Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Hey @FitzE what on earth have you done to become the main focus of the pushback by the gang? You must have touched a nerve somewhere and, as a result, your name was added to the deflect, deny, attack list. Ignore these folks. Their allegiances are profound.


FitzE gave no quarter, held their ground and advanced steadily dismantling the nonsense. Well Done.


Well @CurrentlyHorseless, you seem to be the only person on here who has an issue with @FitzE.

FitzE has never been anything but practical, kind and gracious on these threads. Maybe @erinmeri can chime in about her conversations with her, allowing us to hear from her what their interaction was, rather from your biased viewpoint of things that did not involve you directly.

I know why you have such a problem with FitzE.

She is a knowledgeable attorney.

She is well spoken about legal issues and has objected rightly to much of the crap you attempt to peddle as fact, much like the movies playing in your own head that we have been repeatedly told about.

You know, those movies that do not mesh with reality whatsoever.

Why is it that anyone attempting to justify Lauren’s actions or reactions are so adverse to the truth?

Because the truth about Lauren sucks! You can only attempt to hide so much, and when the truth came out as ugly as it did during the trial, while Lauren was under oath, it was particularly heinous.

Ever hear the saying “you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”? You cannot make a person, who is that ugly, uncaring and spiteful, look like an angel. Especially when they are ugly from the inside out!



Out of interest, did Fitz ever have interactions with YD? I don’t remember much about YD, except for her tone, just trying g to sort out the current conundrum going g on here.


What are you claiming is the lie? That your daughter solicited her as a client and she declined?

I don’t know that it is a lie. But even if it is untrue, no, I would not find that a “significant” lie. Has it hurt your reputation?

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Oh, wow, am I the one ‘living rent free’ now? I would like that as rent where I’m currently living is :astonished: But I take your point and do have my main attacker on ignore and won’t even skim the quoted stuff. Not worth my time. Flag me all you want, but I find it truly beneath my intellectual level at this point and simply cannot be bothered.

Yeesh, is it getting bad? Should I be creeped out? It’s like an old Calvin Klein commercial up in here, eh?


Not very smart to have a family member do that. She could type anything she wants. Should have had a company hired, or legal clerk do it.


Yeah, but if we have learned anything about Lauren and her crew, it is they are nowhere near as bright as they like to tell us they are!

Actually, they are more like a modern day version of the Keystone cops, only worse!


Only if you actually wanted an accurate transcript. :roll_eyes:


I have already addressed this in a previous post on this or a previous thread when I was dragged into the drama by someone else tagging me (so here we go again
). I do not recall FitzE going after me or whatever. If that happened, which nobody has shown me evidence of, @FitzE has been nothing but kind and decent otherwise and has shown themselves to be a lovely human! Others have gone after me, but I don’t recall any of them being FitzE, so I do not know why this keeps coming up.


That’s been my reaction for a while now.

Really, I wish I had landed on it much sooner.


Thank you @erinmeri!

Didn’t mean to drag you into it, but do appreciate your clarification!


Doesn’t mean squat unless it’s transcribed by a certified transcriber who affirms in a sworn affidavit the transcriptions accuracy.


So at least all of the ones by Seeker1 would be in violation of this order, is that correct? And then maybe some/all of the IM ones as well.

IM could have cover, but Seeker has been adamant about her identity. This seems like a real problem, no?


You didn’t, really. CH did by mentioning (but not tagging) me.


What would the legal consequences be?


 I just located IM :rofl:


That’s pretty funny.

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or they would not touch it with a 10 yard pole?

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Thanks. I admit I can get testy when subjected to repeated nonsense. Occupational hazard, I guess! :rofl: