Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

You have lost your mind. If you want to private message me and say bat guano stuff, so be it. But you have done lost your mind. Get a I allowed to post screenshots of this wackadoodle’s messages? If so, bring it.


Oh it’s me. erinmeri publicly asked me to stop communicating with her, then she publicly asked me a question. I answered privately out of respect for her request, and now she’s crying about that. My mistake - I should have known not to take the bate.

Tangent land.


LOL what are you even talking about here.

Yes, I did ask you to refrain and you responded by sending an unhinged message. Not sure your goal here?


To us beginner means preliminary, this means you do know how to do a rising trot, you can ride a 20m circle in walk trot and canter, know how to ride straight and how to turn and halt.

This used to be the lowest competition you could enter and as above you should be training at Novice which means walk trot and canter of 15m circles and leg yield.

Nowadays they have walk, trot tests. So that is the lowest.


People, people. Friendly reminder. You get to choose whether you want to respond to other posts. Or just ignore them.



I responded to your public post that you wrote AFTER you asked me to stop talking to you. I’m happy to post the private messages after that if you think they were unhinged, I’m really not sure where you are going here because I have been trying to de-escalate things with you, and you are just amplifying everything, Calm down for crying out loud.

Do you want me to post your unhinged private messages? You sent me quite unnerving private messages that were indolicited. Calm down.


This text by LK is something I would term “vile.” The posts here on COTH, not so much. (Read, not at all). Our definitions of vile obviously vary greatly.

@Knights_Mom Not responding to your post. Just wanting to borrow the LK messages you so kindly shared. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Shall I message them to you?


Agreed. Immaterial and not necessary.

One last time, I will reiterate that through all these threads, most of us simply wanted to have a conversation and follow along with the case as things unravelled and developed and evolved. I was intrigued due to the situation I had gone through. Oh, there were a select few on opposing “sides” who went overboard at times… YD was suddenly LK’s BFF and LK could do no wrong! There were 3 or 4 posters in the early threads who really went after LK - like GJ… but MOST. OF. US. did nothing of the sort - not even when LK repeatedly sailed in and started firing off threats, insults and sneers.

But if you even dared suggest to LK that maybe she should not be posting like that as it would not hep her case, you got “bashed” by the same crowd that complained about bashing… I was lectured in a message about what to post - and if I failed to do that, not to post at all.

To be told now that most of us were as horrid as LK when it comes to using SM to bash someone… is not only completely wrong - it actually seems to be that very kind of bashing.

Most overused and tiresome word of the day: bash/bashing


Oh, then I got deranged PM’s from other people….


Thanks, but I’m thinking I won’t need to quote them again. I feel like I need to bleach my brain after reading them once, so hope to not lay eyes on them again.:grin:



I don’t care what you do, I just don’t understand what your problem is. If you are so unnerved by me, you should probably report me to the moderators. I have no idea what words I used that have made you feel so in fear for your life, but I should probably be made aware of it somehow so that I don’t scare someone else similarly in the future. Thank you in advance for your helping me make sure I don’t accidentally unnerve anyone in a way that is “indolicited” [sic].

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I have no idea what this means.

Oh, excellent!! :clap::clap:

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Full moon is my guess.


My Top 5 Global Elite lawyer will be contacting you in the morning!!! :open_mouth:

This guy:
