Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

A good place to go to know the latest on that front is the Go Fund Me. It is kept up to date on those types of details. It even has the current address on where to send letters.

If you do not have a link I have found it easy to find by typing Michael Barisone Gofundme into google, it comes right up.


Because we want him driving while using? I seriously don’t understand what mental gymnastics it takes to see “I yse, but not here” as a good thing.
Yes of course, to the addict it makes sense.
That lense should be on everything they state that seems off


I can’t remember from the testimony if the question was whether he used drugs “on the farm” or “on the property.” If the latter, given that he apparently regarded the apartment, the door leading to it, and the porch and patio outside that door as HIS and LK’s property, he could have meant he shot up, snorted, smoked, whatever in another part of the house or the front porch (on the other side of the house) or even in his truck. (And I am still gob-smacked that the police never searched his vehicles. It would have been so interesting to know what he had in them. Drugs / drug paraphernalia? Guns? Recording devices? Maybe even a SHOVEL - gasp.)


If I can find it. :slight_smile: (Found it)




I haven’t followed these thread very closely since the trial ended, but I did catch up a little this morning and all I can say is, it’s interesting how everyone close to LK uses such similar phrasing, sentence structure and format.

I know we do tend to pick up habits and terminology from those close to us, but 
 that apple is very close to the ol’ tree.


He said at the “facility.” Then when Mr B asked if he had relapses while living on the property and he said “I had a few relapses at that time.”

That’s a super slippery answer that doesn’t deny getting high in the house. Just not at the “facility.”

Starting at 21:00


Watching him now, all I can think of is someone giving him the nickname him Sit 'n Spin. :rofl:

Did you come up with that? So on point.


It makes me dizzy!


He was his own worst enemy on the stand, smug, fidgety, and condescending.


Hats off to the people who have the fortitude to go back and watch those videos again to check the details. I could barely get through them the first time.


Thanks! I know that sometimes people slog through a lot of posts before they get caught up on the threads, so it’s best to have the updated information even in the older posts.


Well, according to the USEF records, she has only ridden three tests in the last three years at recognized shows, and the most recent one was almost 2 years ago. So realistically, it would not be that big an adjustment based on her competition history.

Interestingly enough, the horse she showed most recently was Jay-T, the one she claimed that she bought from MB to provide him with a good home in his later years, or whatever that slant was.


Looks like he has hemorrhoids.


I’m still catching up, but why is it that the supposedly God-loving, “I’m such a good Christian and quote bible verses and preach about kindness” types are always SO PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE? That does not make you a kind-hearted person, it makes you a passive-aggressive person that wants to try to come across as loving while still getting jabs in.


Goodness, where did everyone go? It seems after my grand unveiling and after the intense support of @FitzE against their attacks, the wind has left their sails!

Let’s talk USEF/SS, shall we? I can’t imagine either gives a tinker’s dang about an Illegal Mob’s posting on a relatively obscure social forum, but hey, whatever the flavor of the day is for these folks. Many posters aren’t USEF members, don’t pay non-member fees to show, and some aren’t even in the US or its territories. The only persons who USEF would be concerned with, IMO, are the Kanareks. They are the ones in the semi-national spotlight with multiple valid complaints against them, right? For sure there are, and have been lurkers here from USEF/DF all along since the beginning. The line leading to damage control was crossed many thousand posts ago.

I am curious how long the federation investigation will take? They’ve had since 2020 to collect data, possibly merge other complaints, receive new ones, etc. I wonder if their investigation can/will run deeper than the past few years and the primary targets of the investigation? I wonder how long it will be before a hearing is held to lift MB’s suspension?

Here’s the truth - should USEF ban LK & anyone connected to her, she isn’t going to go away. It is going to take local, state and possibly federal law enforcement and private agency involvement to protect her prime targets from her wrath.

How would any action taken by USEF connect to any pending civil litigation I wonder? What can stop this train that is barrelling down the tracks toward this group of people? Imagine the pressure this group of people have regarding all the pending issues
well, maybe they are too arrogant to believe all the cards will eventually fall.

From all reports MB is doing quite well at AK and is responsive and participative with his caregivers. All indications seem to show he is in control of his senses since the trial/verdict which obviously was a huge weight lifted and continue to indicate the mental break of August 7, 2019 was an isolated event, albeit quite serious for all involved. Questions will always swirl about the truth of that day, but the verdict speaks for itself.

I wonder if Simring or MB’s longtime therapist are currently involved with him now? Is Dr Mustache?

Imagine how quiet this forum would have been if all the principal participants ceased all social media public posts immediately after the trial! Heck, if a certain person or her representatives had never begun posting here, these threads would have died long ago.

I’m going now to check on my foal, work with my antique roses, groom my dogs, make a Trader Joe’s run, and have a nice lunch with friends. Y’all have a nice day! :heart:


I agree, plus using your supposed ‘good deeds’ to puff yourself up and shame others: I’m volunteering at a ‘food kitchen’, what are you doing?

Leave it to a certain brand of ‘Christians’ to turn praying for someone into a snide put down. I’m sure that’s exactly what Jesus would do, right? :roll_eyes:


Great news to hear that MB is doing so well! I am glad that the verdict allowed him to have such relief.


I just wanted to touch on this part of your post. The State is supposed to pick a psychiatrist for MB’s evaluation. Dr Stach is not one. My hope is the state went with Dr Simring because he already knows the background and doesn’t have to wade through the trial discovery. But they probably didn’t.

Dr Stache can certainly be used in the civil suit to refute one of MB’s defenses. I guess we’ll see on that one.


Add that to the very long list of things that many religious types do that I’m guessing Jesus would never do.