Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

To quote Omarosa, “Jesus ain’t say that.”


I guess we don’t flag because a lot of us have them on ignore.
I mean, who has time?!


And most of us do not see it as a win when the thread is closed. Some posters seem to strive for the close.


well, shucks, the illustrious YD got a thread in the support section closed! A record that will stand untouched for a very long time!


Dr. Schlessinger (Mustache) may be too busy working on his new book: “The Inheritability of Toxic Personality Disorders.” :upside_down_face:


Sdel had a long post in which she analyzed some of YDs old posts, and seemed to conclude that YD had inside knowledge, and YD being banned had something to do with the pharmaceutical field, which was the professional field of LKs sister. I am not surprised YD was banned (although someone said she was suspended, not banned, a while back). I remember YDs posting style, and found it to be extremely belligerent, grandiose, and condescending. I don’t see the resemblance of my posting style to hers, but I don’t think you (g) need a real resemblance in posting style to suspect someone is YD. The accusation was also made about the other posters in my “niche”, Hut-Ho and Equkelly, and I see no resemblance of their posting styles, with YD either.

For me, I learned a lot of the dynamics of these threads in that December 2021 thread in which Seeker1 came on saying she was Lauren’s mother. Equkelly was accused of being YD, FitzE attacked Equkelly, RND, and me, and you and IdahoRider posted extremely offensive posts directed at Seeker1. I dropped out for 24 hours, and when I returned, the mods announced that a bunch of posts had been deleted and one poster “had lost access” to the board. I assumed that it was either you or IdahoRider who had “lost access”! I don’t know what Equkelly did to get banned, but your post was offensive enough for the mods to remove it.

You speak very authoritatively about “us” and the “collective bulletin board’s” opinion. As of two days ago, Sdel seemed to think YD was LKs sister, based on a detailed analysis of YDs posts, and someone with inside knowledge. How did the “collective bulletin board” arrive at this new opinion? Was there some behind the scenes PMing among the posters of the “collective bulletin board” in which Sdel was convinced I’m not LKs sister, but “probably” am YD? I previously stated the opinion that PMing went on to coordinate attacks on particular posters in an attempt to get them banned. I now see that’s hardly necessary. If one poster starts an attack, others can easily join in without actual plans by PM. But it looks like behind the scenes PMing does go on for the purpose of discussing “the collective boards opinion” on what to do with problematic posters, correct?

I know you don’t like me, @Ambitious_Kate. I don’t like you either!

ETA. This speculating on who is an alter for who can make you crazy. Just now I had the flash of an idea that your post was written by someone else and sent to you by PM to be posted under your screen name. Crazy!

ETA Perhaps everyone involved in “the collective boards” opinion who thinks my posts contribute absolutely nothing could each just put me on “ignore”.


Bravo! :rofl:




LOL. FitzE is applauding the “brava performance” of @Ambitious_Kate.

I would be surprised if Schellhorn approved Dr. Simring for the evaluation. I think he would not want to use someone who testified for the Defense in the trial and would want an independent “non-involved” shrink.

I am wondering if they would therefore have the evaluation done by the staff shrink at Ann Klein, esp. since he is already on the State’s payroll.




I’ve finally had enough of you, and am going to do as you suggest. Bye.


Oh fine, be that way.
I come here all excited that you quoted me and what do I find… Posts removed.


I agree completely. I just feel bad for anyone else who has to read all that discovery and try to make sense of it all.


I did not feel physically threatened, obviously. I felt mocked and insulted “on SM”. Isn’t that what these threads are about?

You’re right that FitzE and other posters can only attack my screen name, so they are not attacking “the real me”, but it was still very unpleasant.

I did step away at the time, and will do so again in the future if necessary.

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Recently posted by Currently Shameless:

Just now I had the flash of an idea that your post was written by someone else and sent to you by PM to be posted under your screen name. Crazy!

Methinks someone is projecting a bit much. :laughing:


And not feel like they have been violated in some way after reading it all.


Sorry - I had tagged you by mistake so decided to delete the post and start over. :innocent:



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Right? Do they keep eye bleach stocked for the Dr’s there?