Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Fascinating. :thinking:

The verdict was Thursday afternoon and the judge said he would enter the order to have him civilly committed that day, but Friday was a state holiday in NJ so there probably wasn’t time to do anything in the few hours remaining on Thursday.


Oof. Awful.

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And the jails never tell you when they’re going to be transferred, for “security purposes.” Most of the time they just show up at your cell and tell you it’s time to go. Often in the middle of the night, “for security purposes.”

Even being released after a Not Guilty verdict or being let out on bond/bail takes forever to process.

The other thing of note is, per NJ Statute and Judge T, he has to be medically cleared before he can be transported to the psych hospital. That probably doesn’t happen overnight either and is just one more step in the agonizing paperwork.


One thing about this whole situation is that it has probably provided a lot of information about the whole process that most of us never knew.


Maybe it is posted upstream, but how many times did he disappear?

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If I remember correctly she had taken shots at him once? Something about a 4 wheeler? I vaguely recall that from another thread I think though I was on pain medication so it’s a bit fuzzy if that was something I read or was told.

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Twice that I am aware of, at least with this employer.


Twice that I can remember per the former employers.



Evidently this video is from the year she was the National Champion.


some folks lack this sort of self reflection

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I know I’m going to hate myself in the morning for asking this but was she national champion?


you read it on the internet! It HAS to be true.


Sounds horrible. Thankfully he will be processed out of this system soon.


So, that video is of her on Symphony at Harvest Moon “5 years ago”. 5 years ago is 2017. Wouldn’t being “National Champion” entail going to the USDF Finals? I only see a regional finals on the link below from 2016… she scored a 60.227.

I don’t see her mentioned here for 2016:

Or here for 2017:

Seems odd she was “national champion”… But what do I know, I ride jumpers. And she admits she lies on social media. :rofl:


Nope, no she was not!


See my reply above. I don’t ride dressage, but I do Google. Nope.


I also want to add that I strongly doubt she was even REGIONAL champion with that score… but what do I know? The only one “scoring” my dressage is my trainer during lessons, and me in the mirror when I am flatting. Lol.


It is horrible. Especially if it’s your loved one/family member going through it. But on the other side of this weekend, MB knows where he’s going, knows he has court again in 30 days to determine next steps, and has the knowledge that the jury vindicated him. It’s got to feel better than all of the unknowns for the last 2.5 years. And it’s a helluva lot better than the alternative of a guilty verdict.

Generally speaking, jails give extended visitation on holidays like Easter. It appears that jail went back to regular visitation (not COVID a video visits) back in February. So my hope for him is that he has visitors tomorrow.