Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

go speak to a priest or go to church - you are ridiculous and make a sham out of religion … don’t forget you will meet your maker at some point… Although I seriously don’t think you are religious or believe in God at all…



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That family is clearly dangerous… apples and trees and DNA - read, listen and learn… a very scary dangerous family… run ,run, run, far, far, far, far, away…


Thank you. I know full well what intubation is and how it is done. I called you out for exaggerating. Had I exaggerated about anything I would be bashed as lying.

Interesting, when my husband was shot or when my daughter was in a horrible auto accident, both experiences happened many years ago, I can respond in full accurate detail the dates, times, treatments, recuperation process/time, etc down to the most minute detail. But, hey, that’s me…always with attention to detail.


We get the gist of your family dynamics, though.


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You get the gist of nothing except for the wild delusions you have created in your twisted minds.


Thanks. I’m by no means an expert, and I am woefully behind (I have only watched 45 minutes of the direct again). I just watched one of the videos posted on the Depp trial and thought it’d be interesting to go back, slow it down and look at the words and visuals again with that stuff in mind. You don’t see quite as many of the different signals as the guy mentioned with Amber, but the pattern is pretty consistent and it starts with Rosie.


Sure, we know about your family’s problems.



I think I need new glasses, I thought the blood pressure cuff was a McDonald’s cup. Or whatever the thing on her left arm is.

I’m sorry Lauren went through that, I imagine it was horrible.


So this is a dated and time stamped picture of her intubated which means a tube shoved down her throat so machines could act as her lungs. Pictures from the hospital were presented by prosecution as evidence to the judge to allow or not allow the jury to see. The judge felt they were too disturbing to show the jury.

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Please show this to everyone cutter99

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Why is Seeker always accusing most of us for being so angry? In my world anger can be a good thing. It can provide a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate one to find solutions to problems. It is anger than has driven human rights, political change, the end of wars, peace, and sometimes promotes the revelation of truly despicable people in order to protect others.



Not my job to do your dirty work for you @Seeker1! You are on your own there! Best of luck?