Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I do wonder if they (SS/USEF) are looking back at the older complaints that were either ignored or dismissed and realizing that maybe those should have been looked into further.


Please refer to post approx 10287 for guidance


I will keep your advice in mind. Though I already have two cats and two dogs, so I think I am full on that front.
Is posting all night OK with you? Before she was banned that seemed to be what LK did, so I just want to confirm that if the mob switched to over night it was still an OK thing.

@Rhythm_Pace_Impulsion, I have never gotten good at the post number thing in this new format. (And I realize it is no longer new, no need to remind me, but heck, per the above post I am a lonely old lady so I can say things like that.)

Edit to fix bad typing
 I wanted to say mob, not mod.


Yeah, like Girl_Joey’s experience with LK.

Girl_Joey Banned

Aug '19

Thank you so much yes at first I was quite emotional with four years of stored up torture from this girl. I have now calmed down. I only posted on my wall her accounts of my murdering my son. However, there are thousands of other messages that his attorney now has. I am trying to keep a calm level head. Let go and let God.
the truth will prevail soon and everyone will know what really happened.

And another snippet

this was the first messenger message this sivk stranger ever sent to me dated 01/03/2016
I guess you know what I said
How would you know it wasn’t nice? I dont have to be nice to you
You’re ugly and stupid and I think you should overdose like now


This truly makes my heart sing! I wonder how many people are penciling in possible clinic dates for next spring?

So, one other thing to notice
.there are no coaching restrictions listed.


Laugh, I told you the post number thing and I do not get along>

Per the post numbers this is post 10287.
And don’t get me wrong, I think I did a marvelous quoting job here.

I believe this is post 10288 that you want us to read.
Which is a much better post than mine above.

Edit to add - you edited your post while I was posting.
(an excuse to use my favorite emoji again)
A good use of that emoji is never a a bad thing.


I am still behind on this thread, but I was called a liar by both Seeker and CH when I said I thought LK started that ball rolling. You may have more info than I, but I appreciate having more than one voice on this matter.


Sorry for any confusion

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I imagine you are addressing @Seeker1 then. You should have addressed her directly then.


Just having a little fun!


My goodness
someone must have really, really short days if they think anyone spends “all day every day for more than two years” here!! Lordy me, our home, property, farm, animals, friends, shopping, hobbying, homeschooling, etc would all be neglected for sure if the majority of my time wasn’t spent on those items! Popping in to the forum is an afterthought and takes minutes to skim. For example, I am currently taking a break from yard work, watching the Depp/Heard trial and skimming here. Maybe I can speed read faster than others, I just don’t know.

Regardless, why are you so concerned about what anyone does to legally occupy their time? No one asked your permission or approval so I’m confused why you are even here yourself.


We, of the elderly illegal mob of sea snakes with evil malevolent shells must maintain our humor


I wonder if maybe LK has made a new complaint now that the criminal discovery is available. The date is a batch release date and not a complaint date. There are several people who were added with the 5/17/2022 date.


That we do @Rhythm_Pace_Impulsion, that we do!


(Heck, I am learning how to use the emojis.)


Anyone have links to SS suspensions?

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This makes me wonder, do you (general) have to be a member of something to see these?

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Hey @Seeker1, did you read the post from Mod 1 about name calling?



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it should be available to the public, search usef ss sanctions