Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I just checked the transcript of RG’s testimony and Symphony is the one with cellulitis. YT translated what RG said to “Symphony the old mayor” :rofl:


Ooo, good catch! And also a great photo!

I have to admit the thought did occur to me that considering some of the people who have touched that Bible, I would be very tempted to either wear gloves or use Purell in that situation. Lol.


For anyone who is curious about this. Additionally metabolic syndrome happens a lot.

I apologize for going temp off topic. I’ll return to topic now.


That thought occurred to me too!

I was also waiting to see if the Bible would burst into flames a couple of times, but luckily, that did not happen. Maybe they treat it with some sort of special flame retardant in that setting.


Those sorts of comments don’t bother me thankfully. I’m aware that I’m fat. I never ride a horse that seems uncomfortable with my weight, I have great balance, light hands, and a light seat.


WHOA!!! I have no words….well I do, but I’ll behave! :zipper_mouth_face:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thank you!


I’m so glad you pay her evilness no mind. Enjoy your riding, you have a lovely position. I’ve varied widely in my weight throughout the years, you do you and be happy & screw the rest
Prednisone can have miserable side effects, I use it when necessary but hate it.


This is another video where they discuss the insanity defense. It starts out with John Hinckley, but that is just a warm-up for a discussion of MB’s case.

The host begins by falsely saying that MB shot two people, which is obviously incorrect. So apparently that guy is not too concerned about stating the facts accurately.

But the talking heads do discuss how rare it is for someone to get off with that defense, so that part is interesting. I do think that could be one of the big reasons the case has attracted so much attention, especially once it actually worked. So that combined with the Olympic angle might explain all the coverage.


According to the local papers, the parents had been involved in self-named elite leadership groups and fund-raising organizations that have financial ties to the post-WW2 diaspora in Europe and elsewhere. Remember that NY Times article that favored LK and tried to set a narrative that would benefit her for the trial? In hindsight, that looks to have been the result of her parents using their connections in the community - which has ties to the paper’s leadership - to get good publicity to control the narrative before the trial.


I still waiting for them to post the one where they talk about the damage done to her civil case.


Skip 48 Hours and lets go to a Netflix original. Think along the lines of “Inventing Anna” , which in a weird way has some similarities. A six or 8 episode mini series.


Thank you!
I loathe prednisone but my immune system is a wreck and enjoys causing me misery so I have a prescription in for it in my nightstand. Most recent run with it was due to endometriosis.


Same, I always have it on hand :woman_facepalming:
ETA I flat out told my dr I’d rather deal with treatment side effects than those of the stupid prednisone. It makes me miserable.

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Thanks. She’s looks like a sweet horse.

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Thanks for sharing. Super interesting that Vinnie used Dr Simring in the cases he tried and said something along the lines that he could not be bought. Also, as a side note, Vinnie’s formula worked again. If the jury deliberates more than one hour for every day of the trial, the prosecutor needs to start sweating.


Well, to be fair, that worked pretty well in some circles for a while.

Pretty much right up until their star witnesses took the stand.


I got a frustrated response earlier on these threads when I brought up Italian American owned companies in that area of the country and organized crime.

The fact is, in certain parts of the North East, organized crime is still very real. And it has deep ties to both Italian and Jewish communities in New Jersey.

This is not meant to disparage entire ethnic communities. Not at all. But some people are indeed “connected.” It has been a running theme through this story that multiple people were intimidated by JK. I asked a VERY pointed question… and @LexInVA provided some very specific background information regarding his employer’s ties to money laundering and organized crime.

That’s all it is. Not a general smear.