Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity


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48 Hours is quite familiar with these threads! They have learned significant information from many of the participants. The irony is many of the old ladies were correct all this time and 48 Hours found that interesting. None of the posters I know here are the slightest bit concerned with 48 Hours. BTW, the main focus has shifted, probably temporarily, to the YouTube comments!


That is a lie eggers of arc crusade. Rob and lauren werent on trial. There was no evidence presented because they Werent On trial!!! Only michael was on trial

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Sorry you missed the point. Did you wonder why Taylor prevented the ED recording from being played for the jury? Please don’t be naive enough to think Guy, Jonathan, and Lauren won’t be on trial in the civil suits. It’s a totally different ball game!! Those 19,000+ pages of discovery will be front and center of those trials.


I’m sorry Kirby, but I actually have a full day tomorrow and am signing off. I’m sure others may still be available to play.


And they will get all of LKs medical records, prescription records, drug test results etc,from before & after, it’s going to get ugly & fascinating


i am sad for you and everyone involved
even the defense psychiatrist said Laurens comments were nothing more than “annoying”. You think you know more
 than everyone involved right eggie of arch crusade martyr
ohhhh yes eggies 
i can see it in lights “supergirl eggbutt martyr crusade woman” “eggbutt of arc crusade” season 1 episode 1. Woman EQUESTRIAN EXTRAORDINAIRE!!!

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A long way from “I’ll pray for you.” :roll_eyes:


Oh im crying big tears now!!}

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You’ll live. Someone will play with you I’m sure. Or maybe you should be in bed.


Gotta keep this one for sure!


If 48 Hours fails to cover the subject, maybe another network will pick up on the story that mean girls can grow up to be mean elderly ladies who, when they have nothing else in their lives, can get sucked into online communities that encourage hate filled rhetoric. This kind of behavior is normally attributed to young girls who are assumed to be able to naturally outgrow the nastiness as they mature into adults, but these COTH Barisone threads are proof that many girls not only don’t outgrow the meanness, but it gets amplified with age.


I have plenty of fun eggies
 my fun is genuine healthy fun in sports
seeing my family
preparing meals
reading, dancing, speaking with friends
attending religious studies weekly (despite what you think i do and do not believe). I dont engage in this sordid activity for fun like you do as you have just admitted. I actually enjoy life in a healthy way. Im so sorry i had to do this because of sick people like you out there. I simply work hard to do the best i can and look for the best in people
not “protect” who knows who from some imagined and hurtful nonsense that i know nothing about. Why atentnyou out riding your horses eggies?

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Well seems like that is what you are looking for eggies.

Goodness, imagine what Lauren will be like in 10 - 15 years!


Well thanks to Sdel I’ve gotten sucked into looking at the trial video and focusing on when popalongrider is telling the truth or fibbing. I don’t have interactions with drug users so this is quite educational. The differences in facial movements compared to what she’s saying is obvious now that it’s been pointed out to me. She also seems to shoot her eyes sideways while she pauses and it almost seems like she’s “looking” for an answer. This thread is really quite entertaining with the mother (?) on here carrying on as though she’s a twelve year old. Hard to take any of it seriously at this point.


Goodness eggies
hope she is not like you.


Sneeker, pour yourself a fresh one, Eggbutt has gone to bed.