Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

NCDCTA publishes their results. In 2016 she was reserve AA training level HOY.

Presumably if anyone would like to check 2016 USDF finals and HOY results…

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So North Carolina Reserve HOY for AAs at training? What level was the horse trained to then?

Well National Champion and North Carolina both have NC so…


Link I posted above to USDF finals makes no mention of LK or Symphony. And not to diminish her HOY accomplishment, but… NC isn’t National. Reserve isn’t Champion.


I don’t know if it’s true but I think I remember her saying she was trained to Prix. St. George?
I do know the horse was trained beyond her level at the time.


Someone was asking earlier: Jay T is the horse she got from MB.


And yes - clearly she was reserve, not champion. In North Carolina:


Also, I just noticed that LK posted that comment on YouTube regarding “5 years ago” two years ago, which would make it 2015. She has no results from 2015 at Harvest Moon. Only 2016 and 2017. In fact, no show results on that link prior to March 2015. So I can’t imagine she was a National Champion in 2015, given that site states that Show Results Begin in 2010 Season… but she’s also states that the Harvest Moon vid was “probably my 2nd dressage show” and that site has her riding a whopping 54 tests at 12 shows prior to Harvest Moon if I counted correctly. No seasoned ammy, but not “probably her 2nd dressage show.” But LK likes to play fast and loose with the facts, so… :woman_shrugging: I also don’t see why she was so defensive on the post. I didn’t find her riding to be very impressive, but she also scored 65+ on both her 2016 Harvest Moon tests. And from what I understand, that’s pretty respectable.


You are very confused. NCDCTA HOY awards are based on points received for final placing in NCDCTA recognized schooling shows as well as USEF shows. Lauren has never been a “National Champion” at any level nor is she an FEI ranked rider!

Just saying something doesn’t make it so in the real world!


If there are national championship awards based on ANY schooling shows in ANY disciplines, sign me up! LOL.


Lol love this. You’re innocence is showing :heartpulse:


Lol. Again
Not sure if your guys are trying to be funny but this just comes off really funny (in a cute way to me)


I would like to ask an honest question. I ride in a different discipline entirely, but I can do flying changes, shoulders in, leg yields, etc. I strongly believe that dressage is critical to developing the rideability of a jumping horse, so I and my trainer incorporate it into my flatwork often (and it also helps my mare with not just her balance and adjustability, but her brain!). I won’t ever score well in Dressage, and certainly not on my mare, but I know how to ask and get the question answered. The video of LK (granted it’s old) shows - to me - a pretty average beginner AA on a nice horse. What (other than money) would motivate an Olympian BNT to take her on as a client he doesn’t push off to the assistant? I don’t see raw talent in that video - and I am not trying to be mean. I just do not understand why she would be so terribly offended by lessoning with MHG or JH. She looks like a beginner. But again, I don’t ride dressage.

ETA: an not am. Siri! Thumbs!


Yes being funny - in the show they will piece together notes put through a shredder. Sim and SD cards that have been through water still work, etc etc.

With the putting together of where they were with that fight with the phone’s in the pocket, it was all done with computer animation. Of one punching, the other leaning back to try and get out of the way, etc.

It is on TV so it must be true right?


You see correctly. The biggest thing to me is the horse in not even straight. It is cantering with the hindquarters in. This shows rider error at home as well as in the arena. It certainly does not show a champion.


Now in all fairness with a lot of good practice and training with a competent trainer in time a rider can improve.

That being said, the less natural ability you have the harder you have to work.


But at training level, would she know shoulders fore to achieve straightness? Is dressage like H/J where you school higher than you show?

ETA: logically you would, but does it matter if you are not truly straight at that level?


Yes you are correct. That is what I meant by rider error.


And yes straightness matters from the first ride to the last, not just in a test.


Couldn’t agree more! And I failed utterly today with my tricky gal. Tomorrow’s another day. Lol.


It seems to me that Lk has been reported to SS and USEF, by multiple people, on multiple occasions, with multiple complaints.

Any failure on their part, at this point, to take action and/or make sanctions against LK could be seen as a negligence of duty and could open them up for legal repercussions. Additionally, idk if they are self insured or not but their inaction, could be justification for an insurer to back out.