Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Why would you think someone into drugs wouldn’t use suboxone if it was available? Apparently suboxone isn’t used with heroin but could give some sort of high to a coke user.

Who knows. The whole thing is sad. I hope they are able to overcome their addictions, work on straightening themselves out, and just leave other people alone.

Heroine: A woman idealized for her courage etc…
Heroin: A highly addictive drug derived from morphine…


You were frightened of @FitzE? A stranger on a public forum who has no idea who you are, and you have no idea who she/he is? A stranger who’s stated several times she/he isn’t located in the USA? I’m sorry that you felt threatened by a total stranger who doesn’t know who you are or where you’re located, but maybe spending so much time on a public bulletin board continually re-hashing such an emotive topic isn’t the best place for you, it obviously causes you great distress and fear. It’s okay to step away, it’s sometimes healthy to step away, it seems best for you if you do step away.


I think I phrased that in a wonky manner, lol. Suboxone has a higher affinity for opioid receptors, so it will boot whatever other opioid the person is using off the receptor. It also prevents other opioids from being very effective if they’re used during suboxone treatment, as well as containing naltrexone (aka Narcan) that’s formulated to release if the pill/film is altered in order to inject it.


No, you mis understand what I thought I was saying. The comment was about using suboxone OR if he had a heroin addiction. My comment was, I don’t tink you would use suboxone UNLESS you had a heroin addiction. I don’t think you come upon suboxone and start using it, having never used heroin. I think it would have to be a heroin addict using suboxone. Just a wierd comment and not at all important, really.


LOL Is this for real?? Oh, my giddy aunt. This has got to be YD. Only she would create that kind of crazy out of absolute nothing.


Personally I found CH’s reaction to be dramatic and over the top. It was weird. Using words such as “shocked” “afraid” “vicious” etc. Then pulling other posters into the diatribe. I mean, how CH feels is how CH feels, but the whole thing has just been odd, to me.

I also wish when people say that other posters are spreading lies, they would say what those lies are and what the truth is. I’ve actually seen a few things that I didn’t believe at first (but didn’t say were lies), actually be proven to be true. I really haven’t seen much lie spreading post trial?


For some people in this thread having to do that would ruin their fun, because they do not truly have any lies to point out. They just like to puff and proclaim ‘everyone’ is telling lies to make them sound like a better person, a more knowledgeable person.


Not at all! I’m sure my understanding was what was wonky! Very interesting and many thanks for the insight. I hadn’t thought about how the booting the other opioid off would lead to violent withdrawal symptoms. What an awful situation to try to control. I really feel for people actively battling this stuff, including yourself helping out. It must be so difficult for everyone. So impressed by people who get on top of it and make a success of their lives.


Well said @eggbutt


Thanks, I found it odd but I did recognise really building up trigger words to make a case and position oneself as a victim in order to demonise the other person, that person being myself in this case. They definitely overplayed it, though. I’m intrigued they continue to call me really highly emotional and strongly negative things like ‘vicious’, repeatedly with no repercussions at all, while simultaneously flagging me for things like ‘trifling’ and ‘lightweight’. It’s a weird game without any internal logic, but I guess that’s par for the course from what I’ve seen from that quarter. :woman_shrugging:


Well, @FitzE, all those logical facts are vicious when logical facts ruin the fun of made up imaginary things.
So on that front I guess you are quite vicious, you evil logical and fact filled person that you are.


It’s interesting, CH’s attack on me (that she is continuing and really not letting go of) is rising to the point of being actually, demonstrably vicious, not pretend “I wanna be the victim, please pity me” vicious. She keeps posting detailed, long-winded posts both tagging me (luckily I do NOT get those notifications) and not tagging me to just continue to have a go at me, relentlessly. But we don’t flag so she keeps on.

What a really strange obsession. I’m glad not to see the dishonest posts anymore except as quotes which I can scroll right by. I agree with @Ambitious_Kate’s brava performance above and opting out has, indeed, made this thread more interesting and on point for me!


I admit, I have one worry if SS/USEF ban LK (or the whole family) in some way.
I think LK really likes her horses/riding. It actually gives her something to do between naps that is not vengeful, not hate filled, not attempting to ruin the lives of others just for sport. Her having this outlet (riding) is a good thing for her and for those she is looking to torture next.

Hopefully, even if she is banned from participating in recognized shows she will continue to ride her lovely horses and enjoy the companionship of something that love back with no strings attached, something that does not know how she treats other humans so they can love her anyway.

Otherwise, the world is in trouble because LK will likely spend all her not napping time finding ways to make others miserable.


:clap: :clap: :clap:


I believe the mods confirmed that CH is not YD long ago. ETA: as you can tell by the fact I use my real name, I’m not savvy to the ways one can deceive the mods as to identity.

Has an amateur been banned via safesport yet? Do we know if a trainer who continues to board them and teach them would be aiding and abetting?

Do we know that SS is reviewing a case against LK or are we speculating?



This is true.
I think the point being made is that the moderation staff confirms ID by IP address and CH has posted that they moved, which gives them a new IP address.

It does not really matter is CH IS ACTUALLY YD. The big point is CH posts just like YD, complains about the same things (British English, not American English is a great example), twists things like YD, etc. So sure, two totally separate people who happen to post in these threads the same way is fine, but we can still laugh at how alike they are.

I am not reading it to be speculation.


I think its a fact that MHG submitted one and has a second submission to SS against LK . People here know about that, they can pro ably say it one more time for you.


I mentioned above that my friend’s boyfriend is on it because of a fentanyl addiction. Basically any opioid.


So forgive me if I haven’t been able to read the 3200+ posts since I last opened this thread, but did MB ever get moved to the mental health facility?


Yes, a few days ago.