Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Awesome sauce!


I surely did. It was a similar schtick: sealion about something and like a dog with a bone not let it die; make grand pronouncements with no back up except ā€œI believe [poster]ā€ with no further support; lots of language stuff; a crap tonne of flagging after first claiming to never flag; and loads and loads of personal attacks while fronting that they were civil and reasonable, etc.; and big olā€™ victimhood cards being played constantly.

Iā€™d respond and try to have dialogue at times, Iā€™d ignore at times, but once in a while YDā€™s ad hominem routine would get old and Iā€™d have no patience that day for trifling cows. :rofl:


I believe it was CH who dragged you in and another poster. Both you and that other poster pretty unequivocally told her, yeah, no, leave me out of your vendetta against that poster.


I donā€™t know. Thatā€™s US criminal law stuff. I hope someone in the know can answer. If Kirby Kanarek has been on here for a good wee while now disparaging MHG, thatā€™s not going to be terribly helpful with respect to the currently open complaint against LK, I would imagine.

Unforced errors seems to be the family sport. :astonished:


She canā€™t hurt our reputations! All she can do is continue to lie about some fantasy my daughter and/or I ever ā€œbeggedā€ or ā€œinvitedā€ her to bring any horses to the facility we had at the time. She didnā€™t even have any rideable horses in NC at the time and could barely sit a trot on well trained horses (there are people on this forum who witnessed this experience on several occasions)! Yet, she continues on mentioning my daughter and me to total strangers! Who does that? Why were we the topic of discussions with MHG; the woman who brokered the purchase of her various horses; the owners of the business the hero boyfriend worked for; total strangers to her? Why do we occupy such space in her life? She and her FB ā€œbestieā€ delight in making jokes, body shaming, ridiculing, lying about us both. Who does that? For years neither my daughter nor I said a word about this woman and let her behavior speak for itself. My daughter refuses to mention her to this day. I, on the otherhand, became passionate about telling the truth about this woman after the shooting and will continue as long as necessary.

Hereā€™s the thing, my daughter and I have contributed to the advancement and organization of dressage in NC, Region 1, and Nationally for years. We work to make the sport better by getting involved in various ways. We are both well known and our excellent reputations in this state speak for themselves and LK only makes a complete a$$ out of herself when she goes on her tirades against us. She does the same thing when she rants about GJ, Haleybot, MHG, MB and anyone else she is envious of. WHO DOES THAT? Why do you defend and support such behavior? Who made you LKā€™s protector and challenger on these threads? Do you even know this woman?


I closed myself off to seeker1 and now currently shameless, and this thread is greater for it.


Thatā€™s what I thought. Random obsession with you from two separate (supposedly) posters. Coinky dink? I think not.



Are you single? :heart_eyes:


Why, yes. Yes I am.


Ambitious kate i can still respond whether or not u can see me.

I find it highly ironic that lies about you and your daughter are not significant. Yet CH , like YD, jumps on every word any one else says, screaming ā€œThatā€™s a lie!ā€ .
When I said I thought she believed that LK did not start the CPS ball rolling, she jumped on me about lying about her post. I wasnā€™t quoting her post. But I guess thatā€™s a significant ā€œlieā€ in her book.

Whereas trash talking about Eggbutt is aok. Again, hypocrisy at its finest.


I have a hypothesis that CH is using Erinmeri as a sort of meat shield. Erinmeri has shared certain struggles and they are not entirely dissimilar from some of MBā€™s. If CH ā€œdefendsā€ Erinmeri from any sort of slight or strife (real or imagined), CH is absolved of any ugly comments or behavior directwd towards MB or members of the COTH forum.


The hoops some posters will jump through to offset their shenanigans are so tiresome.


I bet Lauren is upset that the GFM for MB has raised any money at all. But more so to realize if one were started on her behalf it wouldnā€™t have nearly as many people donating or as much.


I expect it would also be useful to have some independent verification of the identity of the people who are speaking on said recording as well.


The gangā€™s obsession with the illegal recordings that werenā€™t introduced during the trial, but keep coming up again and again, almost Iike a threat, make me wonder if recordings have been used to the Kanarekā€™s financial benefit in the past? What is that called? Oh yeah, blackmail? Are they hoping MHG will ask USEF to drop their investigation or they ā€œwill tellā€? I think that ship has sailed or the horse has left the stable or whatever.


Word to the wise - never, ever assume you know who is lurking and reading your social media comments.


Been there, done that. The YD schtickā€¦ including, but not limited to, bragging about flagging, grand pronouncements, condescension, faux civility and a heaping helping dose of innocent eyelash-batting and playing the victim while presenting oneself as LKā€™s one great intellectual savior who must never be doubted or questionedā€¦ got old and predictable a very long time ago.

CH - when you first started posting on the forum - after YD was gone and yet having the great misfortune to sound exactly like her at times - you were looking for a lesson barn in the Chicago area. Did you ever find a place that was suitable? Maybe you are no longer currently horseless?


Is CHā€™s shift over? Whoā€™s turn is it tonight?

Coincidence that the one with the most to lose has been absent from the threads all these weeks. Smart.


I think they use the term coercion or extortion more than blackmail.

And yes that is.

Coercion (/koŹŠĖˆÉœĖrŹ’É™n, -ŹƒÉ™n/) is compelling a party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats, including force.[1][2][3] It involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of an individual to induce a desired response, for example: a bully demanding lunch money from a student or the student gets beaten. These actions may include extortion, blackmail, torture, threats to induce favors, or even sexual assault. In law, coercion is codified as a duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in a way contrary to their own interests. Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain/injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat. The threat of further harm may lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced.

There is not a clear distinction between coercion and persuasion but various factors are used to distinguish the two such as intent, the willingness to cause harm, the result of the interaction and the choices available for the person being coerced or persuaded.[4]: 126