Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

LK’s show record was recently linked in these threads. She had a lot of rides at first and second in the 60s and I think one ride at fourth in the high 50s. All about what you would expect.

To be FEI ranked means you’ve competed in a CDI which starts at Prix St George. Everyone around the world who has been in a CDI goes on the list in order of accumulated points. We don’t usually have CDI in my area but in one Olympic qualifying year they gave us one. And a local junior trainer rode a made horse in a class and there was her name at the very bottom of the list for the next year. Somethung like #745. She was ranked. Obviously a fun experience, I’m not being snarky (much).

But you don’t get FEI ranked by riding PSG or GP in a national show like an Equine Canada or USEF recognized show. You need to be in an FEI recognized show.

So yes, LK is delusional here. The small nugget of truth is that her scores are visible on the USEF or Fox Village or whatever databases. The lie is that this counts as FEI.

I have not Googled the FEI rankings by year but it’s guaranteed LK has never been in them.

To confuse matters though, the tests for PSG to GP are drawn up by the FEI and are casually referred to as “FEI tests.” But you can ride them at a EC or USEF recognized show or even at a schooling show. None of this gives you an FEI ranking unless you ride in a CDI recognized by FEI.

The shows from Training to Fourth are written up by USEF, and borrowed by EC. You can ride them at a USEF or EC recognized show and get your scores in the relevant database or at a schooling show with no official records.

Classes below PSG are the purview of national equestrian bodies and thats why these tests are different between the US and Britain and Australia. And eventing has its own tests.

And obviously any local club could invent its own tests, not approved by anybody.


Thanks for posting that!

Once again, I am amazed and impressed by the internet search skills displayed by the people on this BB, which far exceed my own.

I did just glance at his résumé on IMDb, and I did see a couple of movies that looked like there could have been horses involved. So I had hopes.

He is also one of the many future stars who appeared very early on in his career on Miami Vice. I can only imagine that the people in charge of the casting for that show were incredibly talented, because they picked a lot of people who went on to be extremely successful, including multiple Academy Award winners.

Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, and Benicio Del Toro are just a few of the people who did a one week stint as the villain or love interest of the week on the show as one of their first jobs in show business.

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In NJ, that Krol case happened because prior to that case, the jury determined whether or not the defendant posed a risk of danger and whether or not they should be further committed. The Krol decision took that burden out of the jury’s hands and placed it back with the court based on specific guidelines, starting with a mandatory evaluation and subsequent hearing.

So, further reading on really dry NJ law which has been interesting to me, it appears NJ Supreme Court really wants the jury to understand that NGRI doesn’t mean the defendant is walking free. There’s going to be a period of commitment and exams, etc. based on NJ law.

The State isn’t going to bring that up because they don’t want the jury to consider any verdict but guilty. I imagine there was language about it in the stack of jury instructions they got. I think Mr B just wanted to reiterate it. There’s no option in NJ of NGRI and walking out free without some form of commitment and evaluation and he may have just been trying to put their minds at ease that MB wasn’t walking out into the world in an unsafe mental condition if they decided NGRI instead of Guilty, go to prison where MB never gets any treatment.

TLDR: there’s no option in NJ for NGRI that doesn’t include commitment. And this is an extremely beyond rare verdict.


Perhaps @hut-ho78 can enlighten us as to how LK gained ranked FEI status.


He also narrated a short film on saving NY’s Central Park carriage horses.


Funny, she reminded me, the first day of testimony, back before I found this place, of a poor man’s wanna be Cersei Lannister. Like, Cersei is her hero or something


Thank you.

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Good point.

Anyone who would post the things LK has posted and plot the things LK has admitted to plotting is certainly not abiding by the USEF code of conduct.

And absolutely, positively, undeniably is NOT a good ambassador of the sport.


I’m still wondering about all the defense witnesses that the judge would not allow. Can anyone shed any light on that now, after the fact?

I’m also wondering what defense witness they did not have appear at the last minute, since towards the end they said they had two more lay witnesses and two expert witnesses. But I think we only saw one more lay witness after that point in the proceedings.

