Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity


Did the mods state publicly on the thread that they had checked my IP address? Iā€™m glad they did, just a little surprised I missed it.

BTW, a banned poster would not need to move to a different physical address to get a new IP address.

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This make me wonder, in landlord/tenant court situations, how much proof is needed?
Criminal court level or just a reasonable amount of proof that the average person could get without a search warrant?




Yes, agreed, I just find it ā€¦head scratch that ā€œI donā€™t use on the farmā€ is seen or stated as some kind of positive.


I just skim over certain posts, because all I hear is the Darth Vader March. When the Mob posts, I hear Verdiā€™s delightful Anvil Chorus.

The Anvil Chorusā€™s melody was morphed into The Gangā€™s All Here.
(Kathleen Raine used The Gangā€™s All Here in her freestyle when the Volvo World Cup was held in LA, her home base, It was really fun except she had a nasty spook in a corner).


Iā€™ve dealt with this before. Those two people were bi-polar, narcissistic sociopaths that just so happened to use histrionics about being ā€œa victimā€ as their method of choice for primary manipulation of people. Only if that didnā€™t work did they move on to threats. This dynamic is certainly no mystery to me.


It depends on what youā€™re trying to prove. Non-payment of rent is easy. The tenant has to prove they paid. Youā€™re lease is up, time to go, all I need to prove is I gave proper notice.

Itā€™s when you are trying to prove violations that get trickier but since I have a right to inspect my property (with notice) I donā€™t necessarily need a warrant. For example, tenant brings in dog on a no-pet lease. Pictures of dog, dog food, etc is enough. Things get grayer when it comes to stuff like noise violations or healthy/safety violations but pictures and witnesses (other tenants, maintenance people) go a long way.

Illegal activity though has a high standard because itā€™s the only violation the tenant doesnā€™t get an opportunity to ā€œcureā€ (fix) or defend, and itā€™s quick. So I have to have police reports and be able to show it happened on my property.


Thanks for the explanation @ekat. Very interesting.


Youā€™re welcome. NJ is a very tenant friendly state. Their rules, timelines, etc make things more complicated.


I do believe was about the FL farm, which they testified to renting a trailer offsite. Also, I do think there was a place where he started to say heā€™d never been ā€œcaughtā€ā€¦ā€¦


That sounds like it could be a challenge to come up with that kind of proof. Especially with people who have had a lifetime of practice covering up such activities.

Such people might be inclined to have a dangerous dog on ā€œtheirā€ property to prevent anyone looking around for evidence, for example.


I thought that line of questioning specifically addressed his time at the farm in New Jersey. But unlike others who have more fortitude, I am not willing to look at his testimony again to verify it. Lol.

Edited to add: I did go back and watch just to satisfy my curiosity. They were definitely talking about the time in New Jersey, since Mr. B specified that it was when they were living in MBā€˜s house, which was not the case when they were in Florida.


Mr B specifically asks him about using drugs while living with MB and he said, (while spinning) ā€œI had a relapse during that time.ā€ Mr B asked if it was crack, Objection ensued, but RG looked like he wanted to say yes.


I do the same thing, but I hear Charlie Brownā€™s teacher for the most part. Lol.


Possibly, but boxes of Suboxone in the garbage can indicted a problem. A big problem.


It absolutely can be challenging, especially with people that know how to game the system. Iā€™ve only ever done it when I have my tenant sitting in cuffs, and luckily my PD is willing to hand them the eviction notice so I can go file the next day.


Oh absolutely. But that wouldnā€™t get me my eviction since Suboxone is legal. Itā€™s definitely an indication you have trouble though.


I am FINALLY caught up! Between being at Not-Rolex and getting ready for my first ever recognized dressage show next week (!!!), Iā€™ve been so busy.

But, I thought you guys would appreciate this random picture I got with a certain Olympic eventer. For funsies, I included one from back in 2015 as well. :joy:


No, you said ā€œI am no longer ā€œafraidā€ of FitzEā€ which means you were previously afraid of FitzE, a stranger on a random forum. That says to me that the internet isnā€™t a safe space for you and you might be best to step away before any other random person scares you. This forum is obviously impacting your life on quite a deep level and thatā€™s not healthy.


He is such a cutie!!!