Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Esp. if the personality logging in is doing Keto but the other personality orders pizza! :laughing:


So interesting.
I assume that applies to things like these posts, all posted this year.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


And then the first (or third?) one doesn’t like the food.


Thanks for the update.

I don’t recall who shared the previous address, but maybe whoever it was could go back and edit that post to provide the correct PO Box.


I did not respond to Sdel’s post at the time, but wish to now.

When I started participating in the threads, I had been lurking for some time, and had noticed the styles of various posters, including FitzE. I do remember an exchange in which, as a lurker, I was shocked at the way FitzE went after another poster. I think it was ErinMeri, but apparently ErinMeri was not bothered.

In December, I was shocked at the viciousness with which FitzE attacked me, seemingly out of the blue. Lots of posts were deleted by the mods from that thread, so her most vicious posts directed at me may no longer be there. She also attacked Equkelly, who ended up being banned by the end of the exchange.

Any poster who occupies the niche “I object to incessant LK bashing”, and posts in a high volume, is “speculated” to be YD. Hut-Ho, Equkelly, and even CanteringCarrot (!) have been speculated to be YD, so I’ve anticipated being speculating about all along.

Based on what Sdel posted, I now realize that YD and FitzE had “history”, and that, while she didn’t openly say “you’re YD” at the time, that FitzEs “level of emotion” was explained by the likelihood that she thought she was continuing her feud with YD. Being blasted with full strength “hatred of YD” was not pleasant.

At this point, I have my own intense mutual animosity with FitzE. She posted as evidence of my “dishonesty”
that when asked for a reference to a post, I provided a post number but not a link. (?!). That’s dishonest? To be charitable, perhaps her definition of “dishonesty” is different from mine.

At this point, I think there has been speculation that I’m YD, who is apparently LKs sister, so maybe I’m speculated to be LKs sister; someone not a blood relative of LK but working for her legal team; and perhaps an alter for IM. (Why would IM be writing under an alter as well as under IM???)

I figure that I can either

  1. Ignore all this speculation, or
  2. Keep saying, I’m not A, B, C, etc

Being defensive just has the effect of validating the speculation, however wild, so I will go back to ignoring it.

I am no longer “afraid” of FitzE, but do not wish to spend effort to counter her insults. I’ll let the insults just lie there in all their glory, or flag them for the moderator. She is in a huge majority of highly partisan posters and will get lots of “likes” for her insults and mockery. I know my only choice it to put up with it or leave.



How crazy is the situation if the no contact order has to apply to the entire family, not just LK?? Yikes.


LOL. You didn’t have time to read the post you’re disagreeing with. Why would you need to read a post to disagree with it?

A human bot.

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Extensive history of previous nonsensical posts.


IM has not identified himself as related to LK.

Exactly. You’re acting as a human bot.

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Like your defense of LK?


This was probably the best post you’ve ever written. I don’t happen to agree with it one bit but at least it sets forth a thought out explanation of opinion.

I find the posters you’re speaking of delightful and think highly of them. I’m sure that comes as no shock to you.

I do notice that your post ends with a tone of victimization on your part - that you’re powerless to fight the masses giving you no choice but to either fall onto your sword or retreat to other places.

Effective use of just enough drama there.

I know it’s tough when the tide turns against you or your cause. But it has for a reason. The posters you cite got it right. You did not and I know that’s uncomfortable.


You either completely missed the point made upthread, Or, are choosing to deflect.


I am just glad to hear that SS and/or USEF are taking the whole “finish the bastard” theory to life seriously. Hopefully this will keep some other trainer from having their life intentionally ruined by this person who per their mother was simply upset about not being the center of attention.


It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be somewhat of a landmark case in more ways than one.


I would assume that, if anyone was so inclined to send Lauren letters of support, they could be addressed to Seeker1’s address and she would happily forward them on to Lauren.


I understand perfectly that you’re going to like and respect the posters you agree with— Eggbutt, FitzE, etc. But delightful? When FitzE insults, mocks, and makes pronouncements of dishonesty on ridiculous pretexts, such as my saying, honestly, that I would not go back and provide a link to a post? You find that “delightful”?

I respect FitzEs intelligence and cleverness. I think that if we had met at a horse show IRL and not on SM, I might well have liked her personally. I think SM can bring out the worst in people.

Re bolded. I was not trying to be subtle. I noticed, personally, that when FitzE posts that she’s declaring that I’m dishonest, manipulative, I don’t even remember what else, that it will only make things worse if I attempt to respond and say, no I’m not dishonest, 
 I know that I am indeed powerless to actually refute her smear that I am a liar.

That is the basis for much of my sympathy for LK. She did not “Call CPS to falsely report MB for child sexual abuse”, but even before she was banned, she was powerless to actually refute the lie told about her.

FitzEs smears directed at me are directed to a mere screen name, and are trite, run of the mill SM taunts. It must be much, much worse to have a serious false allegation viciously repeated about your IRL identity, as has been the case on these threads.

I guess so. It is my belief that IM has not identified himself as a relative of LK’s.