Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Whew. I was really worried for a moment. Has the cheese slid off my cracker?

glares at household

You people are going to be the death of me!



Iā€™m sorry.


Words are cheap. Got chocolate? LOL


I just looked at all of that yesterday. You can look up her and RGs NJ charges at the linkā€¦ Michaelā€™s case is there too. Not sure about anything from NC


Sure! :doughnut: :chocolate_bar: :cookie:


All is forgiven.

Have a bialy on me.

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Everything you can see in the court records indicated someone interfering on her behalf, to keep her out of a courtroom. Charges were not dropped or dismissed by the local Prosecutors, but they did decline to prosecute her for anything and everything that she was arrested or charged with, which was also the norm for her family members and RG as well.


Colour me shocked! SHOCKED I SAY! Who could possibly be that vested in Lauren not facing consequences or anything of consequence showing up if someone runs a background or credit check? Hmm.


Itā€™s so funny you should say that, because I watched another new episode of Law and Order on Thursday night after the verdict.

I have seen quite a few of the earlier episodes of the original series in the past, but I have not watched them for a long time. So it was interesting to compare and contrast their courtroom scenes to the real thing now that I watched the real thing online a grand total of one time.

The part that still struck me the most was the discrepancy in the timeline. On Law and Order, they include the dates as the different events occur, and in the episode on Thursday, the crime happened in whatever month it was, maybe March. And then they were full blown in the middle of the trial by late April. And the same thing happened in a previous new episode I watched a few weeks ago.

So Iā€™m guessing of all the procedural inaccuracies on the show, that might be pretty high on the list. Lol.


See, thatā€™s what Iā€™m interested in. The NJ ones I just looked at (thank you ScaredofHorses) sure do seem to end mysteriously. On the other hand, Iā€™m used to our courts which list out Diversion in lieu of prosecution and other options like that.

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I noticed that line as well.


That has always aggravated me. In real time, you donā€™t even get from arrest to preliminary hearing/initial pre trial conference that fast.


Except now RG has testified that he was careful to never work beyond what he felt they owed. So in that case, how can anyone owe him anything?

I am sure that his testimony in the criminal trial will be used in the civil trial. As LK would sayā€¦OOPS! ā€œBOMSHELLā€!


I feel like if they hadnā€™t had the misfortune of having one daughter slide off the rails into drug addiction and apparent Cluster B personality traits, this would just be a typical family for their place and time. They might or might not be irritating up close, but this all seems standard enough.

The worst family behavior thatā€™s been documented so far is what theyā€™ve been drawn into in defense of their problem daughter. And this is a very hard path to walk. They have already banned her from living in the family home, which shows they have some idea. Could this be a requirement of their insurance company after her motherā€™s jewelry was stolen?

Itā€™s a hard decision to cut off a child from financial support if thereā€™s a possibility the child will turn to theft, robbery, stripping, prostitution, drug dealing or whatever if you donā€™t fund them. In this context an interest in horses could be seen as
wholesome and helpful.

I havenā€™t seen a full disclosure of everything JK has done for his daughter, but the parts that have been revealed suggest that yes, he went over the boundary to enabling and even participating in her bad actions, and certainly this gave her the delusion she was protected from all consequences by money and legal teams.

I donā€™t know what happens now that she has exposed herself to a national audience and basically undone every effort over the years to keep the family good name intact. Would JK risk more exposure by a civil trial? I donā€™t know how delusional the whole family is. Also, will they try to sue 48 hours?

Itā€™s a huge dilemma. If you have a problem family member, how far can you support them without becoming problematic yourself? But if you stop supporting them what are the consequences?


That was the thought that crossed my mind.


I keep thinking that the one I was able to extract myself from was simply due to happenstance. As it happened about the time she really started to concoct drama for us, Rita Crundwell happened. She was able get her drama on from that.


Omg. Imagine being on the same youth soccer team or the same Girl Scout troop with that bunch. :grimacing:


I suspect it was HaleyBot and GirlJoey. Their testimony in the criminal trial would have not been supportive of MBā€™s insanity defense. They would only be able to testify what LK did to them and Taylor wouldnā€™t allow trashing the ā€œvictimā€.


For what? Before they were interviewed they would have signed documents giving permission to air the interviews and permit editting.


Well, that was pretty darn interesting. Thanks for the link! I can only imagine LK must have ladled out a lot of soup in her day.

And Iā€™m no legal expert, but I think the sentence in red at the top is probably not a good sign when you are trying to look up someoneā€™s arrest record.