Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

A new thread has been started to discuss the topic of SS in the wake of the Barisone trial, I, myself, have mixed opinions. Good point, perhaps best posted there! See: Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards


erinmeri, I seem to have replied to your post which I did not mean to. This is a general response and not meant towards you at all. My apologies.

Iā€™ve really been hanging around these threads since the shooting mostly to see what would come out in the trial, and now that it is over, I have much more sympathy towards MB based on what came out regarding LK and RGā€™s behavior leading up to the shooting. I respect the juryā€™s decision and I sincerely hope that MB gets the help he needs so that he can someday return to some version of his previous life riding and training horses.

Itā€™s really disturbing to me though that almost everyone on this thread is continuing to speak in such vile terms with regards to LK and her family. Why canā€™t you all just let it go? You are all so horrified by LKā€™s disgusting treatment of others on social media, and yet you spend all day, every day here doing the same thing to her. Do you really feel that you are any better than she is?

I also think itā€™s disgusting that the moderators allow this type of online bullying to continue, especially after they banned LK from being able to defend herself. Not that she was ever successful at that, but still, wtf, who bans someone from participating in online conversations that revolve around completely bashing that same person? A least when LK bullied people on social media, they had the opportunity to respond. The projection with no evidence surrounding the Kanareks that goes on in these threads is really absurd when you consider that the same people who are making up all these ā€œfactsā€ about them are the same people who still believe that MB might not have actually shot LK, and it might have been RG who shot her, or even LK who shot herself.

Donā€™t bother accusing me of being an LK sympathizer, because Iā€™ve already posted how I feel about her behavior. Right now Iā€™m talking about your behavior. You know who you are.


Iā€™ve watched years of Court TV and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen an interview with an attorney who acted anything like he did.


Iā€™ve never watched Court TV until recently, and I still thought his remarks were incredibly ill advised. Especially since he had no official connection to the proceedings. He was strictly an observer in that case, as far as I could tell.

I wonder if that video is going viral in lawyer circles for all the wrong reasons.


I think you and I (and most other people here) know that before the trial played out I also felt the behavior of people here was speculative and gross. It sometimes crosses the line now, but rarely. Now that the trial has confirmed that LK went beyond the pale? Yeah, not so much.

I donā€™t find most of what is said about her abhorrent. She has made herself look worse.

Anything I have said is only to point out her (self-admitted) lies. I donā€™t find that to be bullying,

And who is ā€œmaking up factsā€?


Sorry, I didnā€™t mean to quote you - I donā€™t know how that happened. I added that explanation to the beginning of my post. Again, my apologies I was not speaking to you at all in my post.

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Agree. The Barisone threads should be renamed the ā€œanother chance to bash LKā€ threads.


I appreciate that. And thank you for editing your original post. That said, I canā€™t for the life of me understand why you are choosing this hill to die on. LK proved - in court - that she is an awful human. Rail, as I have, against people throwing her family under a bus. But stop with the rest of it. Just let it go. If you are at any boarding barn similar to any I have been at since I was five years old, you would seriously question her actions after she was asked to leave. Hell, I EFFING FREAK OUT if the ā€œtribeā€ isnā€™t anything but cheery to me on any given Sunday. Maybe thatā€™s my mental illness, maybe thatā€™s me knowing my place. Why wasnā€™t that her reaction? I think the answer says a lot.


Oh. Sorry. Didnā€™t it. Ty!

You reap what you sow.


Whoa there. Iā€™m not dying on any hill. I have already expressed how I feel about LKā€™s behavior - itā€™s abhorrent. Thereā€™s no excuse for it. I donā€™t understand any of the rest of what you are trying to say, but I hope you find a barn that makes you feel safe.

I feel plenty safe at my barn - my point is that when things get ā€œawkwardā€ I freak out. I evaluate MY OWN behavior and that of others and I would consider an exit plan. I thank Christ these brief hullabaloos havenā€™t gotten anywhere near as toxic as we have been shown they got. Even when things were ā€œawkwardā€, I explored options. I evaluated my own behavior. That is what rational adults do.

Edited for clarity.


I think what you may be feeling as LK bashing is really people finally feeling safe enough to come out of the woodwork and expose even more of her nastiness and then the reactions to those posts.


This !


Something I know nothing about is the business plan and the client roster of dressage BNTs.

One factoid I do know is there are only 700 something people world wide who are rated in international FEI dressage, riding in CDIs. A huge chunk of those people are in Europe. There just arenā€™t that many potential clients at that level.

The rest of the dressage riders, both ammie and pro, are in nationally recognized shows where they could be riding anythung from training level to GP. But if you look at the order of go for shows, the vast number of riders, especially ammie, cluster at first and second level.

In other words, itā€™s possible there arenā€™t that many clients to go around. Maybe it makes sense to ā€œgrowā€ apparently promising clients who have the time and cash to devote to the sport.

Unlike hunter/jumper there is not a huge junior component to dressage. Hunters and equitation are structured for junior competition and participation falls off fast among adults.

Dressage relies on adult ammies for clients, and there arenā€™t that many with deep pockets. Thatā€™s my guess.


You might be right if everyone who is making disgusting assumptions and accusations about LK and her family were posting their own actual interactions with her, but they arenā€™t; they are just guessing at what might have happened based on what they want to be true, and LK doesnā€™t even have the ability to defend herself here because sheā€™s been banned. If this was happening to anyone but LK, everyone here would be horrified. Seriously, think about that honestly for a minute.


Moving forward, I would appreciate if you donā€™t even entertain my name at all, I was trying to be nice, but I donā€™t think you understand that concept. Also, my barn is A-OK. Thanks for your concern.


Oh trust me, youā€™ve already been completely forgotten.

Lol. Okay.


Oh Iā€™m sorryā€¦ are we not reacting to our abuser getting a good ole dose of karma in a manner you approve of?

Are we not discussing someone getting their comeuppance properly?

Are we not expressing our happiness with an entire jury seeing what we saw?

What can I say?

I guess you feel she is our target.