Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Oh it was horrible. This was 2 weeks after the day she was admitted to the hospital on august 7 2019. She was not able to breathe on her own for awhile after that. During that time she almost bled out…she almost died of an infection at least once…she was slit open from stem to stern so her organs could function. And all the while there were posts lauding Michael Barisone…and still are.

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But, she was out of the hospital less than 3 weeks after being admitted.

What on earth was too horrible to show a jury? DID YOU SEE THE PHOTOS OF WHAT YOUR DAUGHTER AND HER MAN SERVANT DID TO BARISONE? But those photos weren’t too gruesome to show a jury? Give me a damn break!!! You truly live in alternate reality!


Projection, as to why @Seeker1 accuses us of being so angry.

It must suck when your ambition to “FINISH THE BASTARD” fails so miserably, and “the bastard” winds up much more supported by perfect strangers than you will ever be!


Yes, indeed. It was, and has been horrible for many people. FINISH THE BASTARD.

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Oh here she goes Joan of Eggbutt crusades

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Thank you for your sympathies omgitsme.

Judge T didn’t let a lot of photos in for both sides, not because they were disturbing but because their prejudicial effect would outweigh probative value. In other words, they didn’t prove anything.



Does anyone else see that that is a screen shot for ordering a print of a photo, not an time stamp from the internal album of a phone?


Yes ekat…however Judge Taylor bless his lovely soul is not here now.

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Agree. she/he accuses me of being angry… that’s the last thing I am… I am appalled at her/his posts, and supposed family, that are so off the charts… its baffling… however I scroll am trying to work out how to ignore… These people are too much! no wonder bad things happen to them and more bad things are coming down the pike… Wow! Crazy!


It is a screen shot of my photos. It was fastest way to post from my phone to my ipad.

Shhhhh, we weren’t supposed to notice that!

And we should be dumb enough to believe that they release someone immediately after they are taken off intubation. As if we have learned nothing from COVID!



No, no crusades. Just plain old obvious honesty. You still somehow believe you are going to get sympathy here. Not gonna happen. Go read your Bible and try to find your own peace. You will not find it here.


Sure it is….that is an app for ordering pictures from a drug store or something.


You also learned from covid that many if not most that were intubated dies. The dates of laurens intubation are a matter of record at the hospital. The judge and jury had that information…just not the pics

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@Seeker1 nobody doubts Lauren was intubated. However, since her doctor testified she spent 19 days in hospital, your claim that she was intubated for 3 weeks doesn’t make sense. Intubated patients don’t get released.


Not looking for sympathies eggies… that ship sailed ling ago. Now i am just showing the truth for anyone looking.

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