Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

But I’m thinking they may want to cover the aspect of the story that the victim has been trashed on COTH all this time by people within the equestrian community. Why shouldn’t that aspect of role of SM be highlighted? It’s not so much that you were correct (or not) about the shooting itself. I think you are a principal in the broader story.

You describe your campaign as a noble one. Why would you not want recognition on TV?

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send them a msg. You never know.


For that price you could find one on the side of the road and send it to a taxidermist. (Providing it actually is deceased.)




But it’s adorable!



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LOL. I think RND was saying that if you greatly respect Michael Barisone and MHG, both of who have said nothing about LK and her family, why don’t you follow their excellent example and take the high road as well?



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Who has heard the tapes? Who, if anyone, authenticated the tapes? Who transcribed the tapes, other than you? Whose custody were the tapes in? Why did the police not collect the tapes supposedly containing a murder plot immediately?


Go, and embrace your Inner Possum. Let him be your guide.

They are truly inspirational animals. When things go sideways they not only fake sleep but excrete a really vile bodily fluid. Been tempted to do the same thing around some DQ’s.


@Jenerationx, I am sure you can find someone who felts adorable things closer to home. That thing is adorable, I agree.

Am I still allowed to be a member of the old lady 24/7 illegal mob club if I actually go away and sleep? I feel like I am not holding up my end of the 24/7 thing if I actually sleep.


Have you ever stopped to think that eggbutt, as well as others here, are not in this for fame or attention?

They are in it because a good man was terrorized, on his own property, and someone who knew his weaknesses took full advantage of them.

“FINISH THE BASTARD” and all that went with it.


KM, oh, to be “less than 60” again. You are just a kid!


yes but MHG didn’t know how much she was terrorizing him

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Oklay, is anyone besides me just um, lost?



I don’t think it’s you who are lost.

I think somebody is violating the no-contact order.


Yes I’m sure MHG didn’t realize the depths of targeted terror & torment (she)LK & RG were willing to sink to in their plan to finish the bastard


and Lauren thought she was scaring him away because she was scared to death of him. Obviously a good way to be with him.

Is it now perfectly normal for total strangers to come on anonymous forums to lecture others about time spent on a public forum, what they are posting about and accusing them for being fame junkies? Who does that? It wasn’t my choice that an ancient post of mine was dredged up to reveal my identity, so does that mean that I secretly wanted said fame and only needed someone to take the time to dig through hundreds of posts to find my name and post it? So rather than allow the continued bashing, I responded with personal truthful information about myself. Was that searching for fame or throwing water on the bully’s torch? Is being honest a search for fame or shutting bullies down?

I am also now completely mindblown that we are pseudo tagging “editors” on off the wall posts rather than sending them an email or private message. I’m not sure why an editor would find interest in oral hygiene issues! But hey, this rabbit hole has no end.

48 Hours…I’m thinking some might be envious they haven’t been approached for comment. I can make that happen - PM me with your identity and I’ll provide you with the contact info. They are still looking for real life actual friends willing to provide positive experiences with LK, as far as I knew several weeks ago. Full disclosure - 48 Hours offered disguised identity to those wanting it, but again, who is eager for attention? Let me point out one more time, the fact so many of us were right all these months sort of deflates how horrible the Illegal Mob actually is, and how negatively they will be portrayed in public interest stories.

Seeker1 was silent for almost 6 months and just as everything was dying down waiting for civil trial information, they came swooping in lecturing and provoking and preaching. Who does that? Seriously?


Hundreds of posts behind, but here goes… I may regret this.

Thank you. If you are being sincere.

Absolutely. :100:. Couldn’t agree with you more! The heroin addict in my family’s outrageous and horrifying and shocking behavior progressed over the years until it reached a point where she was cut off by most, if not all, of the family. Myself included. It hurt, but enabling was far worse an option. The family had tried but she didn’t want help. I was mostly a child throughout and even as a young adult realized there was nothing I could do. At one point, she posted crazy posts on public forums on my father’s obituaries (with wider readership than this one corner of the Internet) and I did NOT jump in to defend. I was mortified. By the time I got the call, I was expecting it (or something equally as awful), as I have stated before. I had decades to realize that the end would not be pretty if she didn’t help herself. But I also had decided, over 15 years prior, to stop enabling and cease contact.

Bolding mine. I have said before that we can’t possibly know what you have done or tried to do to help, and I am certain you did try, but I think you are missing the point. You are here now defending indefensible behavior and people pointing out said behavior and suggesting perhaps you focus on your daughter’s problems and not enable her are not exhibiting “viciousness”. Read above: when my family’s efforts failed? We stopped enabling. Defending and making excuses and minimizing the egregiousness of the behavior is enabling.

Further, one need not be in fear of being shot (or even in fear of physical harm) to be in fear of someone “hurting them” - particularly someone who drove a man to insanity with glee, or the same someone who enjoys threatening Internet strangers with lawsuits and financial ruin.

Finally, I don’t find @cutter99’s “shell” to be “very difficult” or “malevolent” one iota. She actually seems to be concerned and thoughtful and forthright. Those are good qualities in my book.

