Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Cutter99 What makes you think we dont get all the help we can for all of our children in any area they need it? You have no idea what we have done. All this viciousness is your fear for us that things could get worse? Ahhh…

Or that Lauren could hurt you? Remember that she did not pull a trigger point blank putting two bullets in anyones chest.

That is really nice of you to consider and warn us. Maybe you are really a nice person under that very difficult and malevolent shell you keep around you?

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Well, when you put it like that, I cannot wait!


Oh how will eggbutt ever have fun again once this is over?

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You are losing it, my dear. I’ll pray for you.


Didn’t she fire a gun at someone in the past? And doesn’t she have assault charges on her record in addition to the gun incident? Besides her lengthy record of causing mental and emotional harm to people, it’s seems quite reasonable to believe she could physically harm someone too. Her own comments and the threats she has made publicly back that up.


I wonder if Colbert has been asked for his opinion on the subject. And if he would give it.

I mean, for those of us who watched his dressage lesson, it was extremely memorable. I’m not sure if it was as memorable for him, or if it was just another day at the office for him ten years ago, churning out the funny.


All prayers welcome sillyhorse. I will send in some for you too. Mocking my most sincere prayers for those of you who have had tragedies…illnesses…etc may not be well received up in heaven. And.
…just because you say im losing it doesnt mean i am.

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So now I have a malevolent shell?

Funny, no one who knows me, in real life would ever describe me that way!

But that might very well be an apt description of Lauren!

”FINISH THE BASTARD” and all those lovely sentiments.

By the way @Seeker1, your behavior of offering sympathy and then turning around and attempting to shred someone is extremely passive aggressive. You might consider seeking help for yourself.


Not guilty of a crime. He was found guilty as heck of shooting her. Your ignorance of the facts dont change them. That is why he is not sitting at hime watching tv right now. He was found to be dangerously insane because he SHOT MY DAUGHTER.

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Hmmmm, the only ones who have exhibited any malevolence toward others are the Kanarek gang. Who here has shone any wish to do evil toward others?


Mhm it is way more than most would offer any of you.


So where does that leave Lauren’s behavior in regards to heaven?

”FINISH THE BASTARD”! That is the most godly, heavenly behavior I have ever witnessed.



I’m guessing you didn’t see my post this morning of my busy schedule. This isn’t “fun”, my dear, it is a necessary evil to inform others.


You truly have no idea what happened or what the verdict means, do you? Please get some help with this.



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So you are the martyr eggies…joan of eggbutt. Wow. Most people decide from themselves. You are angry eggie of arc.

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Honestly, I could not even be bothered quoting that one. Lol.