Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Not only does 48 Hours run on the CBS, but reruns are on OWN, ID channel, and TLC. And on Paramount+ streaming, so it will be running in reruns for years.

The sad truth is that an adult can’t be forced to get psychological, or rehab help, sometimes they can be sent, but if you don’t want to accept help, or admit you need it, it’s a waste of money and time.


I don’t think MaMaPopRider considers herself responsible for any of things PaPaPopRider does to enable LaLa.


“Cutter99 What makes you think we dont get all the help we can for all of our children in any area they need it?”
quote above from @Seeker1
because, you and your family are crazy and dangerous… That is why we keep asking you… Clearly non of you are getting any help… Its really quite frighting that y’all are still able to walk this earth…


True. These people aren’t accountable or responsible for anything!


Other things cause that as well. “Sort of because.” Sounds like intubation was an excuse to get new choppers.

I know people who have been intubated for much longer periods of time, and they have not had dental issues.

Things that make you go HMMMM!


General- we have more than enough ugly stuff about LK without resorting to physical looks snark imo


I am always shocked by the varying length of time you people assign to situations. There is a widely shared video of you with your daughter…she isn’t incubated in that video. Wasn’t she actually released 3 weeks after the shooting?

There really is no need for exaggeration, which is simply another form of stretching the truth.

BTW, many things cause discoloration and disfigurement of teeth!


Yep, specifically covid patients intubated for months!



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It was 19 days, according to the surgeon with the medical records in front of him.


So she was not intubated for anywhere near 3 weeks.

Geez, look at what else cause dental issues.


yup! its going to get worst for them… aside from these posts on this small BB… people are now talking about them, the Kanareks … was at a horse show this weekend and someone brought up MB and the trial … and the riders who didn’t know all the details knew the name of Lauren Kanarek and had nothing nice to say about her - and didn’t want her anywhere near them…and they don’t know her… so there is that… My mother said “your name is only as good as your reputation”… doesn’t look too good for the Kanarak right now… don’t think there is any coming back… Maybe more prayers and candle lighting… might help


It is going to take a lot more than prayers and candle lighting.

It would be a start if they acknowledged the situation Lauren created and what her true intent was. But, only a start!


I interpreted it as a veiled reference to drug use more than snark about appearance, since certain drugs are known to cause tooth damage.


I know this reply is at least 400 posts behind but I can’t seem to catch up! Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for bringing up this great subject. Awhile back you mentioned some other “tells” and I’ve been reading your posts and then watching Lalapopover’s testimony. Very interesting stuff! Better than the actual trial (which was really slow too many times!)


Unfortunately many other things do as well including injury, genetics, not having fluoride as a child, certain medications and illness.


Matthew 6:5-6


Danvers you are so angry…you are so sad. You have no idea about me or my family. You just go on and on about what we do or should do. What is the saying??? “Why dont you take the log out of your own eye before you retry ro remove the splinter from mine?”

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She was intubated as in tubes down to her lungs from her mouth for over 3 weeks while her left lung healed. One lung was healing and one was not working…therefore she had no lung working on its own for a long time. Not sure the exact amount of time. But it was weeks on end.