Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ah. I see. I also see that you can easily edit the date stamp. Not saying she did that but I had no idea how easy it was.


You enjoy it Joan of eggies. You relish it like a giant slice of chocolate cake with hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry on top. You salivate for the next bashing of our family who is struggling to make sense of it all. Talk about WHO DOES THAT!!! Talk about sadistic. You must be hurting so badly to spew all of that hate.

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Well Kirby, I gues thatā€™s all that counts. So youā€™ve set the record straight. Anything else or are you through now? And did you threaten me several posts up? I really need clarification.


Google photos on my phone will not give me a pencil icon next to pictures that were taken by my phone. That picture was taken from another device and then imported from somewhere else.


To be VERY clearā€¦ i pray for you to find peace and happiness in your own little world.i would never threaten to hurt anyone. I dont make threatsā€¦just not me. THERE ARE MUCH BETTER WAYS TO WORK OUT DIFFERENCES THAN ATTACKING SOMEONE.

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Weird. Mine does.

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Yes sedelā€¦ i am on my ipad and i had to get this photo from my phone.

The answers to your struggle for understanding lie with Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek, and Guy Goodwinā€¦Finish the Bastard plan. Perhaps your time would be better spent discussing your issues with them. It will better prepare you for what you will be exposed to in the Civil trial. Be sure Guy records your meetings so you can review them laterā€¦pick a nice hotelā€¦your daughter likes nice hotels.


Donā€™t you have an assault charge on your record ? Pesky truth and all


Pencil icon means the date can be edited. Why donā€™t you post a screen shot with the device created time stamp like this?


There was never any such plan egg of arc. The plan was to work out the details of bringing new horses from europe to michaels barn at michaels request and help fix up michaels barn. Rob has extraordinary carpentry skills and he was going to try to help michael fix up the house so he could have people live there again. The house was destroyed in the winter and rob and lauren wanted to fix it to help defray the cost of boardingā€¦ bartering was the plan and bringing more horses as michael had solicited.

I donā€™t feel that Iā€™ve victim shamed or bashed but if you are including meā€¦at what age is someone elderly? I want to know if Iā€™ve crossed the threshold.



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Omgitsmeā€¦you decide if you have a clear consciousā€¦there is a record of what has been written here.

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I nearly died in a hospital when I was 19, I can sympathize with a parent who has to watch their child connected to tubes and wires. And I can empathize with Lauren regarding being stuck in a bed with very little ability to move.


Were those the skills demonstrated by the pictures of the house in August that were shown at the trial?


You are quite naive and gullible. That has become quite obvious. There seems to be evidence of a plan coordinated between the 3 to destroy Barisone and then MHG. No worries, you will hear about it in detail at the trials. Your sweet Taylor prevented any of the evidence to be presented but he wonā€™t have that luxury in the civil trial. It is painfully apparent you have been fed information by family members to protect you while excluding critical information from what you have been told. In all honesty this is not the best place for you to be mentally. It is apparent some of us here actually have more information than youā€™ve been given. Maybe go back to Europe for several months while all this is settled. Might do you good. I hear much progress is bring made on Notre Dameā€¦go check it out or maybe arrange an audience with the Pope.


I feel pretty good. Although there was one time when I was 15 that I stole a tube of chapstick from Target. Not proud of that.


Oh I see that clearly
A Jury of 12 uninvolved people might think differently though.

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Rob has done work for me. I saw the work he did at the barn. It was beautiful. He was fixing it up to mhg specifications to the t. She Wanted the house that used to be Veras house for her kids and parents. She wanted rob and lauren gone! Trouble was that they (lauren and rob) were paying lion share of bills and doing lion share of work to make mary haskins dream come true. At least that was my perception at the time. As it appears nowā€¦ michael was gathering up a large chunk of his cash to pay his ex vera to finish his divorce. This very well could have caused him much angst to have to both pay off his ex and support and impress the new one with no cash. Many people have this problem while divorcing. This is why michael wanted to help lauren bring more horses from europe. He even made arrangements for her to quarantine the latest purchase and pick up the horse from the facility. So there you have it.

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