Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’m going to take a wild guess and say your name is Carol.


Aye aye eggbutt. And lately it’s been very deja vu all over again in its syntax and jargon.


I am not seeing LK and RG struggle a lot with sobriety.
BTw SUboxone IS a potent pain killer.


I’ve been on the internet a loooong time. I’ve seen many forum posts. Many strange things have been posted on the internet. Many strange people have posted strange things. That post was one of the saddest, most pathetic things I’ve ever seen. Having someone dig through years of post history to find an identifying morsel. Hours combing through someone’s posting history. Who does that?


Apparently it must be used with treatment or else it’s abused


I believe it was difficult to tell as they had to cut her open from stem to stern to control the bleeding.


Not to mention, I don’t think he’s shoot her twice with his non-dominant hand without aiming and then immediately swap to his dominant hand to shoot at RG. Remember they both testified to 3 one after the other shots.


the word is ( from our ‘drug savy’ nephew) that if you take Suboxone tou don’t want to take any opioids for a good while after Suboxone, because it makes you violently ill.
And diminishes the effect fo the drugs.
Now, I don’t know how it works on other stuff, or on stuff that shares receptors.
As it is, I take neither and I won’t go try either out.


These folks look at it as identifying their enemy to plan their attack. Just as Seeker1 asked posters to PM her with their identify so “she could help them”. It’s all about taking names and keeping score. These people are not going to change one iota. They are always looking for targets and their next victims.


My friend’s boyfriend OD’d on fentanyl three times. Now he takes suboxone and uses just about every other drug. Shrooms, Molly, etc.


LK’s definition of “sober” versus that of the recovery community may be two very different animals.


Well, I could believe a third shot at RG if there was any evidence—collected by MPD— of a third shot. No testimony by the ear witness, ED either.


I did not respond to Ms. Kanarek when she asked me “then why are you here?” when I said that she and others were in my opinion, by their behavior,making this thread into an approximation of the Jerry Springer show.

I don’t fell the need to explain my presence on these forums to someone who has only recently joined, for one reason, and regarding one subject only, as have Ms. Kanarek and her daughter, and their friends.
I have been a member here for over a decade and have many interests, unlike the people whose only interest is the Barisone case (like Ms.Kanarek aka seeker1 or whatever her screen name) so asking me why I am here just doesn’t fly.

Engaging with these people is rather like trying to help the Rev. or Peronace distinguish right from wrong. It seems not to be within the realm of possibility, not for someone who is not a mental health professional anyway.

So, ignored these folks will be, because I don’t enjoy listening to the sleazy dramas that these people create for themselves, yet never seem to learn from, and they show no signs of stopping. I wish there was someone , a friend that they would listen to, who could tell them to be quiet, for their family’s sake.

Yes, they can continue to play the fool here but they can’t make me watch it. I am interested in how Mr. Barisone’s case is handled by the system, so I will keep an eye on this thread, without having to see the money grubbers trying to influence people on the COTH forum, in their self-sabotaging manner.

Whether the Kanareks will succeed in finding a way to profit from this disaster is of absolutely no interest to me. It’s a disgusting display of greed and the want of notoriety IMO.


Holding you in my heart, @BigMama1, during those tough times we all experience and cheering you on, always! You rock!

ETA: you too @cutter99


I wonder how any decision made by USEF might influence any of the civil trials? I can’t see any of this being positive for LK.


Former detox nurse (and current lurker) here, he’s more or less correct. Buprenorphine is the active part of Suboxone and it’s basically a weak opioid that has a higher affinity for the particular opioid receptors than heroin, etc. If one takes another opioid while on Suboxone it essentially boots that drug off the receptor, which can trigger abrupt withdrawal symptoms.


The science behind it makes my head spin, to be honest. It can be a god send when one has to deal with chronic pain though (in lieu of canabis) because the other stuff loses it’s potency quickly and gets you hooked in no time flat.
And of course doctors look at you funny when you ask for it.
On the other hand, you have a legit need for suboxone, they look at you still with that knowing nod…


Apparently the boyfriend was smoking cocaine (crack) which would not counteract suboxone. I don’t remember if he was also questioned about using suboxone or if he had a heroin problem as well.

The judge didn’t allow the boyfriend’s drug use to be explored beyond the fact that he was using (relapsing) during the time frame that he and his girlfriend (Kanarek) were living at Barisone’s house in N.J. There was obviously proof of both of their drug use, or the prosecution wouldn’t have brought it up before the defense could. Damage control, but not good enough to conceal the truth from the jury.

Medical professionals who are familiar with substance abusers know, that violence and crack usage are no strangers.


I don’t think you use suboxone if you don’t have a heroin problem.

He said heroine and cocaine, or heroine and crack. but he went off site to do it, he didn’t use on the property. That’s some disclipline, right there, to leave the property to use. I doubt he did. Where would he go, the woods? Sit in his car? I can’t believe he would do that rather than the “comfort” of MB’s house. I mean, all the respect they had for MB, and all. Yeah.


Thanks for the explanation. If Suboxone has a higher affinity, how does another opioid with a lower affinity knock it off the receptor? I’m just very interested in the science. Many thanks for your input!

I understood he grew up in NJ. Perhaps he goes to another part of NJ with people he knew before? Or, if he grew up in NJ and LK is also from NJ, maybe he has local drug-related contacts for when he is in NJ.

Which is not to say that he never used on MB’s property. I don’t believe that for a second. They lie way too much for me to believe anything they say, at all, but certainly anything they say about drug use.

I remember when she said on the stand that MB ‘cyber stalked’ her public social media (by simply reading her posts mostly the ones she aimed at him and MHG purposefully) I almost did a spit take recalling how she/someone close to her went back to 2003 to find a post with Eggbutt’s name and how YD doxxed J_Lu here. Projection really does seem to be the name of the game with these folks and their on-line supporters.

Eggbutt, you have been really brave here. They have gone after you no holds barred and you have stood tall. You haven’t caved to their pressure, and you haven’t lied about them. Brava!