Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Great idea moderator!!

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I donā€™t think this is a new complaint. Apparently MBā€™s other complaint is gone, as far as I could see. I did a search on his name, and only this complaint comes up now. It would appear to me that the complaint was changed to this new one, and the old one is gone?

That is a perfect example of spreading misinformation about the verdict. Km

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Oh my goodness I hit quite a few nerves! Obviously a lot of you saw yourselves in my post so I donā€™t need to comment any further on that topic.


Here is the legal definition knights mom. If the jury decides unanimously that the defendant was insane when s/he committed the crime, then s/he will be found not guilty by reason of insanity. The sanity hearing usually takes place before a juryā€”but not always.Feb 1, 2022 Notice the "when s/he committed the crime

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Youā€™re talking jibberish again.

I have not spread misinformation anywhere.


Talking to yourself is not usually considered to be normal


So does anyone know how many years makes an ā€œelderlyā€?


The verdict clearly indicated that the person committed the crime

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If she didnā€™t keep draagging it in her, I might agree.
But oddly, she seems to think itā€™s some kind of stick to beat posters withā€“neener neener, Iā€™m going to Bible study you filthy sinners!


Remember we are not to discuss each other, or drag each other any more? Just a note, nudge nudgeā€¦


Brenda janeā€¦i pray for everyone to be happy and for everyone to become the best version of themselvesā€¦not to agree with me.

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Thank you ambitious kate

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Thank you. I agree. FWIW, I love your comments!


Mod 1 has been pretty forgiving about rule following in all these threads so I find it interesting you are now calling them out and swearing about it.


Iā€™ll venture to say Iā€™m older than anyone here. But since I just finished cleaning the barn, meeting the new horse I bought on Monday and showing a contractor around the property before I meet friends for dinner, Iā€™m going to say it may not be the year count that makes you old, but how you fill the gift of the days you are given. But even with mimosas, I still canā€™t seem to fit bible study in. Oh well.


In my world all those things you listed are a kind of bible study, a really good one at that.
Cleaning the barn I find to be one of those things that is so uplifting. Stacking hay is the same.


I feel closer to god while Iā€™m on horseback than I ever did in church!


FWIW, one of my posts earlier today was edited by Mod 1. I guess it struck a nerve with someone and they yanked Mod 1ā€™s chain about it. :innocent: