Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity


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Next time I complain about feeling old and someone tells me Iā€™m not, Iā€™m referring to this thread as proof I am elderly.


I think it is beyond crazy. I can not imagine any boarder doing that. I can not really imagine anyone doing that anywhere. Putting cameras all over the place on property owned by someone else, to record what they doā€¦beyond what anyone normal would do.
Adding the LK saying that she planned to disable any cameras if MB put them up makes the - that is so weird - turn into just plain evilness.


Smokers can have stained teeth, as well.


Can you justā€¦not. We moved on from personal commentary.


Maybe you guys are elderly but I refuse to be. Plus, Iā€™m less than 60. So I canā€™t be. So there.


I got a 24 hour for calling someone a pigeon.
Edit: I challenged and they agreed they were wrong but they didnā€™t lift my ban.


I wish we could still edit our status in our profile. So instead of ā€œGreenieā€ I could be ā€œElderly Illegal Mob Member.ā€ Has a nice ring to it.


Oh, but you can. There is a thread in the technical help section where people have requested a change and Mod 1 has changed it for them.

Edit to add - I tagged you in that thread.


Can I change my username? I hate mine :joy:

There is a thread there about that too, it is very close to the top right now. The title is obvious.


I do not take you for anything positive or negative. You are who you areā€¦not for me to judge. I often do not like what you say and find offensive content in your posts. Labelling those posts as foolish is not something i would do. If others judge you that is not my business.



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Hey!!! Careful nowā€¦ I ride H/J and can sit a trot, and not just on schoolmasters. :joy:

Me too! LOL

Please direct me to that trainwreck!


Correctionā€¦I did label the posts of foolish. I forgot. not intentional. Sorry. I actually said that the antics were foolish etc. Not the posts per se.

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I am probably elderly. I still have a full time job, ride my horse, attend Pilates. I really detest sweeping generalizations and patronization. Like others here, I am proud of my age and am honored to be elderly. Not everyone does it well.

But I am happy to be an Elderly Illegal Mob Member.
Edited to correct the mobā€™s name.



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I guess itā€™s hard to keep it all straight & together eta the S1 post is #10093


ok stand corrected.

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To the Editor:

Damaged teeth constitute the most frequent anesthesia-related claim in the United States [1]. The incidence of dental trauma in anesthesia practice varies from 1:150 to 1:1000 [2]. Most occurrences are due to the application of pressure by the hard metallic blade of the laryngoscope during endotracheal intubation. Dental damage is classified as fracture into the enamel layer (class I), fracture into the dentinal layer (II), fracture into the tooth pulp (class III), fracture of the tooth root (class IV), subluxation of a tooth (class V), or avulsion of a tooth (class VI). Factors predisposing to dental trauma include emergencies, situations in which intubation is difficult such as mandibulofacial abnormalities, and increased vulnerability of the teeth caused, for example, by caries, periodontal disease, restorations of teeth, crowns, or fixed partial dentures [2]. The use of different types of tooth protectors has often been advocated to prevent dental trauma during anesthesia [3]. Poor visibility and lack of space when ordinary protectors are applied make the intubation difficult or even impossible [4].