mom part of me wishes or hopes that MHG has a protective order in place as well.




I am tired of being threatened.

But here’s the thing.

I do not like bullies.

Therefore, I will not stop posting.



It is scary that the whole LK clan goes thru life threatening people into getting their way.

It seems like a silly way to live your life.


One last other thought…the news about MHG’s investigation bring a whole new light to any of LK’s posts in SS related threads where she is talking about the confidentiality, investigations, and arbitration processes…