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Just as an aside, this is one thing that surprised me about the presentation of the prosecution. Again, in my degree from Law & Order Law School, I would have thought the prosecutor (and her own attorney, which I understand she must have been consulting for advice regarding the civil trial and other issues) would have sat her down, and suggested she sit on her hands and not respond to anything and anyone online until the end of all civil and criminal proceedings.

I realize they can’t force her to, but I would seem to me that the best thing to do to further her own interests (and the state’s case), legally and personally, would have posted something bland like: “I will wait for justice to be done, and have no further commentary until this difficult period of my life comes to end so I can heal.” And then gone mute online. I mean, it’s not like the case is being tried on COTH.

Going back to my free Law & Order degree, lawyers even put very sketchy characters in a suit, shave 'em, and clean 'em up when they are a witness, right? They actually have professional consultants, from what I understand, who are paid to study how to influence juries through subtle psychological factors. Coming into court quiet, understated, professional, with a “I made some mistakes but didn’t deserve this, and look how reasonable I seem” appearance and outfit, would have seem to the image you’d want to project. In court, and on social media. I’m not saying that witnesses should be judged on such factors, but they often are (sadly, in many instances), and it puzzles me.

Anyway, I best leave this thread soon. The addiction it’s given me to True Crime podcasts in the short time I’ve been posting here has already cut into my productivity.


She very much lacks Cersei’s self-discipline and emotional depth. Remember that Cersei truly loved her husband and was so very hurt that he was deeply in love with a memory of his youth - his first (lost) love & Cersei was just a walking womb.

Now Cersei is scary but she had to be in order to survive at all. Not unlike many monarchs of old.

I can spend far too much time criticizing where the writers blew it in season 8 (who sends their cavalry charging into the unknown and then chucks magic missiles at them just for starters) and I would have had the ultimate battle occur in the south so Cersei et al could witness what Jon Snow was talking about and fighting firsthand. Plus I still believe they could have had the dead walking underwater and attack the city in a pincers move, plus aerial battles.

Anyway, LK isn’t that shrewd, disciplined or smart. She is more like Lysa Arryn in the televised series, IMO. Although she isn’t a parent to the best of my knowledge.


I have a feeling originally Mr B’s list included MHG, JH, RC, and as many of the cops etc. he could get in. But they all did well enough on the stand the first time around he didn’t need to.

I’ve wondered if he kept JK on his list just to keep him out of the courtroom for the whole trial.


OMG…she made HERSELF to be the villain! Just read her social media.


I really wonder if part of the reason there has been so much support for MB, even among so many commenters who don’t know him (or know anything about the specific parties or about horses) is that a lot of people were remembering their own experiences with someone like LK, and thinking, “There but for the grace of God go I.”


That would be a smart strategic move, but I think JK was actually in the courtroom for parts of it, wasn’t he?

I seem to recall that the first week, the judge asked someone to double check that JK was no longer in the courtroom before LK’s testimony started, I think.

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The tv series ended at season 7. There was no season 8. :slight_smile:

I can see the Lysa comparison. But my impression was that in LK’s mind, she wants to be the Cersei that says “Power is…power”. “The only way to keep your people loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy.” Not the mother who loved her children and was in constant survival mode. Scary survival mode, but still.


Didn’t someone recently post a twitter screen shot or other post where she talked about how she did this or that when presenting thesis in college and then something about how she ran business meetings? :rofl: does that count as a career - only in dreams? :roll_eyes: IT was the rant to Joey, reposted somewhere not too far back here. It was “sales meetings” and hitting targets.


Balinkas is apparently a master at courtroom manipulation. Asking questions he knew wasn’t permissible is one. Sure you can tell a juror to ignore a statement but you still remember it.

Keeping someone out of the courtroom is part of that.

An example: Let’s say the defense states “Isn’t it true that Ms. Kanarek was discovered to be spying late at night, barefoot, dressed in black, wearing a black veil?”

I don’t care how big the objection comes, I’m remembering that jit!!


There is someone looking at organizing some sort of financial support for MB.
Will post when this is updated.


Yeah, he was removed once the testimony moved away from the responders and into all the substantive stuff. If I were Mr B, I would have listed him just to keep him out.