Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Maybe he would get more mental satisfaction out of being vindicated. It seems like that’s what happened at the trial, anyway.


And making sure that no one else will be tortured the same way that she did to him.


That could be. I have no way of knowing about his state of mind.

I would be satisfied by the vindication of the trial, and not want to keep on re-living this mess for years, and it will be years.


I don’t see how a civil judgement against her will do that.

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She obtained that elusive missing 2nd level score require for achieving USDF Bronze Medal status. She has not shown nationally since.


My guess is that when still more of her dirty laundry is revealed she will be less welcome at still more places. Shrinking the potential pool of future victims.

That is simply a guess.

ETA: She won’t be able to hide the rot within her walls anymore, so to speak.


I would think that the more information that gets out about her and how she does things, the safer the rest of the horse world is.

The defense was very limited on what they could say about LK, RG, and JK at the trial so people only heard a small portion of the story. At the civil trial they will be able to expand on the details.


Do they? On their own, to me they could indicate someone in recovery who is sticking to their program.


To me, empty boxes (pl) looks far more like someone who is selling it rather than focusing on their recovery and maintenance. Particularly if they were not forthcoming about having a problem.


except they are soooo super stingy about giving you full boxes anymore. We have literally gotten ziplock baggies from the pharmacy, with the according sticker on it etc, but they had to bust the boxes open to give my husband his allotment. So ‘boxes’ would make me wonder.


As a landlord, to me it would mean pay closer attention. Are they paying their rent? Are the neighbors complaining? Is there a lot of traffic? Are they forever “breaking” things in their unit? If I need in for repairs, does it look like a hoarder/tweaker paradise? Suboxone, on its own wouldn’t scream problem, it would nudge me to look at the whole picture.


My thoughts are the 48 Hours segment this fall will do significant damage to the Kanarek image. The civil trials should follow sometime next year I would think. The USEF investigation will take as long as necessary. To some people USEF has had many reports and many years to act and sat silently by. It will be fascinating to watch the federation thread the needle trying to dot every i and cross every t. USEF membership has shrunk significantly over the last few years and I would think they will have to weigh public perception and pressure in their decision.

Michael is poised to demand a hearing with USEF soon after he is released from custody. They (USEF) could try to drag out the Kanarek investigation until Barisone is given a hearing. Just one more reason so many have called USEF “Useless” in the past.

What began as a Finish the Bastard campaign for the Kanarek gang, certainly has morphed into a monster totally out of their sphere of influence and political control.


I was thinking about the 48 hours segment, and how it’s such a complicated story to tell. But I enjoy imagining them letting Lauren Kanarek talk. All about it.


well,as they say: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Or the thing about the pitcher and the well. This campaign was one bridge too far.
MB looked like an easy mark. How mean of him to not roll over even after the breakdown.
Then again, you don’t claw your way up to the top of the sport by rolling over and playing possum!


They will probably water down the story and facts and add their slant. We can flip a coin to decide how they will decide. An honest to goodness factual book by a forensic author would be great!


Like Mr. B with Dr. Mustache.


I don’t know anything about his state of mind, either. I just remember him saying at that hearing a few weeks before the trial that he welcomed the media.

To me, that indicated that it was important to him to get his side of the story out in the public eye. So maybe that is still the case now, even after the trial, since the judge limited a lot of the evidence.


I’m over here wondering if we are going to get yet another version of the event. Because so far, I’ve counted at least 7 including ED.


How much worse can their image get? Are they known for anything other than being a nightmare to deal with?


IDK. I know they’ve been asked umpteen times to share any success stories they are proud of and the response is crickets.