Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I want to know what’s in that bag.

Have fun at your show!



So is it safe to say that @TwiSedai has a long term relationship going there?


For sure. But that probably is not the same thing as proof that something illegal was happening on the property.


Any thoughts on how long the SS/USEF situation with LK will take? How will we (general population) know how it is resolved?


Indeed. I think the Sharing Pictures of Cute Kittens thread has finally been outdone.


Under SS, MB’s suspension used to say Criminal Disposition but now it says Allegations of Misconduct. Is this a new charge or did they revise it because of the verdict?


I would imagine if they are suspended, they will be added to the USEF suspension list that any member can check, or the safe sport list if that applies, which anyone can check. I have no idea how long that normally takes for a situation like this.

For more typical suspensions involving breaking horse show rules or what have you, they typically arrive at a determination within maybe six or eight months. And then if the person is going to be suspended for a finite period of time, that will often happen so that it applies during the same general time of the following year.

So let’s say you did something bad at a horse show in March of 2022. You might find out in the fall of 2022 that you will be suspended for three months starting in March of 2023.

When that happens, I don’t think the general public would know about the suspension until it starts and the person is added to the list on the first day, although the person is notified when the USEF reaches their decision, I believe.

For an indefinite suspension that starts immediately, the person would be added to the list right away, as MB was after he was arrested.


Maybe if he held a kitten.


Boyd Martin is a huge fan of cats.


Michael Barisone’s interim suspension now says “allegations of misconduct”. I remember it as saying something else. Has it been changed, or is it just me?

Whatever proof the defense had of Kanareck and the boyfriend’s drug use was enough to have it admitted into court, (only to be used to show the defendants state of mind) or the prosecutor wouldn’t have brought it up.

If a civil suit proceeds, no doubt the drug use by Kanarek and her boyfriend will be discussed in great detail, and at great length, by Mr. Barisone’s attorneys.

I think it would be best for all involved just to move on.


If he was holding a kitten coth would probably crash from all the log ins


Again the phrase “Who does that?” seems apropos…


I think one party has moved on and is moving forward.

Based on posts here, the other side has not. My biggest fear is the Kanareks will not move on and will continue to harass Michael as long as they can legally get away with it.

“FINISH THE BASTARD” and all that!


I don’t get the sense that everyone is just going to “move on”. Even for the criminal trial, MB was willing to risk everything and move to trial so “the story” could be heard and so the world could see. After being more or less exonerated in the criminal trial, one doesn’t have to to look too hard at what he lost, and what he may still have to suffer through, to see he might think there is more to the story that still needs to come out and is more than willing to go there.


Did she really say that? And she was on the staff at the White House?!?

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I think we should risk it.


Agree 100% & add in a puppy & mini foal


If she said it she was being ethnically jovial. She seems very educated.


I’m sure you’re right, no one will let it go.

I think Ms. Kanarek is quite likely to be disappointed if she believes that this will be a financial windfall for her, and that Mr. Barisone would be better off not revisiting the events that traumatized him, even if he were to win a judgement.