Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

The civil trial(s) are going to be very illuminating. I wonder how far back in the past MB’s lawyers will dig into Lauren’s past and how many prior victims of her behavior will come forward with evidence of her behavior and that of her enablers.

There are some stains that never come out, no matter how diligently people scrub at them.


I guess, what I should say is that some feel that anything said about LK, even if true, that doesn’t show her in a positive light or demonstrates how her actions have an impact or consequences re anything, it’s bashing. A proven fact is bashing? I guess I’m a bit confused on the matter.

I also don’t understand how someone can get all self righteous about shaming others for “grotesque victim shaming” but insult people left and right. Or falsely claim that everyone here would be a “lonely, elderly lady” and “finding comfort and companionship in years long online abuse of a shooting victim” when not everyone meets any of those criteria(s). I, personally, am not lonely, elderly, nor have I found companionship or comfort (especially not that!) from these threads. The fact that RND comes in here and continously says things of this nature can only lead me to the conclusion(s) that they want to repeat it until it becomes true, want to make themselves feel better, or they’re actually the lonely, elderly lady. However, some people do go over their line and enter bashing territory at times or make petty comments, so I will give you that, but it’s not everyone that is doing this.

However, it’s a theme on these threads to claim some sort of moral superiority all while dishing out some insults. You lose credibility when you get on others for “bashing” insulting, being snarky, juvenile, or whatever else when you are doing the same yourself :woman_shrugging:


Yeah, I think some nasty stuff will come to light, a little on both sides, but mores on one side.

There was a point when I tried to give LK the benefit of the doubt in some cases and did entertain the thought of some things she said being true. Just because I don’t know either side, personally, at all. However, post trial, that rapidly vanished and I felt a bit foolish. I still want to believe at times that people aren’t that bad, but hey, when they show you who they are, believe them.


Why would we want that?

If the doctor says she was released on day 19, how exactly does it work that she was intubated for 3 weeks? They sent her home (oh wait, the hotel) with all the respiratory equipment? Right, not likely so maybe think about your numbers a little. No one denies she was intubated. No reason to make up a number of days.

Yes @cutter99, please show us all. (Some how we are not able to see it on our own I guess?)

You have said many things on this forum that are silly but this one takes the cake. LOTS of people are intubated, lots and lots and lots of them. Surgery, etc. Most of them do not die. Not even close to most of them. Where did you come up with this lie?

Oh the irony of the all caps part.

I know these all were quoted individually as they happened but darn it is so fun to see them all together.


:wave: :wave: :wave:
Me, I think I am elderly. But maybe not. I suppose to some I am not. I call myself ‘older than dirt’. But not retired yet.
I wear my elderly label with pride. It certainly is not an insult.

You so nailed it here.

But you forgot the fact that LK has shot at someone. She proudly boasted that she shot at RG, shooting out the tire on his motorcycle once.


You must have missed the part of the testimony where RG described MB as calm - not angry. So why does a non-angry, calm man shoot someone? Did they do something to trigger the altercation? Hmmm. :thinking:


I just realized @Seeker fully admitted to harassing Girl Joey in this post.

What does that tell you all? Gonna let you think about as to not get myself in trouble!


I forget how many threads ago I mentioned the idea of the trial looking like the finale of Seinfeld, where all sorts of random characters from years and years back popped up to testify in the courtroom.

This could be a similar event, but with a much darker slant to it.


Don’t feel badly. Predatory people can be VERY GOOD at fooling people who WANT to believe the best in others. Generally speaking they talk too much, too quickly and amp up a sense of urgency on the listener. They want you doubting yourself and disbelieving what feels “off” about the interaction or relationship.

Ever read Anna C. Salter’s book “Predators”? Dated but still worthwhile.


Gee @MorganSercu! Your description here sounds like a trial we watched with a certain “victim”!


So and so’s “15 minutes of fame” is an expression; I don’t think Eggbutt will actually get 15 minutes on the program. But I hope she is mentioned for her role in the SM part of the drama.

There has been stuff on other SM platforms during and immediately after the trial, but has there been anything like the constant 3 years on COTH (obviously this will continue through the airing of the program in the fall)?

