Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

The things that caught me in this video were the explanation, for anyone who may have missed it, that he’s been “exonerated” and the discussion about Dr Simring. Getting him involved early was obviously a key to the defense.


Maybe the article had more to do with how the victim portrayed herself…even the Daily Mail had a sympathettc take…she is an attractive person, can look good on a horse, and surely can project a certain image hence how she has managed to get trained by an Olympician. I am not a fan to put it politely of the WW2 diaspora theory…sounds too much like some other “theories” that can quickly get very poisionous and best not pursued.


Yes, the word “acquitted” came up as well.

I hope this video is making the rounds in New Jersey.


I just spit my coffee lol

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I’m guessing the prosecutor had already been sweating for a while by that time.

Again, probably from right around the time his star witnesses took the stand.

Now that I think of it, I wonder how the prosecutor feels about having this case on his record? The first successful insanity defense most people can remember in the last 40 years.

Maybe since before he was born?? Ouch. :grimacing:


well, several angles I am sure.
But the prime reason would be to ennigrate one’s criminal family into the social fabric of the community.
They just happen to be Jewish.
No different from Al Capone and the Italian communities…


I didn’t say just about his aging. He had a lot of things going on in his life to cause him stress. It may be a defense strategy to switch victims but he was actually going through a lot.

Even I’m tired of listing them.

odious, odious, human being…


I strongly believe it was his being (and I quote Judge Bendo) TERRORIZED.


There really needs to be an ongoing archive of her stuff, to show the world what kind of person she is and to eventually present such a trove to SafeSport, to get her banned.


Whenever someone says “odious,” the first thing that comes to mind is from The Phantom Tollbooth:

“A slavish concern for the composition of words is the sign of a bankrupt intellect. Be gone, odious wasp! You smell of decayed syllables.”

Not a response to you in particular. But I can’t help but think it would have been appropriate for some of these SM diatribes issued by a certain party to this case…


I filed a report against her in 2019. Included a whole slew of screenshots of her trying to fat shame me as well as some very threatening messages directed at someone else in a group chat. I know of at least two others who filed reports against her, SS was uninterested. Hopefully they will start taking us seriously now.


If anybody starts to compile such an archive, it would probably be wise to be sure to include some items directed towards USEF members, and/or taking place at USEF competitions.

Otherwise safe sport could say, well, she may be a terrible person, but our purview is sports related issues that occur with competitors and competitions under the auspices of the national governing body of the sport. Not just terrible people in general.


Well, there was Andrea Yates, but it took two trials to get there. Her first verdict and trial was overturned when the prosecution’s expert stated he gave false evidence in the first trial.

That case is so vastly different than this one, and it was 21 years ago already, although it took several years to wind through the courts.


It seems so many people have filed against her she must have an actually big file.


Please complain to the USEF as her actions violate the code of conduct.


New Jersey Covid eviction restrictions started March 2020 and ended January 2022.

Super cute horse and y’all look great together.

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Yes, but…

On a previous Court TV video, between the three talking heads, the only person they could come up with between them was John Hinckley. And on this video, the host was obviously planning to discuss the subject, so he may have looked up the other two cases he mentioned.

As far as the general public goes, and even plenty of lawyers, apparently, Hinckley is the last one a lot of people remember.

And as you say, this case is completely different from the two moms who were found guilty by reason of insanity. To me, that situation seems like an easier sell to a jury. How else could any mom kill her own kids unless she was, in fact, insane? :woman_shrugging:


Why is it that the ones that cry the loudest that they’re being bullied are often the biggest bullies themselves? LK, the Dressage Hub woman, NP …