Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Gee mom where was your post when your daughter was disparaging my profession of (at that time) 28 - 29 years of service to the state?

Where everything I’ve done (some noteworthy) was reduced to vacuuming under some lawyers desk?

Where was your indignation then?

Where was your indignation when your unemployed liability demeaned many other types of working people like Burger flippers?

Your outrage is laughable.



Credit: XKCD



Any poster who occupies the niche of criticizing incessant LK bashing is accused of being YD.

Equkelly, Hut-Ho, RND. I haven’t been outright accused of being YD (that I’ve noticed), but I won’t be surprised when it happens.

I agree 100% with RND. (Maybe YD came back as both RND and CH. And Hut-Ho and Equkelly.)

The bashing of LK has gone beyond bashing just the one individual to bashing and mocking her parents. Do you really think parents attempting to support their daughter, with all her flaws, deserve that? I don’t have children, but I can empathize with even Ted Bundy’s mother. Is there a noble purpose in warning the equestrian community away from them?

The anti-LK narrative is that MB was forced against his will and better judgement to take on LK as a client and let her reside in the farmhouse as part of the deal. I have always sincerely puzzled as to how a trainer could be forced to take on a client they didn’t want, and always found it utterly believable that MB solicited LK as a client because he wanted the two horses in training and the possibility of additional horse sales and horses in training.

Lots of posters insist LK take ownership of everything she has done, but some people don’t expect MB to even take ownership of voluntarily taking on LK as a client and voluntarily agreeing to her use of the farmhouse as part of the deal! No! He was forced against his will to let her on the farm when they returned from Florida! Forced by JK!

Then, to support the ridiculous idea that JK somehow “forced” the deal on MB, it is insinuated that since the Kanareks are Jewish and live in NJ, JK maybe/probably had ties to the Jewish mob!

Unless anyone has evidence of that (beyond the family being Jewish and living in NJ), such an insinuation is absolutely disgusting, and certainly worse than fat shaming.

ETA I wrote this in response to a post from 10 hours ago, and have not read the last 10 hours of posts.

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This is the only thing you’ve written on any of the MB/LK threads that I have agreed with. Probably the last thing, too.


No, that is not the anti-LK narrative.


And so?

You all will find that trying to scold us for posting will most likely have the opposite effect than you intended.

Unless this is a purposeful attempt to draw forth our outrage so that aggrieved victim status for LK & Co can then be claimed again.


I agree - that entire sidebar became a bit unnecessary. But that is how threads tend to go… they ebb and flow… deviate and come back on topic. You can point out what you disagree with… and carry on.

When “bashing” is used to criticize 'bashing" - as has been the case - the point of the message seems to be lost.

The old Do As I Say And Not As I Do mantra - that YD embraced - does not really work.


Uh - specific questions were asked on this thread, by me, about WHY precisely MB would have been so intimidated by JK, that he allowed LK to come stay in his farmhouse, without a contract, even though he allegedly didn’t want to.

JK has allegedly been employed by EF Hutton for the entire duration of his career. We took that fact, as well as additional background information concerning RG having made statements to multiple people in the past that if he ever disappeared… folks should look at LK…

And asked if there is something deeper and more nefarious going on, and if the family may be “connected.”

Are you aware of some of the background of EF Hutton? And the ties it had to organized crime? It was the subject of a pretty significant federal investigation, involving multiple indictments.

And… more background on EF Hutton and their ties to organized crime. A book was written on the topic following news of the firms legal problems throughout the 80’s. Other posters have indicated LKs father worked for the firm during the 80’s… :woman_shrugging:

And, the mafia ties to EF Hutton went well beyond the check kiting schemes. The “pizza connection” case involved international money laundering, and bags of cash being brought to the NY office of EF Hutton. The cash was coming from mafia connected pizzerias up and down the east coast, including in NJ, that were being used as fronts for drug trafficking and money laundering.

It’s a pretty famous case.


So sorry to read about your experiences in this industry. After 30 years as a horse boarder, I can imagine how tough it can be for some like you where the drama happens on the property where you live and work incredibly hard. I’m not rolling my eyes, I’m feeling concern for you and others who carry these heavy loads. Hoping you find some peace.

Take care <3


Let me pose a scenario that I am 100% sure could happen, though I obviously don’t know if it’s what happened here.

You are an upper level trainer. You have a farm that has some human accomodations, too.

Client approaches you and says “I have two horses and am looking for a third. I’d like to train full time and am considering going to Florida. If you have room, I can move in as soon as I arrange for housing as I’ll be relocating.”

You say “okay, Ms. Future Client. Here’s my rate sheets and boarding contracts. There’s a barn apartment available temporarily, maybe you would like to stay for a little bit while you decide if our program is a good fit?”

It’s completely not unusual that a new client with several horses might be invited to stay as a guest for some time while their horses are in training. After all, you think this is a well-heeled client who is serious about riding full time.

What happens when they then don’t leave? You’ve inadvertently created a month-to-month tenancy. And now Daddy Lawyer is calling you making things difficult, saying they’ll move out when everyone goes to Florida and she’ll just be training and he’ll make sure she flies right.

And then it doesn’t happen and even though you’ve told her she can’t live in the house because it’s damaged here comes Daddy Lawyer on the phone again. You don’t want to pass the crazy on to any trainers you know and/or like and you can’t recommend the client without hurting your own reputation.

So what do you do, really? I don’t think anyone expects that said client will go completely unhinged but that appears to be what happened here. Maybe you take the wrong approach but it’s not like you’ve had practice with this mess before.


Don’t pull me into your deranged rant. Birds of a feather run together down the same old rabbit hole. Unbelievable !


Do you agree then with Dr Schlesinger who stated there were no delusions, MB was sane, and is faking insanity?

I can agree with you on that. The rest was actually better than I thought it would be though.

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Oh piffle…


In the end, all that matters is what the jury thought.


I’m confused, should he not have been looking for new clients?
That’s what his business has been founded on, for decades.
Helping clients ride better.
Training their horses to be more ridable.

So, you’re saying that if one voluntarily takes on or seeks out a new client, they shouldn’t be upset if or when that client turns out to be ____ (insert description of the mess that LK brought on)?


I would ask this - Do you feel your daughter and husband have learned anything from all this?

Bold and underline by me - Having learned about this man during this whole horrible mess, I am guessing that part will carry more weight than anything else.

I read that as a joke now. YD had perfected not saying anything associated with the truth of the topic all while insisting it was the only thing one should believe. Since YD is gone, people now joke when someone else is trying to do the YD thing to get the thread shut down.


Better question:

Do you think you’re being clever?


Nooo… that is not what I said at all. It was not a delusion (as another poster insisted) that LK was out to get him. It was a fact. LK said as much.

The anxiety and stress of the situation became too much for him - and the events of that day were tragically the last straw. No, he wasn’t rational - as far less self-important professionals than Schlesinger stated. And the jury agreed.


Since it’s been so well documented, had JK been mentioned in any of those books and articles? Where is the basis?

It’s not just the new association of JK with the mob but the continued amateur psychoanalysis of LK projecting your experience with Cluster B onto her.

There is no basis. Others have used other mental health terms again with no basis.

And thanks for the lead on the book. Sounds interesting. If you read it and liked it, you may enjoy The Smartest Guys in the Room about the Enron disaster.

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