Except you don’t. You go low. You offer platitudes and “kindnesses” of questionable sincerity and then attack and slander people. You make up “cutesy” nicknames. You use juvenile language and insults when others are trying to have an honest discourse. You refuse categorically to admit that your daughter played any role in her own tragic story. You refuse to answer questions posed to you about her lies and her behavior. I have one question for you to answer - it’s pretty inconsequential but it’s irking me: which “national championship” did she win? Curious about her accolades and awards. All I could find was the NC Reserve HOY. And participation in a 2016 regional championship.

I am truly sorry she got shot. If you scroll back 2.5, nearly 3 years, you will see I even defended her (and you!) a bunch (even if I did say she seemed off her rocker). She even “liked” some of my posts before she was banned. Then the truth played out in court - or some of it did anyways. Now I can see (as can the world - as the trial was online/televised) that her behavior played an outsize role in the sequence of events that led to her being shot. She shouldn’t have been shot, but Michael Barisone should not have been subjected to a ruthless campaign to “finish the bastard” led by your daughter. She poked the bear, and he is as much a victim as she is… perhaps even more so. He couldn’t flee. She could.

One of those methods is exposing and discussing said behavior on chat forums.

August 21 is two weeks after the incident. If my memory serves, the doctor testified she was released after 19 days, which is just over 2.7 weeks. You cannot, to my knowledge, be intubated and released (except to a continued care/rehab facility). But what do I know? I only worked in the ER and Department of Surgery at a Level 1 Trauma Center. If memory serves, she was released… to a motel? I won’t ask what others have asked you. It’s kind of gauche (although I will admit I am curious, too).

Prefacing this with I will speak only for myself BUT based on what my observations are here, I am saying “we” or “nobody”. I am speaking in generalities - so “we” is what I am taking away from the posts of the majority.

Again, nobody is saying what your daughter (and your family) went through was not horrific. It looks like it was terrible and I feel for you as her mother - that must have been a stressful and dark time for you. And, nobody is saying she deserved it. It all sounds terrible. Truly. What a miracle of science and medicine that she survived.

What we are saying is we understand how her behavior necessarily contributed to the outcome. We don’t understand why someone would behave so viciously towards someone else, so gleefully. We don’t understand why she didn’t stop when it was so clear to all that he was losing it. We don’t understand why she didn’t leave, if she was so fearful and unhappy. And we feel empathy for Barisone, who was evidently a victim of your daughter’s shocking and horrifying campaign against him. She drove him to the edge… By her own admission.

Mostly, what we are saying, is that we are not angry haters. We are (mostly) horse people who don’t know you or your family or Barisone, at least I don’t first hand, but we are people who participate in the sport and who watched a public trial and are disturbed by what we learned. We don’t want others in our sport to be in that same position. And we are concerned that Barisone gets the help he needs to rebuild his life after your daughter took it away from him. She shouldn’t get to “finish the bastard”.

See above - your timeline does nothing match court records. Not trying to diminish the seriousness or trauma, but, please try and be accurate.

Again, no you’re not. You can’t get facts straight, you’re spreading rumors, and you’re attacking forum members. You won’t answer straight questions about your daughter’s behavior, much less your own. Please be honest.

Do you seriously have no sympathy or empathy for a man with a mental illness who was driven to insanity by your daughter? How would your creator look upon that on judgement day?

What “kids”? I am just about your daughter’s age. I’m no kid. And how have those kids been punished? Are you calling Lauren and Rob “kids”? Was their “punishment” the traumatic incident or being exposed for who they are on a very public level? Also, while, yes, being shot is heinous, it doesn’t appear that Lauren learned anything. She continues her online harassment of others even now. I don’t broadly believe in punishment (I believe in rehabilitation for most people), but are you saying she was punished therefore she should be left alone? If so, whatever “punishment” that was hasn’t deterred her behavior one bit.

I don’t think anyone is taking pleasure in your pain (though I cannot speak for @eggbutt (to whom you directed that accusation), but I personally wonder if you realize how much of said pain is inflicted on you and your kin because of the behavior of one of your adult children and her equally adult partner? A person commenting on COTH about Lauren’s (and Rob’s) documented behavior - whether or not they know her - is not a “villain”. Actions have consequences… as we are now all acutely aware.

But have you? I don’t see how.

Your daughter pushed a man with mental illness to his breaking point. It was she who “attacked”.

But then he (Rob) and others testified he did the bare minimum. And he wasn’t licensed. And also? I board, ride and train in an adjacent county. Your daughter’s “deal” was highway robbery.

Again, the vast majority of people here are not resorting to such antics. Scroll back and see what Lauren has done to Eggbutt and others here, and then rethink your words, maybe? See that most are thoughtfully pondering testimony, evidence, law? Just a thought.

This may explain a lot.

Finally: Please, for the love of God, do NOT ask how you can help me or offer me prayers. I am perfectly content and don’t need your help or prayers. In my very humble opinion, as someone who had a family member who was a lot like your daughter, I believe you need to focus on one person in your orbit: Lauren. Not on some random horse ladies on an obscure Internet forum who are merely rehashing facts. (PS: contrary to RND’s assertion, we are not all elderly!) And if she doesn’t want your help? You need to cut her off in all ways, once and for all, until she changes course.

Edited: most, not lost.