Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I just checked my Facebook spam messages and found this gem that she sent me in 2019. “My family’s money hasn’t been touched by me for 20 years.” Her own testimony disproves that.


There is no outright stated reason why people are afraid of JK, but I would assume that he rants and raves about suing people like his daughter does, so that might be it. On the other hand, his only known employer (EF Hutton) was involved with the region’s organized crime and their money laundering in the heyday of the firm, when he was known to be working for them and the Jewish community in the area is rife with organized crime groups, some of whom give the Mafia a run for it’s Cannollis and who have the same structure. According to the FBI/DOJ there is also a massive money moving/laundering apparatus operating in the Jewish communities that moves funds to and from the US to Israel, Russia, the UK, and any country with a Jewish population that requires off-the-books cash, especially the ones with lots of money lenders that lend to the Orthodox Jewish communities. That’s something you can read up on elsewhere.


I wonder if 48 Hours will use Nancy (can’t think of her last name) who wrote all of the articles about the trial. What she wrote made me think she was in the courtroom. They usually use a local reporter on the show to get the in-depth info and I think she would be their best choice. Way better than any of the other reporters who barely skimmed the surface.


OK, I apologize in advance for this uber stupid post to most of you. I have not followed the case but was struck by how TERRIBLE MB looked!

LK was evicted, right? Why didn’t she go and why didn’t MB wait for her to go? Once evicted, you have to leave, right? I don’t understand why they both stayed in the same place when it was clearly so toxic.

A very brief explanation would be good. Sorry to ask!


The producers also need to show the jury didn’t arrive at the verdict based on his “disheveled” appearance in the courtroom. It was the result of having a psychological campaign of terror reigned on him.

I don’t know why that worries me. I don’t want people watching it thinking, yeah, he looks crazy. I want people to see that words do, in fact matter, whether it’s in your manifesto on social media or the words the attorneys are using in the courtroom.

Not just an act of a crazy dude. (Or a fraud, and the worst verdict since OJ per the civil attorney)

Does that make sense?


Has New Jersey been as far as LK has ventured up the east coast? Just wondering if she will try to enjoy some of the summer weather of New England. Forewarned and all.


Wow, I absolutely loathe that woman. I wish I knew who the 48 Hours producer was because I’d send them a link to this site. But maybe they already have staff in here lurking.


Briefly, everything boiled to a head before an eviction could happen. MB was taking steps. His attorney even found another place for her and her horses just up the road. She, instead, dug in her heels.

Per her testimony in court, she had a “plan to ruin him.”


Always such a precious flower.




Maybe run of the mill in topic, but not in result. I don’t follow true crime stories, but the fact that it was a case of a successful NGRI defense seems to be getting a lot of attention in legal circles.


Evictions in NJ can take over a year with a skilled and manipulative tenant. With a lawyer involved she was going to fight it out for a long time. And every day she was going to behave the way she was in the two weeks prior to the shooting.

How many of us can realistically say we could survive her constant harassment, false reporting, and worry about what would come next long enough to go through the process?

I know at the time you couldn’t have ever predicted it….but what on earth would MB have done when Covid hit 6 months later and shut down eviction’s completely before LK could have been gotten out?


Down the Center Line… cue music and soft focus close up shot of horse hooves at the trot in arena footing.


I am sure they have staff lurking. Just like I’m sure USEF and SS do. Maybe even the Prosecutor.

I don’t have any inside knowledge of this but if any of these didn’t they would be derelect in their jobs.


The photo she was referring to was me on a 2,000lb draft horse. He’s clearly in agony here.


You have a point. Yes.


I can’t stand to quote that post, because it’s just so offensive.

But maybe her words at the end are technically true. According to her testimony, she does not touch the money herself. Her dad arranges to get it from the bank somehow. She personally does not touch the money. :roll_eyes:


Is it just me or are you sitting nicer and more correct then other “FEI ranked” riders?


That’s fair :joy:


I don’t know how NJ’s eviction rules were affected by the pandemic, but I’m guessing that the possible year to evict could have turned into a lot longer than that. There was a NY Post story today about a celebrity chef who the landlord says has used the Covid moratorium to stay in the rental unit, and pay the landlord nothing since January 2020. I bet if it had gone to court, certain people would still be on the property, with their animals there.