Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Thanks for the clarification! That makes sense.

@erinmeri Sorry. Didn’t realize you were referring to a different classification system than the one in the US.

It may be the only reason COTH allows the 10s of thousands of these repetitive and disgusting posts to go on is that it drives their activity numbers up.

I fail to see how all of these obsessive and sometimes delusional posts show support for MB. He attempted to murder someone because he became extremely obsessive and delusional about LK. The defense psychiatrist emphatically testified to that. His obsession was fueled in part by people on social media. There seems to be people on this forum who are more obsessed with LK than MB was, and you see how that ended up for him.

Mr MB is a very mentally unstable man who needs to regain his sanity and rational thinking. He obviously has a long way to go based on his demeanor throughout the trial. If MB were to get on the internet and read comments such as on this forum and all the various chats, don’t you think that would plunge him back into obsessive thinking and paranoia?

There are mentally ill people on this forum and elsewhere on the internet who are getting caught up in this obsessive frenzy about LK. How would you (g) feel if one of them is pushed over the edge and attempts to do what MB did?

Thankfully, Bilinkas has the good sense to direct all correspondence, unsealed so that it can all be screened, to his office from the folks here who want contact with MB. No telling what kind of crazed letters will be written to MB about LK. MB doesn’t need to be hearing more obsessions about LK and RG and their family members.

Also, some of you are delusional if you think MB will be released in 30 days. He’s going to a maximum security psychiatric hospital. You think they are simply going to give him some pills and a few therapy sessions and say he’s good to go in 30 days? He has some very serious mental issues going back to his childhood, per the defense expert witnesses. Do you really believe there are doctors who are going to tell him and agree with him that it’s all LK’s fault that caused his psychotic break?

I’m hoping the best for MB, the verdict was absolutely correct. He needs serious help.



I think it’s ok to discuss LK’s actions that are known to the public and known to he true. If you do something, especially something outrageous, people are going talk. However, I think making memes, critiquing her riding (she didn’t ask), and other mockery is a bit much. I get that whenever you post a video to the web it’s generally available for people to watch, but when you make memes, critique her riding, or mock in other ways, you’re sinking down to her level. Fine to call a spade a spade, but I do think there’s a line there. That’s just my thought on the matter.

As for “bashing” that’s also subjective. If it’s truthful and the person did act that way/said that/did that then I don’t think that’s bashing. The comments about her appearance, riding, and speculations are entering bashing territory. I think commenting about her riding re being FEI ranked (or not) is fair. When someone says they got x score or achieved x ranking, but they didn’t, it’s fair enough to call them out on it. It reeks of Eau de Peronace. I don’t know why people do that with records available online nowadays.

All I’m saying is that it’s fair enough to have some discussion, just don’t sink too low.


I understand she wasn’t national champion. I was simply pointing out the year in which this all took place based on her comment that it was the same year she was reserve NCDCTA champion.

And this thread has attracted people who are not dressage riders. So the lie about being a champion was asked, as that is not what people who do not know anything about dressage should be aspiring to.

It is not a bad critique of her riding. It is the level she is at. It is the lie that she was the champion and another lie that she is an FEI rider. We all start somewhere and dressage is a sport that has to be learned… Hence NP not being able to do it without lessons and claiming to be the World’s Best and he doesn’t understand that just a photograph of his horse without any tack on, is all we need to see to know he is not what he claims.

That horse may be a schoolmaster and be trained higher, however in that video there is no muscling of a higher level horse and the ‘hindquarters in’ is lack of strength from the horse, as well as not being ridden correctly by the rider, which is what happens when you continually don’t show up to lessons, when they have been booked. That is fact for every horse and rider in the world.


I agree. She looks competent at Training Level and it was a pretty average TL test as far as the horse and AA rider are concerned. Not perfect by any means, but not awful either.

