Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

For me it was Veiled Midnite Ninja Lady.

On the bright side I now have this year’s Halloween costume.


I finally caught up again. A few days off for Easter.

Happy Easter everyone.

My question is how many of us have a manifesto? The only time I have ever heard that word is usually after a mass shooting or terrorist event by the attacker.

… and a thought from my Degree from the NCIS Law School. In an episode back with the cool, female scientist everyone loved, she testified with information from the phone, that the 2 men who were fighting had in their pockets. The phone’s GPS, or whatever it may be, records where it is and what height it is at. That would answer questions like if they were seated at the table for MB’s phone to be on the table. How long, and if before or after the shooting, MB’s head was bashed in for, etc, etc, etc.


One more piece of information to add to my newfound belief that burner phones are a necessity if you’re going to do anything nefarious. And then you have to throw them in the river or whatever.


LOL and add to that if one of them was wearing a smart watch, fitbit, garmin, etc etc, etc.

Throwing in the river I don’t think is enough, put it through a mulcher or something so even the NCIS scientist can’t put it back together for anything to work.


I wish you would finally hit the ignore button if you are going to ignore the articles I posted and just grumble at me. I’ve typed more than once that NGRI is probably the best verdict. He could get treated. Once deemed safe to release he can apply to SafeSport to be reinstated. He can rebuild his life.

He shot someone twice. That person is possibly as fully worthy of compassion and understanding as he is or more so since she didn’t shoot anyone. So many of these posts are so one-sided. MB had a whole lot going on in his life. It wasn’t all about LK, even though it was a defense strategy to switch the victim out.


A guy in CT is on trial right now for murdering his wife who was wearing a Fitbit. The data from it is being used to show what a liar the guy is.


[quote=“hut-ho78, post:1331, topic:771580, full:true”]

It’s too bad she threatened and was aggressive with so many people here or else we may have actually believed you.

But as we lived what she would do to people your words just don’t mean much of anything.

And you’re wrong. She DID shoot someone. At least metaphorically, she shot herself in the foot.

“Finish the bastard!”


What you have annoyed me about the most is when you keep saying, and you haven’t said it for a while, is that it was because of MB aging. I am glad you have given that a rest. We are all aging and with how fit he was he was probably noticing it less than the rest of us. Most of everyone have been through divorces, had changes to business’s, etc, etc, etc. The only thing we luckily, most of us have not had, is dealings with LK, RG and JK plotting to destroy us and trying to finish us.


And posted on this forum that soldiers on a secret base were given fitbits, which told everyone where they were.


I don’t watch any of those crime shows, so I will take your word for it. Lol.

So…have we already discussed what 48 Hrs is going to name the episode?


Wow, that’s pretty crazy. In a good way, in this case. But still.

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I’m also good friends with the owners and can confirm I’ve heard the exact same thing. In particular they received calls from both LK and JK.

I did hear a rumor/gossip that he once said, “if I ever go missing look at LK” though that was years ago and I can’t prove the validity of it.


She certainly posted a lot of pictures from expensive looking bathrooms back in the 2010’s.

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Once again, who does that??


Like a contest?

The UnStable?


Regarding the 48 Hours title:

Sidebars and Star Witnesses?

I’d like to see Sidebar get his name in there. Lol.


Some suggested at the time checking the back yard of their residence for freshly planted flower beds.


Nah everyone should know you grab a plant app and bury under protected plants.

Unless you’re close to a historical sight which are largely not guarded well at night.




Why is everyone so afraid of JK? Is he really that intimidating of a person? Does he have connections to ‘organized’ type of people in N.J.?

The ‘organized’ people are still a thing in parts of NY, NJ and Philadelphia. I mentioned earlier a family member who works in the area for an Italian owned company (multigenerational family business) that does indeed have some ties. The company also has a lot of legitimate lines of business. But… people definitely pause, and are careful about business disagreements… there is an intimidation factor involved, for sure.