Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’m confused by this, since unless it involves sexual abuse of children, or a power imbalance relationship, harassment and bullying violations of SS code are handled by USEF.

MHG/MB filed the 750 page complaint against LK on Aug 6, 2019. Did MHG file a second complaint with USEF in 2020?

LK called SS and learned that harassment complaints were handled by USEF. Did she actually follow up and submit a complaint on MB to USEF? Did she file a complaint on MHG to USEF based on what MHG said on the audio recordings?

Is the no contact order MHG had against the Kanarek family a court order, or just a warning letter through a lawyer?

I guess this explains why people are desperate to assume I’m part of the Kanarek family of legal team.

Re bolded; on the dropped SS case, was the case against MB dropped? You just say “others”.

Since you accuse those of us on here of not alerting you to the non-existent danger of Michael Barisone before your daughter went willingly to him as a client, maybe consider this.

Does the equestrian community need to be warned about your daughter?

Things that make you go HMMMM!


I tried to message you privately but your profile is hidden.

I’m in a similar boat, CLL which has attacked my lungs.

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you


I am assuming you mean Lauren when referencing these psychopaths?


THIS^^ is so relevant!! These folks are shysters…always willing to distract, mislead, deflect, whatever it takes to get the light off their nasty behavior and hope the threats cause people to move on. Not this time, Skippy, not this time!


MHG/MB filed the 750 page complaint against LK on August 6, 2019, and MB nearly killed her the next day.

Whether USEF is investigating a complaint by MHG against LK, or a complaint of LK against MB, I would think the audio recordings would relevant to the investigation. They were not used in the criminal case, but they might be used in the USEF case or cases.

Presumably MHG did not know MB would shoot LK the day after she mailed the huge file to USEF. By tiling the complaint against LK, MHG may have created a situation in which USEF will learn what she said on the audio recordings. If it puts her in a bad light, that would be the basis of regret.

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And maybe that is why Taylor went bonkers when Dr. Hasson twice tried to mention that LK/RG were searching for info on the whereabouts of MHG’s children. Even though they were apparently trying to find them before the “no contact” order was put in place, Taylor wasn’t going to allow that door to be opened even a crack. I wonder if he was afraid Mr. B’s next question was going to be something along the lines of “Would you agree with me, Dr. Hasson, that type of action not only drove MB closer to the edge, but it also drove MHG to enact a protective order for her children?”


Same with all the cautions to the CPS worker about not getting into the substance of the report….



Re the bold, Recently?


The one fact that stands out above everything else is how everything in court played out and that Michael came out, not as the horrible, bullying aggressor, but as the victim himself. For all of the blustering that LK and IM did about how “it would all be revealed at the trial and we would all see how hororible MB is and those that supported him would be embarrased”, quite the opposite happened. Now, many non horse people and those with no prior knowledge of MB, LK or RG have come out in support of MB and are repulsed at their behavior. We all know this is not how LK thought it would play out, yet her mother is on here trying to justify her behavior and not showing one ounce of remorse for her daugher’s actions. Given how things have turned out, I would think the best thing for her to do would be to try and help her daughter, not come on some public forum and debate the truth of the facts with every forum member. No one here is saying anything that has not been proven in a court of law. People need to be aware of just how toxic LK is and to avoid any interaction with her at all costs. Maybe this will prevent any more victims to suffer at her hands. Sometimes, you just cannot make this stuff up. Quite the dysfunctional family for sure.


IDK when.


Weaponization of SS that leads to direct involvement of CPS to intervene with the parent/child relationship based on false allegations definitely falls under the abuse and harassment of children that is SS’s charge to investigate.


MB did not kill anyone.

Presumably MHG KNOWS what she has said and is not worried about moving forward because she knows what was said in the context it was said in.

Clearly the whole world is not going to tip toe around about the ever mentioned audio recordings that were not important (or legal) enough to mention at the criminal trial.


I’m glad to hear that MHG has a court order against LK. Legally though what does one do with sock puppets and alters that violate that order?

Nobody unconnected with LK would have the anti MHG fixation. Even if someone was on a “support the victim” tangent, a normal person would focus on MB not MHG. The fixation on MHG reveals these alters as sock puppets.

Unfortunately looking at IPN tells us nothing these days. VPN services are easy, cheap, and plentiful. They give you virtual IPN that can’t be traced back to your own real IPN. You can even fake being in another country. The overseas scammers use them.

So COTH cannot be sure if a banned poster is behind any given alter.


LK & her crew should be careful of their postings and communications, USEF/SS can choose to suspend for violations and OR witness intimidation.


The LK clan specialty. Threaten until they do what you want them to.


It’s clear to me MHG is a victim in this fiasco as well. I can’t imagine was this has all been like for her. As a mother with her children being dredged into this… To know that there are people out there who are clearly obsessed with you… the fact that few restless people continue trying to soil her reputation… She has been a victim to a seemingly endless tirade against her. I feel for her.

Also, in my opinion contact orders aren’t just handed out. A judge would have to be convinced with evidence in order to issue one out.


Wow, travel for a hellish 24+ hours and I’m hundreds of posts behind. But I wanted to thank @Sdel for noticing this. CH has been horrid to me from go, but does it in a weird manipulative way that is easy to weasel out of when called out. I also don’t flag and report like she does, so we are at a distinct disadvantage on the, what did RND call it - runny to mommy front. Her “I’m so afraid of other posters” cover is meant to obscure that she is relentlessly attacking and disparaging other posters here, but most of us are too mature to report her antics.

I solved it by first putting her on blast and then on ignore. Not worth my labour, my time, my intelligence, or even my eyeballs! :rofl:

But I did not she had a bead on me from jump. I suspect dishonesty in background and motive as well as just the dishonesty in her posts.


It seems no one has a problem with MHG sending the report but you.


Such as the evidence MB’s criminal suit claims to have of LK/RG searching for her children’s locations outside of MHG’s custody and trying to contact them through FB? Oh, wait, that was supposed to be one of MB’s lawyer’s lies….

ETA: correction, MB’s police suit.