Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Or one could not even be charged as it was legally considered self defense.


but I can promise you this, the ones that actually bothered to fix their troubles were the ones that got the tough love, consequences, and weren’t enabled to play games because their loved ones recognized their crap smelled and didn’t engage in their manipulative games.


Are the vast majority/all posters, as claimed by RND, elderly? I really didn’t think so, but then again, you never know. I just never thought of this bb or thread as an elderly hot spot :thinking: just a random curiosity and thought there. FWIW, I am not elderly, nor am I that close to being elderly :sweat_smile: nothing wrong with being elderly, I’ve just not gotten there yet.

I also am not sure that I understand the whole “but LK/my daughter didn’t shoot anyone!” thing. I mean, I’ve never shot anyone. A majority of the population as never shot anyone, but if we make mistakes, act stupid, or do bad things we still get called out for it. I mean, I guess the next time I mess up I can just say “but I didn’t shoot anyone” and that will then mean everything is fine? If you walk away from such a terrible situation and your crowning achievement and main take away is “but I didn’t shoot anyone” then I’m not really sure what to say. There’s no prize for not having shot anyone. You shouldn’t (generally) be shooting anyone anyway.


I was thinking these exact things! Some of us have young children, even. Hardly heading into our dotage. :rofl: And for those who are older, retiring and enjoying their uninterrupted riding time, I’m nothing but envious. I hope to be there one day myself!

That poster uses age and gender as an insult to the posters here. Attacking the posters instead of the behaviour we are discussing is their SOP. They’ve got little else, so personal attacks is their one trick. :woman_shrugging:

I also think it’s very sad that all one can say in defence of their middle-aged daughter is that she didn’t shoot anyone. That bar is so incredibly low it’s no wonder we see the behaviour we see as borne out in the arrest records, the court testimony, the SM posts, the harassing strangers in the shops, etc. If all your parents tell you is, as long as you didn’t shoot someone, all’s good, well, this explains a lot.

That someone shot her does not diminish in any degree the behaviour she displayed for decades before and even after the incident. It’s sad to see that no one cares enough to provide some tough love and try to right this ship. Many posters on here have share their own experience with this particular story and it does not end well, sadly, for any of them.


You know who else loved thinking that everyone who didn’t agree with them was a lonely old woman in her bathrobe? The good old Maestro. It seems an easy, though odd, riposte, when I’m guessing the majority of posters on this forum would be considerably younger than Mother PopRider.

old lady


How old is elderly?


Did Seeker refer to COTH as elderly? I can’t find that quote. If so that’s a real slip. Because no 69 year old would use elderly as an insult. That’s a tell it’s a younger person behind the alter. As we’ve pretty much figured out.


No, it was RND who said we’re all old meanies, because we were all young meanies 


At least one year older than I am at any given moment.


 I missed a bunch
 currently back about 8530 and will probably never catch up.

We used to have the daily YD show on the old threads, going on and on about stuff they hadn’t paid attention to and twisting words all over the place. It seems now we have the CH show. Actually, I might catch up if I just scroll on past those.


Lol, my dad used to say “Don’t make me no nevermind”


I wonder if Stephen Colbert wants his name kept out of it


Lots of things can destroy your teeth, tbf. Some causes aren’t so nefarious and/or interesting. If someone has a history of drug use, usually that’s the first cause that would come to mind though. I do not know about tooth damage and ventilators. I hope to never find out either way. I actually thought when you’re on a ventilator you’re usually rather sedated and in bed, I didn’t know you could be sitting up and quite conscious. I’m not doubting or discounting anything here, I just truly didnt know. I don’t know that I’d be able to handle all of that down my throat, would make me rather panicky, because I’m weird about stuff like that.


Yes, I need to know this, thanks


(Carrie Bradshaw voice) I couldn’t help but wonder what sort of religious studies are involved in this mentality.



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(Carrie Bradshaw voice again) I couldn’t help but wonder how bad this post was for this person to actually delete it. Scary thought. :roll_eyes:


Being on a ventilator for that length of time (less than 3 weeks total time in the hospital) does not lead to tooth damage requiring extensive work. Drug use does though, as does poor oral hygiene in general.

Now, there have been Covid patients who were ventilated who have had problems with their teeth afterward, but that is due to the nature of the disease. Patients who had underlying problems particularly advanced gum disease had worse outcomes when ill and particularly when ventilated.

Gum disease is prevalent and the chronic inflammation isn’t good for anyone. It leads to other problems too - heart disease in particular.

Anyway, if Lauren needed her mouth rebuilt after being in the hospital she went in needing her mouth rebuilt before getting shot.

He shouldn’t have shot her. He should have had the water and electricity turned off to the house, played death metal at it and hired someone to serve notice to the addicts that it was past time for them to get the **** out.

That doesn’t excuse Lauren’s actions leading up to the tragedy. Nor does it make her circle of enablers look any better. None of whom warned MB that she was a recovering addict and that RG was still using.

Who sets out to gain the trust of someone who suffers from a psychological problem and then destroy them (more)?



The issue of how 48 Hours covers the bashing of the gunshot victim on SM here on COTH is one of the few areas of suspense left for me.

Since Eggbutt is both the long time leader of the threads and has officially disclosed her identity, I wonder if she’ll be interviewed. Her 15 minutes of fame!

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Do you think COTH is really that important and significant? It’s possible they might touch on reactions on various SM platforms, but I don’t know that they’ll feature COTH or Eggbutt for 15 minutes, much more important things than that! I’d be surprised if they really go into it, but I’m not so familiar with the show.

Your definition of “bashing” however, may vary from others. To what extent is a gunshot victim free from criticism? To what extent can their actions be discussed? To what extent are they not responsible?