Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Are you suggesting that it is totally normal for someone who is mentally healthy and emotionally secure to comport themselves the way the individual in question has?

That it is no indication whatsoever of some sort of problem?


Actually no. Iā€™m confused as to how someone can accept Dr Schlesingerā€™s basis and reject Dr Simringā€™s and Dr Hassonā€™s basis yet then reject Dr Schlesingerā€™s results and accept Dr Simringā€™s and Dr Hassonā€™s. Then again it fits with the cherry picking of information to support a social media lynch mob verdict.


Not at all. Iā€™m saying MB isnā€™t the only person with issues and to choose to give compassion to one and not give compassion to another even with rampant non mental health trained diagnosis and labeling is quite a contradiction.

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Just because someone has issues it doesnā€™t necessarily mean they arenā€™t also a horrible person.


Ummmā€¦ WHAT? I am not cherry picking anything to support whatever conspiracy theory you have created. I was just sharing my opinion that it was NOT a delusion that LK was out to get MB, it was a fact. You know - finish the bastard. A campaign that merrily and gleefully pushed him past the point of despair - and drove him to a final and tragic confrontation.

@Wilbury_Pie - thank you for your kind words.



Gee I guess thatā€™s your burden to bear. No one else (other than LK supporters) has the same confusion and most importantly, the jury didnā€™t.

If your confusion persists and is irksome to you might I suggest taking some night courses in law?


I myself have suggested to LK to seek help on multiple occasions.


I have RND ignored/muted but I gather they are upset that so many are finally speaking up aboud Lauren. Gentle tell RND to return to the beginning threads and read every post. I guarantee they will learn many stories about what Lauren has done to posters here. She is indefensible.


In general, the horse industry seems horrific about NOT calling out bad behaviour. I donā€™t know why, but bad actors, scammers, predators etc seem to get a pass. Why is that? We need to clean up our industry and expect better from all involved - clients and professionals - and stop being afraid of shining a light on bad behaviour, including lying and bullyingā€¦ as long as all that is posted is true.


Bless your :heart_decoration:


This thread has gone so far into The Twilight Zone with these LK FanGirls, I canā€™t even fathom their devotion. Being supportive of someone is one thing but being blind to truth is indeed a horse of a different color.

Just think, once again, if these LK Support Team recruits werenā€™t posting, the thread would be dying down.

I strongly urge folks to Walk On By.


Thank you for these kind thoughts. I hope this horrific experience can be a life-changing event for your family, particularly your daughter. I hope she is inspired to use her energies and strengths for good - to help people and lift them up, rather than always seeking to destroy and tear people down.


Are you serious??? You do realize the disgust for your family now reaches much, much farther than this small horse forum, donā€™t you? That horse has left the gate and I would urge you to concentrate on your family and getting them the help they need to no longer target and victimize so many others. If you are unable to admit to yourself that your family needs serious, long term help, perhaps it would be better if you refrain from all social media. I can guarantee you it will become much, much worse once the civil trial begins. The Kanarek family can no longer attempt to control the narrative. Hate it for you, Kirby. Honestly, I am enjoying the desperation your family is displaying todayā€¦itā€™s what many have experienced for many years because of a Kanarek. Peace be with you.


We can hope this is the case, but the things she has posted since the verdict show she is still the same 'ol LK.


There is no change of behavior and there wonā€™t be one. I base this on LK not even pausing a second before doing the same behavior again in various places on the net.


I think the issue is structural. The ā€œhorse industryā€ is many different disciplines each in its own silo. It is run on a small business model, most trainers are self employed. There is no accreditation or licensing or oversight, and even Safe Sport is very new. And the horse business is historically shady and secretive.

So there often is no way to even publicize the bad actors. For instance I sometimes stumble across FB posts on hay scammers in other provinces, but they could move to a new area and start over agsin because thereā€™s no central data.

Usually problematic trainers have some positive characteristics. They may be initially charming, they may flatter, they may over promise, and be genuinely attracted to the shiny new thing. And the lack of a laddered rider education program means clients can also exxagerate their skills and commitment. Many trainer/client disputes boil down to mismatched expectations, which also involve expenses. Some clients constantly hop between trainers looking for the right match, while others stay too long in the wrong program and grow to resent it.

Anyhow itā€™s a very decentralized unregulated industry based on small business or self employed trainers, itā€™s very private and even secretive about costs and even horse health, it runs on personal relationships and local reputation, and people are very emotionally invested in their luxury pets.

I mean there isnā€™t even a database that shows all the boarding barns in my metro area. Let alone who is training where.

Or a database for farriers showing training and rates. Or indeed any other horse service. You just start where you find yourself and get recommendations from those around you.


I have wondered this myself. We had a local guy who didnā€™t feed his stock, was a known abuser of both people and animals and YET still people went to his place for team pennings, bred to his stallions, allowed him to provide stock for shows etc etc. Turns out he ended up killing his wife.
And of course we had the local men whom no one let alone with the underage.


Aww. The old drama llama. I havenā€™t seen a reference to him in a while.

Maybe he should be named Sidecar to go along with our beloved Sidebar from the NJ state seal in the courtroom.

Then we would be able to say things like, ā€œYou really went for a long spin on Sidecar. Heā€™s probably exhausted.ā€ Lol.


It is also pivotal to note what testimony the jury wished to review again before making their careful decision. It was not the bombastic blathering of Schlesinger (sp?).