Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I think in this case the victims were not coachable for multiple reasons. Didn’t we find online court evidence that they were reluctant to even come back from Florida to testify?

The prosecutor cannot make victims or witnesses behave if they either cannot or do not want to. But unlike a defense lawyer, the prosecutor cannot walk away or fire his client. He has to make the best of what he’s got. If the victim is too addled to behave in their own best interest, or is delusional enough to think they are “smarter” than the prosecutor, or has never been in a situation before when they had to face the consequences of their actions, the prosecutor cant fix that.

All along LK has been her own worst enemy and her performance at the trial sealed that. I had honestly expected she would do a better job and be more credible. But she exposed herself to the whole audience, people watching the trial who knew nothing about the back story clocked her as unreliable right away.

I do not see how a civil suit can go forward with LK as the plaintiff.


I’m a big Mr B fan after watching all of that.


She has never said anything that anyone has ever been able to write off as “credible” and only made insinuations or claims that she flies from place-to-place, on demand. From what we can piece together, it seems that she gets a monthly allowance/stipend from JK, who “gets it from the bank”, to spend on “whatever” and that is augmented by whatever RG can bring in from day laborer jobs that he picks up, though those are probably few and far between. The horse bills are apparently all paid for by JK outright. The only bits in the public data pile about her being employed say “administrative/clerical”, but that doesn’t mean anything and probably just shows that she had a low-paying office job for some time, after abandoning college for the drugs in NC.

Based on her known address history and self-admitted drug addiction timeline, she has apparently never finished any of the supposed schooling she claims to have done at Hollins University or the community colleges in NC. One bizarre thing I found in the public records is that JK had gotten nailed by the PD near Hollins for speeding, reckless driving more or less, long after LK had left the area to move to NC, so he was likely down there cleaning up some mess that LK had made.


So the fact that it was said here one time by one person on one thread means it was likely to be an accurate statement? Or worth repeating in an entirely different thread without context weeks/months/years later?

Good to know. :roll_eyes:


Yeah the people watching and criticizing don’t realize all that goes into the performance. Law is law but it’s always also been performance art. Even an ill fitting suit to make him seem bumbling disarms a viewer.


Well, in defense of their civil attorney who was on that CourtTV clip? He looks much better in his advertisement on the bus stop bench. You know, where all the top tier, blue chip firms advertise.



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It’s Bilinkas.

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Kirby worked at a soup kitchen once, or LK worked at a soup kitchen once?

If it was the latter, I have to wonder about the circumstances of that situation.


I want to see it.


They also have a “contact us” link to provide feedback about an article. I pointed out several of the problems with the article and suggested that at the very least Ms Tumin might want to go back and watch the opening and closing arguments and maybe some of the LK cross-examination.


In an old thread, LK claimed that she had taken a “CrimPro” (criminal prosecution?) class. Presumably to give the impression that she had been to law school?


It had context.

I actually did see that on IMDb, but I did not know if it included actually being near a horse, or just in a studio in front of microphone to record the narration.

He is definitely on the list of people that I would be glad to listen to as he reads the phone book. And I would love to have his voice on the GPS on my phone as well if that could be an option. Lol.

Ack. What show or book series is getting mixed up in my mind? I don’t want to ponder that at the moment.

When I was reading some of the old locked threads, she kept talking about her charges vs the disposition of the cases. I’ve never seen any of the charges or anything, but I wonder how many of those dispositions that are so important to her were dismissed based on community service, classes, fines, diversion programs, etc.


Haha! I just meant I refuse to acknowledge the abomination that was Season 8. It didn’t happen. :slight_smile:


Things did not go too well for Cersei in the end, as I recall. But unfortunately, she certainly did a lot of damage to a lot of people in the meantime.


The Kanarak sisters and Mom took part in many community groups and performed community service opportunities to ingratiate themselves with the locals and ladder climb in the social scene, while Pops made his $$$$ and cut checks that they would drop in the coffers when they would show up for whatever was going on. They also did the Country Club scene, which further enhanced their status with the locals. The papers show that they were involved in youth sports, Girl Scouts, supporting the local libraries, various school organizations, and other things that brought their name forward, while the daughters were in the public schools.


There’s nothing quite like a community college dropout trying to make a point by trying to recall a 101 course they took 20 years ago.