Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

First of all, what do you have against Fonzi? Lol.

Also, it’s interesting that the alert from law enforcement describes him as 5’9”.

Didn’t he try to tell the 911 operator that he was only 5’6”? Maybe to make it sound like more of a David and Goliath situation with MB? I have a feeling the 911 operator probably did not ask him, RG, how tall he was.

Side note. I’m not going to listen to poor Rosie again on the 911 recording just to verify his own height description. Poor Rosie. :frowning:


Can anyone post a summary of the top 5 alarming charges in the NJ database pertaining to RG?

I’m curious… but don’t have time to look it up until later tonight.

For the record… my earlier theory was that he is the known vicious animal that attacked first, that day at the farmhouse. That doesn’t mean MB didn’t actually fire the gun. It doesn’t mean that MB could have legally proven self defense per the NJ statutes.

But everything in me is convinced that RG struck first. He gives off a very specific, very criminal vibe…

No doubt bailiffs at a courthouse have LOADS of real life experiences identifying THAT vibe. And they behaved accordingly with respect to RG…


If they can make a claim the documentary misrepresented them, the waivers don’t necessarily protect the film company.

Im not saying 48 hours would misrepresent. But JK could still threaten to sue to hold up production. I suppose they couldn’t sue until they’ve seen what it says. But it’s all within the realm of possibility even if it’s just a nuisance lawsuit ans is dismissed. The waivers are not iron clad. Waivers never are.

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TL:DR, multiple drug possession charges, multiple assault charges, and burglary charges.


That’s an interesting observation. I don’t think I had actually noticed the body language on the bailiffs in the background until somebody mentioned it on here, and then I did pay more attention to it on the videos afterwards.

But that would make a lot of sense.


The absolute lack of respect the judge showed towards Michael after the verdicts were read is despicable. He yelled at him the first day about putting his head down and to show respect to the court. Yet, he could not even wish him good luck or acknowledge him afterwards. To me, that speaks volumes about the type of man he is. I am just glad the jury came to the right conclusion despite the best efforts of Taylor to steer things the other way.
Then again, he may have been sweating over just how he was going to explain to JK how things did not go his way and all those dinner invitations he will not be getting in the future.


Just saw this: Put "M. BARISONE C/O above Mr Blinkas’ address to help those secretaries. :slight_smile:


This is when he was a no show at work which prompted his employer to check up on him. I believe it was the employer who prompted a missing person report. Within a month of returning home he disappeared again and the employer went to the home and retrieved their company truck and cell phone. He begged for his job back and even had JK call the owners insisting they take him back. The owners (very close friends of mine) hung up on him after he became belligerent.


Similar to the lady who has worked at the health department for years and years.


Even if 48 Hours cuts the Kanarek’s interview material, they have oodles to build an entire show or two without them!


When I was posting the reply to MHM, the website asked me “You have posted that already. Are you sure you want to post it again?” :rofl:


Wonder where he went.

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Honestly, I was half expecting the judge to scold MB for collapsing in his chair as they were reading the verdicts.

But maybe the judge was afraid of what the YouTube comments would say if he did that. :roll_eyes:

I also noticed that at the end of the proceedings, eventually the lawyers left and MB was by himself with the bailiffs as they put the handcuffs back on him. I don’t think I had seen that part before, so I was just struck by the way he was on his own again.


Somebody entrusted RG with a company truck and cell phone in the first place?? :hushed:


A drug hole?

A longtime friend of mine has a boyfriend who is an uncontrolled diabetic and an alcohol abuser. He regularly goes missing for anywhere from hours to a week. The last time this happened, he’d been checked into the hospital in near total organ failure and resurfaced five days later in a supervised detox.

Anyway, I’m surprised a family that seems to be so invested in cultivating community ties etc has been supporting the freeloading boyfriend and the drug habit for however many years this has apparently been going on.


This is probably old news for you guys, but I think RG goes by Guy Goodwin. That’s what he has on his IG and FB


I believe there were some statements to the effect that he’s told people that she runs his accounts, posting compliments to herself, etc.


I know this line has been used a lot but…

Who does that?!?!?


It’s a bit tangential to true crime, but the abc podcast “Dropout” about Elizabeth Holmes is excellent, and some of the things that happened are in a similar vein.



Looks like he was busy in North Carolina…