Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I assume that drug use on the property could be grounds for eviction, so RG is trying to avoid any suggestion that eviction was justified.


I guess that shall be a good reason.

(And I shall take this as the time to use this fun emoji totally out of season.)


They will probably wonder if the wrong person is in their facility. :thinking:


That is my first thought too!


It’s hardly surprising that someone with the injuries she sustained 2 years ago would not have been physically up to competing for the past two years.


Drug use on private property could also land the OWNER in big trouble too. It doesn’t affect the renter alone.

That’s a general comment, I’m certain BigMama1 knows this already. It has been discussed before.


Re bold. OK, my plan is not to engage, but I have to respond to this claim that I flagged you for “things like ‘trifling’ and ‘lightweight’”.

Did you have a post which was flagged for using the words ‘trifling’ and ‘lightweight’? If a post is flagged, is the poster informed who flagged it?

I would not flag a post with such innocuous words.

But on what basis are you claiming that I flagged you for those words? If such a post was flagged by someone, how could you possibly know who flagged it.

Are you a moderator?

I have never gotten feedback from the mods that a post of mine was flagged by a particular poster. In fact, I don’t remember being informed that posts of mine have been flagged.

I do think that your attack on me back in December was “vicious”, and now understand it better given that you probably thought you were responding to YD. Did you continue to think I was YD when I said I was intimidated and dropped off the thread? That doesn’t sound like YD’s “pattern of behavior” to me.

Personally I do not believe you are YD. Occasional similarities in posts but nowhere near the level of grandiose YD displayed. Not to mention I believe YD didn’t actually read the entirety of the posts she responded to, because I had the exact same argument with her at least four times.


Yes, I think it was discussed that this is something Paradigm should be VERY wary of with her/them having access to on-site housing. They should also be aware that LK/RG consider that rented space ‘our property’. I would never in a million years rent to anyone who said that about their rented space. Completely out of touch with reality and basic concepts of property/property law.


She was injured almost 3 years ago, in 2019. She competed a few times the following year, in 2020. Nothing since then, according to the USEF records. Just to clarify the dates.


I have a feeling many people could say the same thing about CH. At least regarding the number of times they’ve had the same argument.

I could probably say the same thing myself about her, if I felt like wasting the time to go back and review her prior posts. Which I’m not going to do.


The best argument against CH being YD is that YD dominated (and shut down) threads on a variety of topics in early every section of the board. I don’t recall seeing CH anywhere but the Barisone threads? But maybe we just don’t frequent the same threads elsewhere on the board. I doubt YD could limit herself to spouting off on just one topic.


Would that be grounds for eviction even if there was no written rental or lease agreement with specific conditions spelled out?

It seems like it should be common sense, but that might not be the case.

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Oh interesting. I didn’t realize she had competed since the shooting.


Yes, in the summer of 2020.


CH does not read the entirety of the posts they respond to either, that has been clear many times.
I even asked them, some what recently, if they bothered to read the thread.

CH does post in other threads.


I think carrying on illegal activities gives the other party the grounds to do a lot even if there was no explicit arrangement. Even if it was a handshake deal, if someone then starts doing drugs, running numbers, cooking meth, whatever, I would feel secure thinking it was reasonable that I would be able to give them the boot. I mean, they’d have to go to some forum to enforce their claim that they still have a right to be there. Can you imagine going to court to say, yeah, I’m using heroin on the property but no way can I be kicked off, right!? I mean, he has no lease saying I can’t do heroin there, so I’m good, yeah?

I don’t think that would go very far.


That seems logical. But lots of people have posted about how difficult it can be to evict renters, even under conditions that seem extreme.


True. It seems near impossible at times, doesn’t it?


Illegal activity is almost always cause for an expedited eviction. But even here in my relatively landlord friendly jurisdiction, the Court wants a lot of proof. Like, an arrest on the property plus pictures of drugs on my property in their possession, etc.