Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I thought that poster was talking about their own public presentation vs. private thoughts. Ted Bundy, after all, was so well liked in his church congregation that members made cards of support for him when he was first arrested. Conspicuously offering prayers and adopting the language and behavior of a moralizing community apparently sometimes works to conceal darker thoughts and feelings.


as if us railbirds had any influenceā€¦


I guess the point of it was all that calling out of bad behavior nonsense was to get someone connected enough to become worried and get MHG to pull the plugā€¦


I just put a certain mom on ignore, and itā€™s amazing the change in how the thread goes.

Why do people feed trolls?


Yeah, no one here is sending Lauren cards of support!

But guess what? We are sending Michael cards of support.


Aside from the 750 page complaint filed by MHG with USEF on August 6, 2019, did you interpret Eggbutt as saying MHG also filed a second complaint with SS itself based on the CPS visit? Did CPS disclose to her that they were contacted by SS?


LOL, I guess that was the point. Poor Lauren isnā€™t getting any love.


Hmmmā€¦.fishing expedition. Do you know who else was in incredibly concerned and made allegations of a mole at SS?


Iā€™ve been wondering about the fact that CPS was allegedly there to investigate possible child neglect. What could LK have said to SS and/or CPS that pointed to possible child neglect? Did she send them the pics of the overflowing litterboxes with comments that they were ā€œover the childrenā€™s bedsā€? Did she make comments about guns on the property?

As for the former, I can easily believe those photos were either phony or were staged. And as for the latter - pffft, big deal, many farms have firearms on the property, so I doubt SS or CPS would have been overly concerned about that aspect unless there were intimations that the guns were not being handled or stored responsibly when there were ā€œunsupervisedā€ children around - IOW, LK dropped enough ā€œhintsā€ that CPS became concerned.

A question: does anyone know if CPS might have contacted LK? I know she claims to not have contacted them directly, but would SS have possibly given her contact into to CPS, who then called her to get more info before they sent the caseworker out there?


Yeah well, you reap what you sow!


My point was that when she filed the original report, she had no way of knowing that a huge spotlight would eventually shine on what happened before the shooting.

I can imagine that audio recordings would be problematic, if not inadmissible, in a criminal trial, but fair game in a confidential USEF investigation.

If MHG is not worried about what she said, then she can rest easy.

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I think that IMā€™s comments about MHG allowing her child to participate in a ā€œplot to harmā€ LK is the most likely explanationā€¦.such a plot that coincidentally supposedly included RC and her gunā€¦ā€¦who CPS also wanted to talk to that dayā€¦.


There must be some rather compelling evidence. :thinking:


Yup. Very cute.


It occurs to me that maybe everyone shouldnā€™t be so angry and reactionary at LKā€™s lies. I think she actually 100% believes what she posts. Itā€™s why she gets so defensive when someone calls her out. That fries her brain (remember Vger?). She canā€™t stop posting and she canā€™t stop telling her fairy tales because her disorder or whatever you want to call it wonā€™t allow her to stop. She believes everything sheā€™s made up in her head. Iā€™m also guessing that she was born that way and the drug use is a poor attempt to self-medicate. I do feel sorry for her. Also, these types of disorders are often hereditary. I think that explains a lot about some other posters. I also think itā€™s why she seemed so gleeful about admitting on the witness stand that she intended to ā€œfinish the bastard.ā€ She believes that is perfectly OK. This being mental health awareness month, just thought Iā€™d throw in this little PSA.


Is it only worth reporting if it makes national news?


You are right, she knew that LK was already being her normal creepy self and doing things that were not appropriate, before the shooting happened. LK did not just start being LK after the shooting.

Illegal things do not suddenly become legal because one wants to threaten people with them.


Yepā€¦it really calls into question that whole last edit and run about reviewing her SS report and not seeing how CPS got called from it (review CPS testimony that SS reported to them) and how she had believed it was a mole this whole time.


Iā€™m actually surprised to learn that MHG filed a second complaint against LK, with SS, after the shooting.

If she did file a second complaint after the shooting, that would suggest she didnā€™t regret filing the first complaint, so I agree thatā€™s evidence of non regret.

I did not make allegations of a ā€œmole at SSā€??? Someone upthread raised the possibility of a USEF mole in these threads.

No, I donā€™t know who made ā€œallegations of a mole at SSā€. The usual suspects would be LK, IM, and YD, so one of them probably?