Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Hopefully some will learn a lesson from this. Actions have consequences.

I hardly ever post here on coth but I do know if I posted half of what I was thinking I would be booted off. I try to keep my tone civil and focused as to not go over the edge and violate their rules. See how that works? I’m sure you do bc you too operate in a similar fashion. LK can’t seem to understand rules and therefore consequences come into play. We (g) didn’t make the rules, we just follow them.


What is the purpose of posting here? You know the audience. This does not strike me as sincere but as a way to try to manipulate a family’s image.


You have the option to leave this thread, even leave this board if you choose. No one is keeping you here.

Many here feel the need to drive the point home that LK and her ilk are dangerous people. We have not only experienced her behavior first hand, but have now witnessed it in a court of law.

She purposely sought to destroy a man who she knew was in a vulnerable position! “Finish the bastard!”

I, for one, think the entire equine community has a right to know the truth about this women. Her lies, her threats, her manipulations, her bullying, her words.

I would hate to see another trainer, barn owner, boarder, etc. experience what MB has experienced just because LK has decided to wreck their world.

There are repercussions for how we behave in life- both good and bad. If LK’s reprehensible behavior has earned her some negativity, she should be prepared to face the consequences! But, LK has always assumed she is above the consequences!

It must suck to be a 40 plus year old woman who is only just now learning that what comes around goes around!


Sanctimommy is at it again. Quelle surprise.


Happy Easter/Passover!

Personally I think it’s entirely possible that MB comes to peace faster than people expect. It depends on HIM.

He may have such a sense of relief that he might find peace relatively quickly. What he needs I suspect, is a bunch of quiet restorative sleep where he feels safe and that his loved ones are safe.

May everyone find that peace.


This applies to all of us and we all know it. Your entire post is a waste of everyone’s time and I know this without even reading past the part that I quoted.



I’m not sure you watched the same trial as the rest of us, but best wishes with your continued delusions. You can spout your beliefs here all you want, but the rest of us have known the truth for quite a while.


This was interesting to look back on….


I’m only five episodes into this podcast and it’s excellent. Wonder if Mandy would be interested in casting an eye over the LK MB case?


There are oceans of difference between “bashing a victim” within the context of a shooting event and the resulting court case vs. calling out the unacceptable online behaviour of someone who happens to be the victim of said shooting event.

Just because someone is the victim of a shooting doesn’t give them a license to arbitrarily spew venom as they please. It is the right thing to call out inappropriate behaviour, whatever the case.

Secondly, there is a huge difference between what is inappropriate online discourse based on CoTH’s policy and other tests for bad taste or hate speech vs. what one likes or doesn’t like in discussions based on personal opinion. I say to the later when they call for threads to be shut down on that basis…get over it. People have a right to express their opinions within certain constructs, i.e., the rules of this forum.


Healthy debate, discussion and diversity of opinions is the hallmark of a healthy society.


Don’t presume to speak for anyone but yourself. No one is wasting my time except those very few here who continue to justify and make excuses for the egregious behavior of a pathetic middle-aged woman. I don’t know what, if any, your ties are to this person, but maybe you could stop attempting to insult the vast, vast majority of bright, educated (some in the actual law) people here and go do something else with the time you feel is being wasted.




Let’s let her continue to focus on Murdaugh and South Carolina. Clearly it is even in more dire need of examination, introspection, reflection and a thorough clean up than I ever imagined.

But yes, I am very interested in her podcast and I’m not in SC.


Somebody hit up Shonda Rhimes! (200 posts behind again, don’t mind me)


How ironic that people are clutching pearls over LK’s self made reputation and her mom is here wishing us a “Happy Easter.” Lol.


And yet here you are still, and puffing out your chest to show how offended you are!



I’m not a fan of the last episode. It came across as some sort of PR cleanup and rah-rah cheering for Anna. Who is a thief and con artist. The build up to it was so good and then a resounding thud.


Do you feel your daughter has learned anything from all of this?


This is being completely dismissive of other opinions, but to each his/her own. I read the entirety of every post - even if it is one I know I will disagree with. I want to try and understand the viewpoints of others. But I guess that’s just me…

I do not think MB was delusional about LK. He saw her actions and heard her words first hand. He did not make any of it up. It was not a personal delusion that she was out to get him - sadly, it was a fact. Whatever his other issues had been in the past he was obviously handling them and doing well… before the LK situation went south.

It is true that his paranoia and anxiety was likely partially fueled by comments on SM in addition to what he was going through in RL and experiencing LK in real time. The comments on SM that added fuel to the fire - came from LK… how many pages of them? I forget… :confused:

I am not sure how having to deal with a Finish The Bastard kind of person/message is delusional. It was Out There for all to see and hear and read…

I also am hoping for the best for MB - and hope he can rise above this and get help in doing so.

Again - I experienced a perfectly happy, successful barn and business (on a much lower level than MB’s) dissolving into anxiety and chaos at the twisted whims of one person. Lives were forever altered - and one ended in distress and turmoil related to one person’s actions. I know many reading this will roll their eyes and think “there smoofox goes again with this whining” … but situations like that simply cannot be dismissed as if they never happened… or diminished. We learn from it - and move on. But we never forget.