Obviously LKs behavior on and off SM in the weeks before the shooting contributed to the tense, volatile setting that eventually exploded in violence. But there were a number of principal players in this tragedy, including MHG and RC. If MBs divorce caused serious financial stress, which seems really likely, that’s another huge stress.

I’m not even saying that MHG was “at fault” for wanting LK gone. There was strong mutual animosity between the two women, and it’s extremely understandable that she would have wanted the farmhouse in reasonable privacy for herself, MB, and her children.

I don’t know if it’s true that LK was floating loans for the utility bills or not. But I can totally believe that MB was between a rock and a hard place — the rock being MHG with her insistence that MB send LK off, possibly threatening to leave him if he didn’t, and the hard place being LK, who he may have needed desperately for the revenue she brought in.

I believed IM when he said that MB, rather than being decisive and making a tough choice, he wanted it both ways, telling MHG he would deal with LK, and actively keeping LK as a client while telling her he would deal with MHG. It was untenable.

But if MB was under extreme stress by being between a rock and a hard place, it doesn’t make sense to me to say the situation was untenable solely because of the “hard place” and not because of “the rock”.

MB was caught in a dilemma, and, as it turned out, couldn’t cope. He became delusional.

If he had not had psychological/mental problems prior to May/June 2019, he could have coped with a difficult but not really that unusual situation; just suck it up and tell LK to leave, well before August 2019 and accept the lost revenue, or suck it up and tell MHG he wasn’t willing to send LK packing.

If MB had ever resolved that he simply wanted LK gone, he would have told her to leave (before Aug 5) instead of having her bring more horses in from quarantine and making plans to coach her at shows later in August, right?

I have no problem with LKs actions during the year and a half she trained with MB being discussed. She posted the dramatic FB posts about the king and queen. She called SS to report him for bullying. She called the BI to harass him.

But what has been discussed here for more than 2.5 years goes way beyond discussing LKs actual role in creating the situation that led to the shooting. That’s just bashing to tear someone down.

I see the tragedy as resulting from MB suffering a mental break after being caught in an untenable situation. The untenable situation was not created by LK in a vacuum. RC played a role, and was at fault, for bringing the gun. I’m not even saying MHG was “at fault” for her role, just that she played a role in pressuring MB to send LK off, when, apparently, he didn’t want to lose her as a client.

I think the bashing lies in the insistence that the entire tragedy somehow resulted purely from the actions of LK in a vacuum.

I honestly don’t think that 48 hours will present it that way. But that’s what I’m curious to see.



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I swear… If only they could hear themselves.




Yes! You said this so well. But clearly they can not.


It’s not the intubation that kills them. It’s their lungs turning into concrete due to covid.

Being intubated long-term isn’t good, obviously, and the risk of infection exists and there are factors that increase the risk, but if intubation ITSELF was so dangerous it would kill patients at a high rate, it wouldn’t be happening.

Yeah, surgery - you get paralyzed so you don’t fight the machine and you can control how much anesthesia you are getting, etc. Blood pressure is CRITICAL when monitoring a patient who is anesthetized. It should be stable and sufficient to actually get the blood circulating properly so there isn’t tissue or organ death.

There is more to it than that, obviously, but if asked, “what is the normal blood pressure for (surgery)?”, that is a trick question. Don’t get flustered!


quote from Seeker1


Oh, I get it now. She means $$$$$. If only MB had given LK and RG the money they were trying to extort from him for dubious “repair work”, everything would have been hunky-dory.



Suboxone is properly used as part of a treatment programme to block opiate receptors and thus stop withdrawal symptoms and cravings. If it is taken while other opiates are in the system, it does cause illness (severe WD sx) but it not if other drugs are used while on a stable dose od Suboxone…
ie: Suboxone is an excellent drug for someone who wants to stop using, but will not prevent continues use of other opiates.


Thank you, that was a good tip. Glad to see some progress for MB.


If daughters recovery were so harrowing and heroic, one wouldn’t need to embellish (read:lie) about it.
What mama wishes is for that injury and recovery to do is an impossible ask. For it to overshadow, completely, the bad behavior of the injured which preceded and exacerbated the situation to the point the person was injured.

Alas, that might have been possible had the behavior stopped, rather than grown and spread to other sites.