Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

@Seeker1 why does LK not have a driver’s license?

Being an old foggy, I can do without several things, but not the independence a driver license affords. Could you?

I can understand if one lives in NYC or Chicago or DC, but Western NJ or Loxahatchee, FL? No!


Yet she didn’t leave.

That’s what I can’t accept with this situation. If he was so many things, why stay?


Is sharing what a victim has done and/or posted publicly really bashing the victim? I do think the whole public trial thing is very strange and I hope it NEVER comes to Canada, as airing the private life of a victim in court does seem like re-victimization, but as far as I can tell, the only “bombshells” that came out of that was LK admitting she lied, and that the versions of events by all the witnesses were inconsistent. I don’t think pointing that out is victim blaming either. (making fun of her circles was a little cruel - I imagine what she thinks she did varies a lot from what she actually)

The comments by Seeker baffle me. I hope she is ok. I wonder if she suffers from her own trauma.

It will be interesting to see what steps Safesport takes with this case.

(I am not elderly, more so just past middle age, but I do have 9 cats.)


Since the topic has shifted to possums, here’s a piece from my niece, who has a whole series of animals:


Apple/tree again.


Déjà vu.


Oh well now you’re just copying me with what I said about you. You’re seriously using the “I know you are but what am I” and “I’m rubber you’re glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you”. Who does that? And what is wrong with you?

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LOL! I copied nothing. I came up with it all by my little self. These are my thoughts about Seeker. I didn’t bother reading anything you might have written about me. You’re not on my radar, so to speak.

From what I quoted here, it seems you think you know what’s wrong with me. Why are you asking me? :thinking: :rofl:


And if she was? Mental illness is not something to be ashamed of. Do your homework. It’s Mental Health Awareness Month, after all.


Very well said


You mean “But I’m thinking they may want to cover the aspect of the story that the victim comments and actions have been discussed on COTH all this time by people within the equestrian community”


The posts by Seeker baffle me because they seem to change tone. I know people speculate that it is more than one person, but assuming it isn’t, then it is very strange. Like they regress into a different persona when they feel threatened/questioned. Which to me, seems like someone who may have been abused themselves (I recognize this trait in myself). I imagine it is quite heartbreaking to be older and to have a child that is struggling so much as an adult. She is likely doing what she feels she can to “protect” her daughter while she is still able. Unfortunately this makes me think that they are at the point when they realize there is nothing tangible that they can do to help her beyond what they have…which must be scary. I think Seeker is acting out of fear, not malice, and it doesn’t cost much to have compassion for her. For example, does it matter if the dental issues were from the hospital or from earlier life choices?


I was wondering if the involuntary facial movements as seen at the trial were a side effect of medication.

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I am not going to discuss anymore nonsense. I am going to try to keep to the trial as requested by the forum moderators.

Wow! 100% wow. Perfectly stated! Thank you @erinmeri!


Your replies are so thoughtful and comprehensive. It’s just a shame that such real kindness and advice won’t be heeded.


And yet you say I can’t sit my trot or find my seat. You… MONSTER! (Kidding! :rofl:)


Thank you! I do try to be thoughtful. And I do have empathy for all in involved… it’s a real guano show.

It going to even edit. Cursing thumbs and Siri and owning my typos.


The defense Dr (simring) assessed MB at the trial and diagnosed him to be delusional. That was the evidence Jenerationx

And that makes it any better? That is the excuse you offer up?

I bet MHG knew much more than you give her credit for. You can tell by how she presented herself on the stand she is extremely intelligent and perceptive. When you ride as well as MHG does, you learn to read every small cue and signal.