Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Creepy when perfect strangers say they will pray for people they never met on a BB because they’re pissed off by their view point. Not really the Christian spirit.


I thought there was no exit wound?

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I’m assuming it can’t be an official transcript


I have some pretty big issues with @Seeker1 essentially doxxing Eggbutt by naming her daughter. That is not cool.


I think that doxxing people on here is cause for being banned.




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Someone needs to report it if they want Seeker1 banned for doxxing. Frankly, I find her juvenile posts amusing.


The surgeon testified there was at least one exit wound and no bullets found in her by X-ray. I think, but I’m not entirely sure, the one cop said her shirt had two “defects” on the back.


I can’t be bothered to click back through all the tedious nonsequitirs and find that post. But it’s worth someone with more bandwidth than me doing this.

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Ah - thank you.

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I don’t see the need personally. It’s nothing that LK had’t already done. As “Kirby Kanarek” seeker is already known to be an extension of LK and her narrative. And the SS post I linked to is almost a year old…


Me three @cutter99 and @erinmeri, on both counts.


I think that was the post by Ms. Kanarek that wasn’t cool with the rules of the forum.


Hey, I resemble that remark! :wink:

In my day I could do two speeds of a walk, three speeds of a trot and two speeds of a canter. A fairly good turn on the haunch, a shoulder-in and a half pass—only we called it a leg yield diagonally across the ring, but not with that stirrup length!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

P.S. And I know what an eggbutt is.


Definitely not cool, not surprising either considering the source.


Yeah, but that round that hit the window went up at least 4-6 ft if not more off the patio, so if it was one of the two rounds that went through LK first……hmmmmm

I’m standing by my theory (movie in my mind) that there was no way 6’3” MB was upright on the patio when that shot was fired!


No, LK, you know the one who isn’t obsessed with anyone, rummaged through 19 years of posts I’ve made until she found one way back when I was president of North Carolina Dressage and Combined Training Association (NCDCTA) where I posted my real name. Actually she didn’t find it - apparently someone with an old, broken screen phone took a screen shot of the post and sent it to her. I can imagine her glee when she posted the bombshell screen shot!! :rofl: I’ve been a member since 2003! Because I had made the post many, many, many years ago, the moderators determined LK could not be punished because she (or someone) had found one of my identifying posts. I am Sandie Dennis. For now, no one has named my daughter. Lauren has had fun with her major discovery and mentioned it again recently in one of the SS threads. She is so clever and proud. What a shame no one can find any lies I’ve told about the Kanareks though - something they declare frequently but can’t produce any proof.

It’s all good. My reputation and accomplishments are wonderful and well known in NC. If the Kanareks focus on me, they are leaving others alone. Besides, I actually do have our attorney on speed dial.

Let me add there are several regular posters on these threads who have always known who I am IRL and would have immediately called me out had I Iied about anything. You should realize there are many posters who also know me who have lurked here since the beginning yet have never posted. The reason I was not forthcoming about my identity should be obvious with the amount of flack and ridicule I receive by the LK Gang. I can take it. But you have to ask yourself, WHO DOES THAT?

Edited to ask - does anyone notice a distinct difference in language and style from Seeker1 last December to Seeker1 now?


Whereas I just leapt in head first with identifying posts. :joy:
I stated my name in the first thread I commented on.


It’s not hard to figure out who I am. Even NP figured it out.