To answer your question, @erinmeri most BNTs in dressage rely on exactly this type of client for the base of their business, especially in the Wellington area. Amateur ladies with big bank accounts and a passion for dressage, though not necessarily a lot of talent. They are the bread and butter of a training business. With the exception of a select few really big BNTs, most will have a few pro clients, a couple of talented working students / assistant trainers / young riders, and a number of wealthy amateurs.


If you’re referring to me, I’ve literally posted two screenshots that showcase her behavior. I speak of my experience with her, things I’ve heard about her from friends, and the behaviors she has exhibited to my friends. I literally told everyone who I was on the first thread I posted on.


omgitsme, I would not take these posts personally. This is part of a limited series of tactics that have been used by a group of posters on these threads; they really don’t vary. The ultimate aim is to get threads shut down. The smaller aim is derailing topics. Usually these threads, as this one was, die down on their own. Don’t take this stuff to heart.


True. I haven’t had coffee yet, I blame the lack of caffeine for responding to that one. :sleeping:


Have the trolls gone back in their holes? Yay!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

Happy Sunday to everyone!
:slight_smile::clinking_glasses: :slight_smile:


Thanks - this explains a lot.

@Fiesta01 and @BigMama1 - I wasn’t trying to be harsh. Sorry. I was rather trying to wrap my head around her claims of being a national champion, FEI level rider, etc, and why she would be so offended at being turfed to assistants. But from posts here I guess that it is normal for a lower level ammy to be training with the same head trainer as Olympians in this discipline. She still is neither a national champion, nor an FEI competitor, from what I can see online.


Ohh! When I read that, I realized that Mr. B will be visiting Mike! I know, hes his atty, and they still have a ways to go, but it just seemed so sweet.


It’s definitely good that all letters are being screened.

His mental health treatment plan will certainly be a long haul. Probably life long. Who really knows what his plan will involve, how he will respond to treatment, etc. :woman_shrugging: Some posters have said he will be confined for life. That seems rather dramatic, and detached from the reality of his actual diagnosis, and his 20 year history of seeking out mental health treatment when needed, for depression, anxiety, and lingering challenges from his personal history.

Is it realistic to presume the man will not be back to his previous life for a LONG time? Yes. I doubt anyone will see him at a horse show anytime soon. Might he improve with treatment and be able to step down to a less restrictive environment? Sure. And it seems there are multiple steps that can be taken to less restrictive environments. From the current forensic hospital, to a different state mental health facility where people are committed, to a supervised living situation, to eventual outpatient treatment. There is an initial evaluation period for a reason though. And the rest will unfold on its own timeline, depending on the professional recommendations, and the patient’s response to treatment.

Might as well hope the man can get the treatment he needs, and hope for the best.


I think the biggest reason we keep discussing her posts and behavior because if we stay quiet and ignore it, it’s sending the message it’s okay to post those things. I imagine if she ever sees some repercussion for the things she’s done and put on social media these conversations would die down.


I don’t recall seeing a post on COTH that uses filthy, vile, disgusting language to discuss another person’s private life, all for the purpose of demeaning and embarrassing that person and causing extreme mental anguish. Or that outright threatens someone or hints at “retaliation” toward another person for some real or imagined slight.

Oh, wait. Yes, there have been multiple such posts - by a certain poster who has been banned from these forums and who was just exposed in a court of law as a lying, vindictive psychological predator (and who admitted in court - under OATH! - that she intended to “destroy” MB).

You attempting to equate other posters with that same type of behavior is despicable.




If LK is reading these threads (and really, given her personality how could she not?), I hope she is squirming with rage in her inability to respond with her mean, vile, despicable words. She can “celebrate” with her awful family all she wants, but the reality is the truth is out there, in front of a national TV audience. And the truth is that she is an awful person who came very close to destroying a good man, over — wait for it — horseback riding.


I read that book to pieces as a kid. Still one of my favorites.

“It’s more important to know whether there will be weather than what the weather will be.”

That has much more and darker meaning for me now.

ETA the entire quote with original punctuation - editor approved at the time.

I’m the Whether Man, not the Weather Man, for after all it’s more important to know whether there will be weather than what the weather will be.